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Advanced Options
The Advanced Options section provides you with additional settings, features, and information to maximize your Conference Tracker experience. You can both import data to and export data from your conference, edit payment options, and much more! Here are the features included in this section:
- Import Data - The Import Data section allows you to import CSV files in order to expedite your conference setup. You can import your Attendees, Exhibitors, Administrators, Sessions, Groups, and much more! This section will show you how the importing process works and will provide you with examples on how to achieve this.
- Export Data - With our Exports, we allow you to download all the information saved in your account. Exports include attendance logs, attendee information, survey/poll responses, and much more! Exports can be downloaded in a variety of formats.
- Discount Coupons - In the Discount Coupons section, you can create coupons to give your attendees in order to provide them with discounts to your conferences. Coupons can be highly customized, letting you set expiration dates, number of usages, and who is allowed to use it.
- Email Delivery Logs - If you have used Conference Tracker to send any emails to your Conference guests/staff, you can go to the Email Delivery Logs section in order to confirm if those emails were sent out.
- Staff Messaging - The Staff Messaging section allows you to send a message to your staff. They will receive this message through their Conference Tracker app on their phones. You can choose to send a message to all staff members, or a specific member.
- Devices - The Devices section shows you a list of staff member's devices that are currently logged into the Conference Tracker app. This allows you to verify that all devices are working properly while tracking sessions. You can also choose to message any devices to alert the user of any news or updates.
- User Sessions - The User Sessions section allows you to view all successful sign-ins to either our Conference Tracker website or any of our Conference Apps. This allows you to verify that users have successfully signed in to their appropriate apps. You can also clear out any old logins in case any users are having issues signing into their accounts.
- Settings - The Settings section provides more advanced settings for you to maximize your conference functionality. You can alter conference fees, change payment methods, configure Leads and Attendee app settings, and much more!
Import Data
This is where you go to import your data for the conference. You will need to create CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files in order to import data, which we will go over below. Data you can import includes:
- Administrators, Exhibitor Administrators, Exhibitor Representatives, Operators, Presenters, Moderators, Attendees, Companies, Tracks, Sessions, Session Registrations, Session Presenters, Session Tracks, User Groups, User Groups Members
Learn more about importing your Attendees, Sessions/Workshops, and everything else to quickly get started below.
File Format
Only Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) files are supported for Conference Tracker imports. This format is broadly supported by many applications including Microsoft Excel; it also can be created using any simple text editor (such as notepad). In the first line of the file, the headers must be included (check the list of valid headers below) with commas separating each of the columns you want to include followed by the data/records separating each column by a comma. In the case you need to have a comma in the some of the data/records itself, you can prevent upload and file formatting errors by enclosing the full value in double-quotes.
To make it as simple as possible we have defined an import sample for each type of import for you to follow. By creating a file, as explained below, you can directly upload the file to Conference Tracker so it can validate it and get your conference information ready for use in the system.
Administrators, Operators, Presenters, and Moderators Import
These users will be added to the system from this type of import and this is a quick definition of their role:
- Administrators - This User type is the one that configures all the settings, import/export data, and runs the conference. They have the highest level of permissions on a Conference Tracker account.
- Operators - This User type is the one that helps scan attendees, input onsite registrants (Attendees), and can print badges/QR labels. These Users have limited access to the system and are typically your volunteers/members helping at the conference.
- Presenters - This User type is the one that will be the speaker at a session. This user is only imported typically to generate a special badge for them.
- Moderators - This User type has the ability to delete messages on the Attendee app and use the Moderate Messages function on the Conference Tracker website.
Admin/Operator/Presenter/Moderator Import Valid Headers
To import Administrators, Operators, Presenters and Moderators you need to specify the following headers:
- FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, Email
Note: The Middle Initial field can be blank but it must be a part of the document!
- City, State, Address, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Title, Bio, Company, CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3, CustomField4, CustomField5
Optional but helpful to provide information if using Conference Leads or the Attendee App:
- CompanyDescription, CompanyEmail, CompanyPhoneNumber, CompanyStreetAddress, CompanyCity, CompanyState, CompanyZipCode, CompanyContactFirstName, CompanyContactMiddleName, CompanyContactLastName, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.
Companies Import
These Companies will be added to the system from this type of import. This is useful if you know the Exhibiting Companies attending, but not the Representatives.
Company Import Valid Headers
To import Companies you need to specify the following headers:
- Company
Optional but helpful to provide information if using Conference Leads:
- CompanyDescription, SponsorLevel, MaxReps, MaxLicenses, MaxPushAds, MaxPosts.
Exhibitor Admin/Reps Import
These users will be added to the system from this type of import and this is a quick definition of their role:
- Exhibitor Administrators - This User type is the one that configures the Conference Leads custom qualifying questions, can perform a random drawing from leads collected, and can manage the Exhibitor Reps for their company. They have no access to your Conference Tracker account and only see the (Attendee) leads information they or their reps capture.
- Exhibitor Representatives - This User type is the one that helps scan attendees at the exhibitor booths, use the Conference Leads app (if purchased a license), and e-mail leads to themselves. They have no access to your Conference Tracker account and only the (Attendee) leads information they capture.
