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Use a computer/laptop in the classroom:
These are the options listed below to use a laptop to manage your classroom or institution's attendance.
Call the Roll Manually
Employees using Keyboard Entry
We recommend that you Import your employee IDs but you can also add them manually while creating the employees if you prefer. Click here to learn about importing employees.
All you need to do is setup a Sign-in Station click here to learn how.
Now you just need to have them type their employee ID or Card Number in at the Sign-in Station computer and hit enter. That's it! The employees just repeat the process to sign out when they leave!
Magnetic Strip Reader/Barcode Reader
First, you will need to order Magnetic Strip Reader/Barcode Readers for your PC/MAC computer by contacting one of our friendly National Account Specialists at or call 1-888-249-7227. For more information about what Magnetic Strip Reader/Barcode Reader models there are click here.
Once you receive your Magnetic Strip Reader or Barcode reader contact our helpful Software Support Team at or call 407-366-7700. They will assist with programming your Card Reader using our specialized utilities to get them to read your specific Card ID. You will need to be at your computer with the card reader to program the device. Once programmed you can then just plug it into whatever computer you want to be a sign-in station.
Next is getting the employee's Card number into AccuTraining. You can either Import the card numbers or manually assign each employee's card when they attend the first time so you have their card number in AccuTraining. Here is the article on how to Assign Cards.
The last step is to setup a Sign-in Station. Click here to learn how.
Using a RFID/proximity reader
First, you will need to order RFID Key Fobs and Proximity Readers for your PC/MAC computer by contacting one of our friendly National Account Specialists at For more information about what RFID/proximity readers are click here.
Once you receive the RFID/proximity reader it is ready to go. There is no need to store employee data on the key fobs as they are already programmed.
- You will have to connect the proximity reader to your PC/MAC computer and let the device install the necessary drivers.
- Just plug in the Proximity Reader with the provided USB cord and watch the device install the necessary drivers. It will beep several times during this process.
- You can test that the device is working by opening a notepad or a word document on your computer and then bringing the key fob close to the proximity reader. It should beep and place the ID number.
- Then you will have to scan each key fob to assign them to each of your employees. Here is the article on how to Assign Cards.
- Finally, you must set up a Sign-in Station to start recording attendance with the RFID and proximity readers. Click here to learn how.
Click here to choose another device for tracking attendance with AccuTraining.