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In the Certificates section, you can design Certificates of Attendance for your attendees. The Certificates of Attendance are a summarized report of each session an attendee successfully attended and earned credits. These Certificates are highly customizable similar to how badges can are modified. In this section, you can:
- Design Certificates - In the Design Certificates section, you can view a list of all of your created Certificate designs. You can also create a brand-new design.
- Print Certificates - This section allows you to generate your Certificates in a single PDF file to get them printed. There are many print options for Certificates such as:
- Certificates per Group
- Certificates per Role
- Certificates per Session
- Exclude Attendees with no credit earned
- Only give session credits to attendees who have completed its evaluation survey
- Email Certificates - This section allows you to generate individual emails to each attendee with their Certificate attached as a PDF through Conference Tracker. It includes similar options to the Print Certificates section. When sending, you can customize the email sent out to each attendee containing their PDF Certificate.
Design Certificates
In this section, you'll see a list of all the certificate designs you've created. You can create as many certificate designs as you'd like. To design a new certificate, click the blue Create button. You can give your certificate design a name and a short description.
These options will appear on the right side of your certificates once you have created at least one:
- Design: This will take you to the certificate designer for the certificate. If this is your first time designing a certificate, it will have you select a templates page where you can choose a basic design.
- Copy: This allows you to clone the certificate selected.
- Print: This will take you to the print options to select from your certificate designs.
- Email: This will take you to the email option using your certificate designs.
- Delete: This will remove the certificate from the list.
Design Your Certificate
This is where you can fully customize your Attendees' certificates or just choose from several preset templates. When you first press the blue Create button to create a new certificate, you will be shown a selection of different templates for you to use. These are great starting points for your certificate building. You can choose to not use a template as well by clicking on the Show Certificate Designer button at the top of this page.
Once you have picked a starting template, you will be taken to the Certificate Designer page. You will see a few different sections on this page, but your main work area will be the Design your Certificate, which works like a canvas. Here, you will see a live representation of what your certificate will look like. Anything added or edited will be managed through this section of the screen.
The next section we will be covering will be the Toolbox, which appears on the right of the Certificate Designer. The toolbox allows you to add fields and images to your Certificate. You will be able to add:
- Text: Create a box in your certificate where you can enter text. You can also use keywords on these textboxes to pull data from your account. (More information about keywords can be found below.)
- Image: This will allow you to insert an image into your certificate.
- User Photo: This will add a user's profile photo. The user must have a profile photo uploaded to their account.
There are 4 options you can do when you have any of the above items (images, text boxes, etc.) selected.
- Move: To do this click anywhere on the item. Once the item has the focus then you can click and drag it anywhere on the canvas.
- Resize: To do this, simply click and drag on any of the edges of the field box. When you hover over any of these edges, your mouse cursor will change to an arrow shape.
- Copy: By clicking on any of the fields in your canvas, you will see two buttons pop up towards the right end of the field. The first button will be your Copy button. Clicking on this button will copy your chosen field box as a new field.
- Remove: By clicking on any of the fields in your canvas, you will see two icons pop up towards the right end of the field. The second button will be the red Remove button. Clicking on this button will delete your chosen field box.
As mentioned earlier, the Text box field can accept different keywords to help you maximize your Certificate efficiency. These keywords can pull data from your conferences, such as Attendee Names or Conference Dates. Here is a list of accepted keywords:
- User Keywords
- $FirstName$, $LastName$, or $FullName$: Displays the name of the Attendee.
- $Title$ & $Company$: Displays the Position and Company Name of the Attendee.
- $PhoneNumber$, $Email$, $StreetAddress$, $City$, $State$, & $ZipCode$: Displays additional information about the attendee.
- $UserCustomFieldN$: (N=1-5) Displays the custom fields you uploaded or entered for each attendee.
- $Sessions$: Displays a list of all workshops this attendee went to at this conference.
- $Credits$: Shows the total number of credits the Attendee received.
- $AttendanceMinutes$: Shows the total number of minutes an attendee has been in sessions for.
- Conference Keywords
- $Conference$: Displays the name of the Conference.
- $Date$: Display the date the certificate was earned.
You can also use basic operations on your transcripts using Text Fields. You can begin writing an expression with ${ and $} to end it. The operations you can use are:
- SUM: Addition
- SUB: Subtraction
- MUL: Multiplication
- DIV: Division
For example, the expression 3 + 2 would be translated to ${ SUM(3,2) $}. You can group expressions as well, so (4 - 2) * (3 / 3) would be ${ MUL( SUB(4,2), DIV(3,3)) $}. It is also possible to use keywords in combination with these expressions. The expression ${ DIV($AttendanceMinutes$, 60) $} will return the number of minutes an attendee has been in a session divided by 60. You can only use keywords in expressions if the keyword uses a number.
After entering the expression, the textbox will display the answer to the expression on the transcript when they are printed.
Certificate Settings
Under the Toolbox section, you will find the Certificate Settings. This section includes general settings for your certificate, such as:
- Size and Orientation: This setting will allow you to change the size and orientation of your certificate that will be generated.
- Background Color: This will change the color of the background of your certificate. If you have an image as your background or choose one of our templates, this will not change anything on your certificate. You would have to remove your background image/template image to take advantage of this option.
- Background Image: This will add a background image to your certificate. If you chose one of our templates, the background design will be a background image and will show in this setting. You can upload any image from your computer as a background image by clicking the Upload button, or you can remove any placed image by clicking the Remove button.
Selected Control
Under your canvas, you will see a section titled Selected Control. This section shows which field on your canvas you currently have selected. Below this section, you will see extra settings that specifically tie to your chosen field box. To change which field box you have selected, you can either click on any of the field boxes on your canvas or choose from the drop-down menu in the Selected Control section.