Exhibitors Import Valid Headers
To import Exhibitor Administrators or Exhibitor Representatives you need to specify the following headers:
- FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, Email, Company
Note: The Middle Initial field can be blank but it must be a part of the document!
- CompanyBooth, CompanyWebsite,City, State, Address, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Title, Bio, CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3, CustomField4, CustomField5
Optional but helpful to provide information if using Conference Leads or the Attendee App:
- CompanyDescription, CompanyEmail, CompanyPhoneNumber, CompanyStreetAddress, CompanyCity, CompanyState, CompanyZipCode, CompanyContactFirstName, CompanyContactMiddleName, CompanyContactLastName, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LeadsEnabled.
Attendees Import
This import is for Attendees which are required to track attendance at your conference and are the people who will be attending.
Attendee Import Valid Headers
To import Attendees, you need to specify the following headers:
- FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, Email
Note: The Middle Initial field can be blank but it must be a part of the document!
- CardNumber, City, State, Address, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Title, Bio, Company, CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3, CustomField4, CustomField5
Optional but helpful to provide information if using Conference Leads or the Attendee App:
- CompanyDescription, CompanyEmail, CompanyPhoneNumber, CompanyStreetAddress, CompanyCity, CompanyState, CompanyZipCode, CompanyContactFirstName, CompanyContactMiddleName, CompanyContactLastName, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.
Tracks Import
Name | Description | Color |
“Sports Track” | “This is the track that includes all the sports sessions” | #FF0000 |
“Literature Track” | “This is the track that includes all the literature sessions” | #00FF00 |
“Wellness Track” | “This is the track that includes all the wellness sessions” | #0000FF |
Tracks Import Valid Headers
Sessions/Workshops Import
These are the Sessions or Workshops that your Attendees will have their attendance recorded in using Conference Tracker.
As an example, you might currently in your offices in New York City, but if the conference will take place in San Francisco, then you should select “(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)”.
Workshop/Session Import Valid Headers
To import Workshops/Sessions, you need to specify the following headers:
- Name, StartTime, EndTime, Room
- Description, Credits, Capacity, Fee, RequiresSignOut, RequiredPresencePctg, RequiredPresenceMinutes, OnlineRegistration, CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3, CustomField4, CustomField5, AttendanceMode, StreamingUrl, StreamingEmbedded.
Sessions/Workshops Registration Import
Only use this import if you want to exclude non-registered Attendees from being able to sign-in or attend a Workshop/Session. We only use Session Registration if they must be registered to a Workshop in order to attend as anyone else who tries to sign-in to the Session will be rejected.
Session Registration Import Valid Headers
To import Session/Workshop Registration, you need to specify the following headers:
- Session, Email
Session Tracks
Session | Track |
Faster Design Decisions with Style Tiles | Literature Track |
Faster Design Decisions with Style Tiles | Sports Track |
Styles of Redesign | Literature Track |
Rolling Up Our Responsive Sleeves | Wellness Track |
Session Tracks Valid Headers
User Groups Import
This import is optional, but allows you to create User Groups used for Badge/Certificate/CEU Report printing and emailing, export filtering, and more.
User Groups Import Valid Headers
To import User Groups, you need to specify the following headers:
- Name
- Description
User Group Members Import
This import is optional but allows you to assign Attendees to groups for Badge/Certificate/CEU Report printing and emailing, export filtering, and more.
User Groups Members Import Valid Headers
To import User Groups Members, you need to specify the following headers:
- GroupName, Email
Importing your CSV Files
Once you've got the CSV files prepared and ready, let's move on to uploading your files. To import the CSV file you created:
- Choose what you would like to import from the Drop-Down menu
- Press the blue Upload a File button
- You will be presented with a Browse window. Search for your CSV file here and press the Open button.
- Your CSV file will automatically start uploading!
You will see a status window towards the bottom of this section. It will alert you of each step of the process and if there were any errors encountered. Once it completes, it will let you know and your data will be updated to your account successfully!
Troubleshooting Import Files
These are the possible error messages that you may receive trying to import your CSV files and possible solutions to fix them.
There's already another user in the system with the same email address.
REASON: This error is caused by duplicate e-mails in any of the User (Admin, Attendee, etc.) CSV import files. This can also happen if there are blank e-mails in the file.
FIX: Every User needs a unique e-mail in Conference Tracker. If you don't have an e-mail for the Attendee it is best practice to use a temporary fake e-mail in a format like “” However if they will not be scanning into Sessions/Workshops then simply delete their record in the Attendee CSV import file.
Headers not Valid in Import File.
REASON: Check the corresponding Valid Headers Section above to make sure that the Header row in the file is using the exact headers described. Many issues occur when you accidentally add spaces to the headings as this is the normal way you would read them.
FIX: Simply recheck and update any headers in the CSV import file to match what is required above.
There are multiple users with the same card.
REASON: When the import CSV file has a row duplicated (at least for the card number)
FIX: Use MS Excel's Find & Remove Duplicates option or the MS Excel Conditional formatting > Highlight Cells that are duplicates option to isolate and/or remove these rows.
There are users with no email address (Please add a bogus address at least).
REASON: Blank Email for some users being imported.
FIX: It is best practice to use a temporary fake e-mail in a format like “” if you do not have an e-mail for someone you are trying to import or find-out their real e-mail as you'll be able to use e-mail heavily during the conference.
There are Exhibitors with no company specified (This field is mandatory for this type of user).
REASON: Exhibitor's Company field is blank and this is a required field on their record.
FIX: Review the import CSV file and fill-out the Company information for each Exhibitor.
There are multiple users with the same email address.
REASON: This is a similar issue to the “multiple cards error” as there are multiple users using the same e-mail address. Since e-mail is used heavily in Conference Tracker this is considered every user's primary key. This means all e-mail addresses must be unique even if they all typically use a company shared e-mail address.
FIX: Make sure that the data is not corrupted meaning each user has their proper e-mail address (multiple people were using the same e-mail). It is best practice to use a temporary fake e-mail in a format like “” if you do not have an e-mail for someone you are trying to import or find-out their real e-mail as you'll be able to use e-mail heavily during the conference.
There are duplicated workshops in the file
REASON: The Name of the session is duplicated in the file
FIX: This means you need to adjust the names of the workshops so they are all unique. A good way to correct this would be to simply add the day/date and/or start time on the end of the workshop names.
Workshops have to start and end in the same date
REASON: Conference Tracker does not track sessions lasting multiple days.
FIX: Typically this is a mistake in the date/time but if you are having a session lasting several days simply break it up into multiple sessions for each day it occurs for as many hours you are open for that workshop/session.
RequiredPresencePctg field can only be set to nothing or a number between 1 and 100
REASON: This means you forgot to add at least a number between 1 and 100 in the RequiredPresencePctg field. Or you included the percent symbol which is not required.
FIX: You set the workshop to require Attendees to sign-out but did not specify the percentage of time (1% through 100% of the session) in the RequiredPresencePctg field. If you do not require them to sign-out of the workshop please leave this field blank or if no workshops require sign-out then exclude the column from the import.
DataType mismatch VarChar not Recognized.
REASON: This typically is if you try to upload a file that requires a date/time field. It can also happen when the fields are too long being imported. However, if the dates in your import file look good then you may be trying to import too many characters for a field.
FIX: This means you must use the time format specified in the above sections like this “MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM” in military time so it understands this information. This can also happen if you accidentally leave the date/time field blank on even a single record. If that does not work it may be the length of the fields are too large. Below is a table of acceptable field lengths for all the imports:
User (Admins/Operators/Presenters/Moderators/Exhibitors/Attendee) Imports
Column Header | Type/Max # Chars | Required/Primary Key |
FirstName | 70 | Required |
MiddleInitial | 30 | Required (Can be blank) |
LastName | 70 | Required |
255 | Required/Primary Key | |
CardNumber | 100 | Optional |
Address | 255 | Optional |
City | 80 | Optional |
State | 80 | Optional |
ZipCode | 30 | Optional |
PhoneNumber | 50 | Optional |
Title | 100 | Optional |
Company | 300 | (Required for Exhibitors) |
CompanyDescription | 2000 | Optional |
CompanyEmail | 255 | Optional |
CompanyPhoneNumber | 50 | Optional |
CompanyStreetAddress | 255 | Optional |
CompanyCity | 80 | Optional |
CompanyState | 80 | Optional |
CompanyZipCode | 30 | Optional |
CompanyContactFirstName | 70 | Optional |
CompanyContactMiddleName | 30 | Optional |
CompanyContactLastName | 70 | Optional |
CompanyBooth | 20 | Optional |
CompanyWebsite | 500 | Optional |
CustomField1 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField2 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField3 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField4 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField5 | 250 | Optional |
Session/Workshop Imports
Column Header | Type/Max # Chars | Required/Primary Key |
Name | 150 | Required/Primary Key |
StartTime | date/time | Required |
EndTime | date/time | Required |
Room | 100 | Required |
Speakers | 255 | Optional |
Credits | decimal | Optional |
RequiresSignOut | boolean (Yes/No) | Optional |
RequiredPresencePctg | integer | Optional |
Description | 1000 | Optional |
Capacity | integer | Optional |
Fee | decimal | Optional |
CustomField1 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField2 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField3 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField4 | 250 | Optional |
CustomField5 | 250 | Optional |
Export Data
Here at Conference Tracker, our policy is quite simple: Your data is yours. You can be sure of that. We allow users to download all the information saved in their accounts, including the attendance logs recorded, the attendee's info and everything else you put in our system.
In the Export Data section, you can export any of this data in the following three formats: CSV, HTML, or Excel Spreadsheet. To do this, click on any of the blue Download buttons next to the type of data you would like to download. Within a few seconds, it will generate a file for you and the blue button will change into a green View File button . Clicking on this button will begin the file download.
Below, you can find a list of all of the types of data you can download from Conference Tracker, as well as what each of them contains.