As previously mentioned, each field box has extra settings that pertain to that field only:
- Text Box Settings:
- Text: This setting will allow you to change what is shown in your Text Box. You can use plain text, keywords, or basic operations in this setting.
- Font Size: This will change the size of the text displayed in your Text Box.
- Font: This will change the type of font displayed in your Text Box.
- Text Alignment: This setting will allow you to choose a different alignment style for the text displayed in your Text Box. You can choose it to be aligned to the left side of the Text Box, the right side of the Text Box, or centered.
- Font Color: This setting will change the color of the text displayed in your Text Box.
- Background Color: This setting will change the background color of your Text Box. You can also press the Make Transparent button below this setting to make the background color transparent.
- Text Wrapping: This allows you to change the way the text behaves with other objects. You can select between displaying the text in Multiple Lines or to Shrink to Fit Size
- Style: With this setting, you can toggle your text to be Bold, Italic, or Underlined.
- Image Settings:
- Upload: The Upload button allows you to upload an image from your computer to be used in this Image Box.
- Remove: The Remove button allows you to delete the image you have uploaded. The Image Box will remain, just the image itself will be cleared out.
Finalize the design
Be sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page when done editing!
Set the Defaults used per Role
This option is found on the Certificates > Design Certificates section of the main menu and then clicking on the Set Defaults button. Once there you can see a list of all the Roles in Conference Tracker. Each role can then have a Design Template applied so that when you or they (using the Attendee app) print or email these to the users the system knows what certificate each role should have. Here is an example:
Print Certificates
Now that you have successfully created your Certificate design, you can choose to generate and print the Certificates for your Attendees. You can access this section on the left-hand Navigation Menu, under Certificates → Print Certificates.
Here, you will be presented with some general settings on how you would like to print your Certificates. They are as follows:
- The first setting you will see is the Design Picker. This drop-down menu allows you to pick any of your Certificate designs. This comes in handy if you have created multiple designs for different purposes.
- After this, you will see two tabs. One is labeled All Certificates, and the other is labeled Specific Certificates.
- All Certificates: Under the All Certificates Tab, you will be able to generate Reports for every Attendee from your Conference. You are also given a few filters if you would like to generate more specific certificates. The filters are:
- Members of Group: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for members of your chosen group.
- Users with Roles: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for users with your chosen role. You can also choose multiple roles. After typing your first role name and choosing it, you can continue typing to add another role.
- Users who Attended a Session: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for users who attended a specific session.
- Exclude Attendees with No Credits Earned: This filter will exclude attendees who did not earn any credits, so as to not waste a blank certificate.
- Only Give Credit to a Session if the Attendee Completes its Evaluation Survey: This filter works only if you have set up Evaluation Surveys. If turned on, Attendees who have not completed a session's evaluation survey will not receive credit for that session.
- Note: If you leave all of these filters blank and press the Generate button, you will generate Certificates for every single user in your Conference.
- Specific Certificates: Under the Specific Certificates tab, you can choose to generate Certificates for specific users. You can use the text box here to add any user from your Conference. You can also add multiple users by continuing to type once you have selected one user.
- Once you are done with your choices, you can click on the blue Generate button to generate Certificates with your chosen settings. Your Certificates will generate at the bottom of this section, and they will all be included in one PDF file that you can download and print.
E-mail Certificates
You can also choose to email your certificates to each Attendee instead of printing them. You can access this section on the left-hand Navigation Menu, under Certificates → Email Certificates. Here, you will see similar settings as the ones presented to you in the Print Certificates section. They are as follows:
- The first setting you will see is the Design Picker. This drop-down menu allows you to pick any of your Certificate designs. This comes in handy if you have created multiple designs for different purposes.
- After this, you will see two tabs. One is labeled All Certificates, and the other is labeled Specific Certificates.
- All Certificates: Under the All Certificates Tab, you will be able to generate Certificates for every Attendee from your Conference. You are also given a few filters if you would like to generate more specific certificates. The filters are:
- Members of Group: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for members of your chosen group.
- Users with Roles: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for users with your chosen role. You can also choose multiple roles. After typing your first role name and choosing it, you can continue typing to add another role.
- Users who Attended a Session: This filter will allow you to only generate Certificates for users who attended a specific session.
- Exclude Attendees with No Credits Earned: This filter will exclude attendees who did not earn any credits, so as to not waste a blank certificate.
- Only Give Credit to a Session if the Attendee Completes its Evaluation Survey: This filter works only if you have set up Evaluation Surveys. If turned on, Attendees who have not completed a session's evaluation survey will not receive credit for that session.
- Note: If you leave all of these filters blank and press the Generate button, you will generate Certificates for every single user in your Conference.
- Specific Certificates: Under the Specific Certificates tab, you can choose to print Certificates for specific users. You can use the text box here to add any user from your Conference. You can also add multiple users by continuing to type once you have selected one user.
- Once you are done with your choices, you can click on the blue Generate button to generate Certificates with your chosen settings. You will then see a list of individually generated certificates, divided per attendee. You can view each one of these Certificates to ensure they are correct before emailing them.
- Once you have generated your Certificates, you will then be shown a new section at the bottom of the page: the Email section. Here, you can edit the email that will be sent out to each Attendee. The Certificate will be accessible via a link on the email. You will be able to personalize the From section, what email they can reply to, the Subject of the email, and the body of the email. You can also use two keywords on this email: $Name$, for the Attendee's name, and $Link$, which will give each attendee their personalized link to access their Certificate.
- After editing your email, you can click on the Email Certificates button at the bottom of the screen to send your emails to your Attendees.
The Certificates will not be attached to the email but instead, have a link to download them. Ensure that the $Link$ remains as part of the email message so they can get the Certificate.
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