This export is a complete list of all of the Attendees that have been added to your conference either manually, via import, or through the registration process. Here is the information included in this export:
First Name| Middle Initial| Last Name | Email | Card Number | Phone Number | Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company | CustomField1 | CustomField2 | CustomField3 | CustomField4 | CustomField5
This export offers a list of each Group you have created in your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Group Name | Group Description
Group Members
This export offers a list of each Group you have created, along with each member of those Groups. Here is the information included in this export:
Group Name | Group Description | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email
Attendees incl. Reg Info
This export is a complete list of all of the Attendees that have been added to your conference either manually, via import, or through the registration process. It also includes information completed if they registered through the online registration form, along with any additional custom fields you may have added. Here is the information included in this export:
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Card Number | Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company | CustomField1 | CustomField2 | CustomField3 | CustomField4 | CustomField5 | Custom Registration Fields
This export is a complete list of all of the Operators that help scan attendees at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
First Name | Middle Initial | Last Name | Email
This export is a complete list of all of the Presenters that taught or shared information at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email
Exhibitor Representatives
This export is a complete list of all of the Exhibitor Representatives that may be using Conference Leads at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Company | First Name | Middle Initial | Last Name | Email | Conference Leads Enabled?
Exhibitor Administrators
This export is a complete list of all of the Exhibitor Administrators that may be using Conference Leads at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Company | First Name | Middle Initial | Last Name | Email | Conference Leads Enabled?
This export is a complete list of all of the Exhibiting Companies at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Company | CompanyDescription | SponsorLevel | MaxReps | MaxLicenses | MaxPushAds | MaxPosts | CompanyBooth | CompanyEmail | CompanyPhoneNumber | CompanyStreetAddress | CompanyCity | CompanyState | CompanyZipCode | CompanyContactFirstName | CompanyContactMiddleName | CompanyContactLastName
Cards / ID Numbers
This export is a complete list of all of the Card Numbers showing the Attendees that have been assigned to the cards either manually or via import. These are the fields that are shown in this export:
Card Number | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company
This export is a list of all the Workshops/Sessions that occurred at you conference. Here are the fields that are shown in this export:
Workshop Name | Start Time | End Time | Credits | Speakers | Room | Requires Sign Out | Required Presence Percentage | CustomField1 | CustomField2 | CustomField3 | CustomField4 | CustomField5
This export is a complete list of all of the Leads collected for the Exhibitors using Conference Leads at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Date | Exhibitor First Name | Exhibitor Middle Name | Exhibitor Last Name | Exhibiting Company | Lead First Name | Lead Middle Name | Lead Last Name | Email | Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company | Notes | Custom Leads Questions
Raw Swipes
This export is all the Attendance Swipes information collected while the Attendees were scanned into their Sessions/Workshops at your conference. Here is the information included in this export:
Type | Time | Device | Card Number | Room | Workshop | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Status
Attendance Logs
This export is all the Attendance Logs information collected while the Attendees were scanned into their Sessions/Workshops at your conference. The Attendance Logs are only showing the first time in and last time out of each Workshop/Session (i.e. one record per workshop). Here is the information included in this export:
Date | Workshop | Status | Total Minutes | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company | Card Number | Credits | Custom User Fields | Custom Workshop Fields
Attendance Logs (with details)
This export is all the Attendance Logs information collected while the Attendees were scanned into their Sessions/Workshops at your conference. The Attendance Logs are showing (multiple lines per session) all the times the attendee swiped in and out of each Workshop/Session. Here is the information included in this export:
Workshop | Room | Status | Total Minutes | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Card Number | Credits | Sign-In Time | Sign-Out Time
Check-In Logs
This export shows a list of all Attendees that have Checked-in. Here is the information included in this export:
Email | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Date | Notes
Attendees with no Check-In
This export shows a list of all Attendees that have not Checked-in. Here is the information included in this export:
First Name | MiddleInitial | Last Name | Email | CardNumber | PhoneNumber | Address | City | State | ZipCode | Title | Company | Facebook | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram | CustomField1 | CustomField2 | CustomField3 | CustomField4 | CustomField5
Conference Registrations
This is all the Answers for the Questions in the Attendees Online Registration Form that have completed when the Attendee registered through the online registration form or onsite (using the online registration form). Due to the customizable nature of the Attendee Online Registration Form this is only an example of the possible information included in this export (if the default fields are left intact):
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Home Address | City | State | Zip Code | Phone Number | Email | Custom Registration Fields
Sessions Registrations
This export is a summary of all the Sessions/Workshops and the Attendees that are registered to them through the Attendee Online Registration From, enrolled via import, or manually registered in Conference Tracker. Here is the information included in this export:
Workshop Name | Start Time | End Time | Credits | Speakers | Room | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Phone Number | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code | Title | Company
# of Sign-Ins per Session
This is one of the Conference Analytics exports in which it displays the total number of Sign-ins for each of the Sessions/Workshops. Here is what fields are included in this export:
Workshop Name | Start Time | End Time | Credits | Speakers | Room | # Of Sign-Ins
# of Attendees per Session
This is one of the Conference Analytics exports in which it displays the total number of Attendees for each of the Sessions/Workshops. Here is what fields are included in this export:
Workshop Name | Start Time | End Time | Credits | Speakers | Room | # of Attendees
Leads App Users
This report shows you every Exhibitor Administrator and Exhibitor Representative that have purchased and used the Conference Leads app. This report includes the following information:
Company | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Leads Role | License Fee
Ad Views
This report shows you every person who clicked on a posted Ad. This report includes the following information:
Company Ad | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Email | Viewed | Clicked
Ad Views Summary
This report shows you a summary of how many times each Ad was interacted with. This report includes the following information:
Company Ad | Views | Clicks
Prize Wheel Winners
This report shows you every who participated in an Exhibitors Prize Wheel Drawing. This report includes the following information:
Date| User | Game | Game Type | Company Prize
Attendee Invoices Sent
This report shows you every Invoice Sent to Attendees and their status. This report includes the following information:
First Name | Last Name | Email | Company | InvoiceNumber | Date | Amount | Status
Exhibitor Invoices Sent
This report shows you every Invoice Sent to Exhibitors and their status. This report includes the following information:
First Name | Last Name | Email | Company | InvoiceNumber | Date | Amount | Status
Attendance Log Reports
Under the list of main Exports you can download, you will see a header titled Attendance Logs Reports. These reports will group your Attendance Logs by attendee, taking advantage of Excel specific features. Due to this, the reports found in this section are only offered in Excel format.
If you have used any Custom Session Fields for your Sessions, you will also be able to download Attendance Logs Reports grouped by both attendee and each Custom Session Field used.
Discount Coupons
This section allows you to create discount coupons to distribute to your attendees. The discount coupon can reduce the price of registration by any amount you want and can be a flat amount or a percentage. This is great to use if you have any VIP companies or attendees visiting your conference. The discount coupons will be in the form of a code and registrants will be able to enter it upon checking out after completing our online registration form.
You can create a new coupon by clicking on Create Coupon. You will have these options for creating a new coupon (* = Required):
- Name*: This is the name of your coupon. This is for your reference only, so your registrants will not be able to see this name.
- Description: This is the description of your coupon. This is for your reference only, so your registrants will not be able to see this description.
- Code*: This is the code that the registrant will use to activate the discount. You can put any combination of alphanumeric characters here. It's recommended that you randomly generate one and enter it here.
- Type*: This is the type of discount. You can use the drop-down menu to specify whether the discount will be a flat amount ( Amount), percentage (Percentage), or a fixed price (Fixed Price).
- Value*: This is the value of the coupon. You can set it to any value between 1 and 100.
- Valid for*: This is where you designate what type of registrant can use the coupon. From the drop-down menu, you can have the coupon be valid for All Users, only Attendees, only Exhibitors, or for Specific People.
- Valid up to: This is where you can set how many times the coupon code can be used. When set, the amount will automatically decrease each time it is entered and validated during checkout.
- Emails*: For the Specific People coupon type, you can specify the people who can use this code by typing in their Emails or by importing a list of Emails via a .csv file. There is an example file available for download on the page as well.
- Expiration Date: This is where you can set when the coupon will expire. The coupon will be usable until the date specified here.
After you are satisfied with your settings, click Save Changes to finish creating your coupon. It will appear in the main list, along with any other coupons you create.
Email Delivery Logs
Whenever you send out certificates, badges or CEU reports by email, Conference Tracker will record a log of this event happening. In order to view these logs, you can visit this section. This will help you confirm that your email through Conference Tracker did get sent out. You will also be able to view logs of any Email Broadcasts you have sent through Conference Tracker. It will show the time and date of the email sent, the recipient, the type, and the subject of the email.
You are able to filter the logs using these options:
- User / Email: Search for an email sent to a specific user or email address in this text field.
- Type: Select the type of email you want to be displayed here. Using the drop-down menu, you can select from the following filters:
- Any
- General
- Contact Notification
- Badge
- Invoice
- Certificate
- CEU Report
- Broadcast
- From: Display logs starting from a date specified here.
- To: Display logs ending at a date specified here.
Staff Messaging
In this section, you can message any Operator or Administrators of your conference who is using the Conference Tracker app. Sending a message through here will show up on their devices as a notification. This feature is useful when you need to quickly contact your staff or if you notice one of them having an issue with the app.
Write the message you want to be sent out in the Text field and then select who will receive it using the Target Audience dropbox. You can send messages to all your staff members at once or to a specific staff member.
In this section, you can view all of the staff devices that are currently logged into Conference Tracker. Each device will be listed by its device name. You can see the last time each device connected, the last time each device synced to the server, and if they have Push Notifications enabled. You also have some search filters that will allow you to filter out devices used per different Sessions.
From this screen, you can choose to send a message to any of these devices by pressing on the Three Dots button at the end of each device row and pressing Send Message. This acts as a shortcut to the Staff Messaging explained previously.
User Sessions
In this section, you will be shown a list of all users who have logged into either the Conference Tracker App, Conference Leads App, Conference Attendee App, or the Conference Tracker website. It will show each user, their login date and time, and which app/website they used to log in. You are also given some search filters to condense your list. You can filter the list by searching for specific app/website logins, specific users, or a specific range of time.
At the far right end of each listed session, you will see a Three Dots button. Clicking on here will allow you to press the Delete button, which deletes any of these Active Login Sessions. This is extremely helpful if you have any Exhibitors using Conference Leads. Each Conference Leads license is tied to only one device. If a Leads user is logged into a device and attempts to log in to another device, they will receive an error. To fix this, you can simply search for the user in question in this section and Delete their Leads session. They will then be allowed to log in to their new device.
The Settings section under Advanced Options gives you the ability to fine-tune many aspects of your entire Conference. You will be able to change settings for the following categories:
- General: Here you will be able to change your time zone for your account.
- Appearance: Here you will be able to change the Font, Font Size, and Colors for your account.
- Attendee Registration: Here you will be able to change settings based on Attendee Registration, such as payments and email confirmations.
- Exhibitor Registration: Here you will be able to change settings based on Exhibitor Registration, such as payments and email confirmations
- Payments: Here you will be able to edit general settings based on payment information, such as payment types and Paypal settings.
- Attendance: Here you will be able to quickly change attendance settings for your sessions.
- Streaming: Here you will be able to change the access window to your online sessions.
- Custom Fields: Here you will be able to add Custom Fields to both Sessions and User profiles.
- Attendee Portal: Here you will be able to change settings for any users using the Attendee App.
- Exhibitor Portal: Here you will be able to change settings for any users using the Leads App.
- Presenter Portal: Here you will be able to change settings for Presenters to view their own Session Evaluations.
- Need Help?: Here you can access our documentation for help or contact our friendly support team!
Each of these Setting Categories will be explained in further detail below.
In the General settings, you can change the following:
Time Zone
- Time Zone: This setting allows you to change the time zone for your account. Make sure this is set to the correct time zone, as Conference Tracker relies heavily on this setting!
- Show Users Contact Information: By enabling this option, contact information such as email, phone number, and social media profiles will be visible to others using the Attendee app and on the Conference public site. Users can override this option in their profiles.
- Update Profile Invitation Email: Conference Tracker allows you to send an email to any of the users that are part of your conference informing them of how to update their profile information. This section allows you to edit the body of this email.
- Session Widget Sorting: This option allows you to choose one of the following sort options to have the website sort the shown session:
- By Schedule - This option simply shows the Sessions chronologically.
- By Tracks - This option shows the Sessions first by track and then chronologically.
- Allow Users to Generate Certificate of Attendance - Enable this option to have the Certificate of Attendance (PDF) download show on the homepage for Attendees.
- Allow Users to Generate CEU Report - Enable this option to have the CEU Report (PDF) download show on the homepage for Attendees.
- Allow Users to Generate Badge - Enable this option to have the Badge (PDF) download show on the homepage for Attendees.
- Allow Users to Generate Registration Invoice - Enable this option to allow Attendees to generate their own Registration Invoice.
- Hide Social Wall and Social Activities - Enable this option to remove all the social wall aspects from the Attendee app.
Attendee Registration
In the Attendee Registration settings, you can modify the following:
- General
- Enable Online Session Registration: This setting allows your attendees to register for sessions while they are registering online for your conference. They will be allowed to pick which sessions they would like to attend. If this feature is turned on, you can add a Registration Limit and a Session Fee to each of your conference sessions.
- Prevent Attendees from Registering to Overlapping Sessions: If you have Online Session Registration turned on, you can turn this setting on to prevent attendees from registering to sessions that are happening concurrently at your conference. You can also edit the message displayed when a registrant chooses a session that causes an overlap.
- Allow Registering Multiple Attendees at Once: This option, enabled by default, allows attendees to add multiple registrants in one registration form. When they are in the checkout screen during registration, they will see a button that will allow them to add an additional registration. If this option is disabled, only one person can register per registration form.
- Clear Fields when Adding New Registration: This option refers to any additional registrations an attendee may add when registering online. Once the first attendee has finished their registration form, they have the option to add an additional registration/attendee. If this option is enabled, the new registration form will be cleared out of any previously entered information from the first registration.
- Allow attendees to edit their session registration: When enabled, this will allow Attendees to edit their Session Registration through the web portal.
- Registration Payments
- Base Reg. Fee: This setting allows you to add a base registration fee for your conference. This fee will be added to all online attendee registrations.
- Base Reg. Fee - Early Bird: This setting allows you to set a different price for any attendee registering for your conference before the Early Bird cutoff period. If the attendee is registering prior to the Early Bird cutoff date, then this fee will override the regular Base Registration Fee.
- Early Bird Valid Through With this setting, you can change the cutoff date for all Early Bird registrations.
- Auto Accept Paid Registrations: Turning this setting on will auto-accept all registrations that have successfully been paid for through the online registration form instead of leaving it in Pending status.
- Auto Accept Free of Charge Registrations: This setting is similar to the previous setting, but in this case, any registration that has no payments due will be auto-accepted.
- New Registration Notification
- Notify when new registration is received: This setting allows you to receive email notifications when new Registrations are submitted.
- New registration target email(s): This is where you would list the emails you want to receive said notifications, separated by commas.
- Payment Instructions Email: This setting will allow you to edit the email sent out to attendees who have not paid their registration fees yet. You can choose to send this email to your attendees by going to Attendees → Online Registration on the left-hand Navigation Menu.
- Payment Confirmation Automatic Emails: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that sends out when an attendee's payment has been received.
- On Screen Confirmation: This setting allows you to edit the message displayed at the end of the Attendee Registration form once the attendee has completed the form.
- Registration Confirmation Automatic Emails: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that sends out to an attendee after they complete the registration form successfully.
- Registration Invoice Automatic Email: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that sends out to an attendee when their invoice has been generated. It will include a copy of the invoice in the email as well.
- Registration Approval Automatic Emails:: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that sends out to an attendee when their registration has been accepted by a conference administrator.
Exhibitor Registration (Settings)
In the Exhibitor Registration settings, you can modify the following:
- Exhibitor Categories: This setting allows you to add categories that can be attached to any company that is part of your conference.
- Registration Payments
- Base Reg. Fee: This setting allows you to add a base registration fee for your conference. This fee will be added to all online exhibitor registrations.
- Base Reg. Fee - Early Bird: This setting allows you to set a different price for any exhibitor registering for your conference before the Early Bird cutoff period. If the exhibitor is registering prior to the Early Bird cutoff date, then this fee will override the regular Base Registration Fee.
- Early Bird Valid Through With this setting, you can change the cutoff date for all Early Bird registrations.
- Free Reps per Exhibitor: This setting allows you to set a number of free representatives included with any exhibitor registration.
- Additional Rep Fee: If an exhibitor will be bringing any additional representatives to the conference, you can set the registration fee for these representatives through this setting.
- Auto Accept Paid Registrations: Turning this setting on will auto-accept all registrations that have successfully been paid for through the online registration form instead of leaving it in Pending status.
- Auto Accept Free of Charge Registrations: This setting is similar to the previous setting, but in this case, any registration that has no payments due will be auto-accepted.
- Booth Reservation - This setting allows Exhibitors to purchase Booth Reservations during Registration.
- New Registration Notification
- Notify when new registration is received: This setting allows you to receive email notifications when new Registrations are submitted.
- New registration target email(s): This is where you would list the emails you want to receive said notifications, separated by commas.
- Payment Instructions Email: This setting will allow you to edit the email sent out to exhibitors who have not paid their registration fees yet. You can choose to send this email to your attendees by going to Lead Retrieval → Exhibitor Registration on the left-hand Navigation Menu.
- Payment Confirmation Automatic Emails: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that is sent out when an exhibitor's payment has been received.
- On Screen Confirmation: This setting allows you to edit the message displayed at the end of the Exhibitor Registration form once the exhibitor has completed the form.
- Registration Confirmation Automatic Emails: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that is sent out to an exhibitor after they complete the registration form successfully.
- Registration Approval Automatic Emails:: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that is sent out to an exhibitor administrator or an exhibitor representative when their registration has been accepted by a conference administrator.
- Registration Invoice Automatic Email: This setting allows you to enable and edit the email that is sent out to an exhibitor when their invoice has been generated. It will include a copy of the invoice in the email as well.
- Leads App This setting allows you to disable the question for Leads License purchase during the Exhibitor Registration process.
- Account Activation Instructions- Conference Leads: This setting allows you to customize the email that gets sent out to an exhibitor when their Registration to Conference Leads has been accepted.
Online Payments
In the Payments settings, you can modify the following:
- Payment Methods for Attendees/Exhibitors: The two main sections of this page will allow you to pick which payment methods you will provide to your attendees and exhibitors.
- Enable Online Payments via PayPal: This setting enables online payments through PayPal. To find out more about using PayPal to accept payments for your conference, see below.
- Enable online payments with credit/debit card: This setting allows you to use either Stripe or to accept credit/debit card payments. To find out more, see below.
- Enable online payments with bank account debit: This setting allows you to use to accept bank account payments.
- Enable Invoice Payments: Enabling this option allows a user to pay via invoice. To find out how to design your invoices in Conference Tracker, click here.
- Payment Gateways for Attendees/Exhibitors: If you are going to allow credit/debit card and bank payments at your registration, you will need to specify which service will be processing each of these. This is where you will select your preferred service. The two supported services for these payment options are Stripe and
- PayPal:
- To use PayPal as a method of payment, you will need to have an active PayPal account. All payments made to your conference will be deposited into this account. In order to use your account, you will input the email associated with your PayPal account in the Merchant ID/Email field of this section.
- Authorize.Net:
- is one of the payment services supported by Conference Tracker. will allow your registrants to pay with their credit cards, debit cards, or bank accounts for your conference. You will need to have an account set up with in order to use their service. Once you have set up an account with them, you will be given the necessary information (API Keys) in order to link your account to Conference Tracker.
- Stripe:
- Stripe is one of the payment services supported by Conference Tracker. Stripe will allow your registrants to pay with their credit or debit cards for your conference. You will need to have an account set up with Stripe in order to use their service. Once you have set up an account with them, you will login to your Stripe account in order to link your account to Conference Tracker.
- Payment Reminders: This will allow you to set automatic Payment Reminders to be sent out according to the settings below. Reminders will only be sent out 1 time, on the date specified.
- Due Date: Specify a Due Date before your Event.
- Send Reminders: Here you can mark how many days Before and After the due date that you would like these reminders to be sent.
In the Attendance settings, you can modify the following:
- Required Presence Percentage: This setting will change the default required presence percentage for each session.
- Required Presence in Minutes: This setting will change the default required presence in minutes for each session.
- Require Users to Sign Out: This setting will change the default requirement of users to sign out of each session they attend.
- Overwrite Attendance Settings on Existing Sessions: If you have already set up your sessions with other Required Presence and Sign Out Requirement settings, enabling this setting will overwrite those settings to the ones chosen on this page.
- Early Sign-In Window: This will allow you to set the early sign-in window for the Session Attendance Kiosks.
- Late Sign-Out Window: This will allow you to set the late sign-out window for the Session Attendance Kiosks.
- Enable Automatic SMS on Attendee Check-In: This setting, when Enabled, will send an SMS message to Attendees upon Check-in to invite them to download the Conference Attendee app.
- Message: Here you can customize the SMS message that goes out to Attendees upon Check-in.
For the session attendance kiosk, once the late sign-in window passes the scanner will automatically switch to the next session (if it exists), or it will return to the welcome screen if there are no back-to-back sessions
For the Session QR Station, once the late sign-in window passes the QR code will change, and you will be returned to the welcome screen
In the Streaming settings, you can edit the access window for each of your online sessions. The access window determines how early an attendee can view a session before it starts, or how late they can access the session after it ends.
Custom Fields
The Custom Fields setting allows you to add custom fields to either your user profiles or any of your sessions. While Conference Tracker does offer plenty of fields for both your users and sessions, we allow you to add any custom fields you may need to ensure that you are getting a perfect experience with your conference. Some examples of commonly used custom fields are ID Numbers for users and Category for sessions. You can add up to five custom user fields and five custom session fields.
Attendee Portal
In the Attendee App settings, you can modify the following: Note: These settings only make changes to the Attendee App.
- Main Screen: This section allows you to change the menu items that will be found on the Main Screen of the Conference Attendee app. You can add, remove, and reorder all of the available Menu Items to maximize the usage of the Attendee app at your conference.
- Layout: The Layout drop-down menu will allow you to choose between two different layouts for your Attendee app's Main Screen: 2 columns with 6 menu items, or 3 columns with 9 menu items.
- Menu Items: This section allows you to organize the menu items on the Main Screen. Depending on the Layout chosen, your first 6 or 9 menu items will be shown on the Attendee app. To reorder these menu items, you can simply click and drag any of these items and place them in the desired spot.
- Enable Self Sign-In: This option allows your attendees to perform a self sign-in through their Attendee app. If you have provided your Attendees with QR codes for their sessions, they will be able to open a scanner through their Attendee app and check themselves in and out of sessions.
- Allow Attendees to update their avatar: Enabling this option will allow attendees to upload their own profile picture to the Attendee app.
- Allow attendees to update their contact information: Enabling this option will allow attendees to change contact information such as their address and phone number through the Attendee app. They will NOT be able to change First Name, Last Name, and Email.
- Score social activity: After enabling this feature, you can give attendees points for engaging in the community within the Attendee app. Below the checkbox, you can manually set how many points to reward for performing certain actions, such as posting a video or liking a comment. These points are totaled into an overall Engagement Score, which can be seen on the Conference Tracker website by going to an attendee's profile. Conference Tracker will also display the attendee's rank based on what their score is relative to other attendees. You can also see an attendee's Engagement Score on the Attendee app by checking their profile.
- Popup Ad Frequency: This setting allows you to set the number of seconds the Attendee app will wait until it shows a new popup ad. To find out more about Mobile Ads, click here.
- Enable Popup ads during Session Streaming: This setting allows you to show ads during the Virtual Streaming sessions prior to the video feed starting.
- Update Profile Invitation Email: This setting allows you to customize the Profile Invitation Email. The Update Profile Invitation Email allows the recipient to update their Conference Attendee profile so users can interact more efficiently.
Once you're done making changes, click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page to finalize your changes.
Exhibitor Portal
In the Leads App settings, you can modify the following:
- Lead Retrieval Start/End Date: Designate the range dates that your exhibitors can scan for leads at your event.
- Conference Leads Flyer: You can click on Generate Flyer to create a promotional flyer that you can send to your exhibitors to promote the Conference Leads app.
- Push Notification Ads: Here, you can enable/disable the ability for your Leads clients to purchase Push Notification Ads to send to Attendees. You can also set the prices for each ad.
- Fees: The Fees section is handled by your Conference Tracker Representative.
- Flyer: In the Flyer section, you can generate a flyer in PDF format advertising the Conference Leads software. It will also include a link to register as an Exhibitor to your conference!
- App Registration Automatic Emails: In this section, you can customize the automatic emails that are sent out to your Leads clients once their registrations have been accepted. You can customize different emails for your Exhibitor Administrators and Exhibitor Representatives.
- Leads App Options: Here you can customize the behavior of the Leads app during certain scanning situations.
Presenter Portal
In the Presenter Portal settings, you can modify the following:
- Session Evaluation Access: Here you can choose whether or not Presenters can access the results from their Session Evaluations
- Number of Days Presenters can view their Evaluations: This controls how many days after your Event that Presenters can access these results.
As well, this is where you can enable, disable, or edit the Email Templates that are sent out during the Session Proposal process. The available templates are:
- Session Proposal Submission
- Session Proposal Accepted
- Session Proposal Rejected
- Session Proposal Revision Request
- Session Proposal Scheduling Details