When you click on Student Visits Tracking from the left-side menu on the System Administration screen, you will see the following options:

  • Who’s In: See who is currently signed into AccuSQL/AccuTrack.
  • Sign In: Used to manually sign students in.
  • Sign Out: Used to manually sign students out.
  • Edit Sign-in Logs: To view and edit the student sign-ins that have been recorded in the system.
  • Activities Waiting List: If enabled, allows you to sign students in who are waiting for an open slot for a particular activity.


Purpose: Check which students and tutors are currently signed in

Access: From System Administration » Students Visits Tracking, click on Who’s In.

The SuperTable in the screen lists signed in users in alphabetical order by last name. For each user, you will see the date and time of the sign in and the activity, tutor, etc. You can sort the list by clicking on and of the header columns. You can also right click on the grid (as you can with any SuperTable). To filter on certain values, export the data directly to Excel, etc.

Click the Tutors radio button to toggle to signed-in tutors.

To see a list of users who are signed out, click on the “Show Out” button.

If you have student and tutor photos loaded, you can click the Show pictures checkbox to see a photo of the student or tutor you currently have selected in the list.

You can make the “Who’s In” screen accessible to students by selecting the “Who's In” checkbox in the Sign-in Setup » Setup » Welcome Screen Options screen. You can also set this up so students can only see the sign-in status of tutors and not other students.


Purpose: To manually sign students into AccuSQL/AccuTrack. Access: From System Administration, click Student Visits Tracking » Sign In.

This option might be needed if a student forgot to sign in, couldn’t sign-in because the system was off line, or because the tutoring session took place outside of the center. It would also be used if you do not have students sign themselves in, but prefer to sign them in yourself. Here are the steps for manually signing a student in:

  1. Select the category from the “Category” drop-down box.
  2. Select the activity from the “Activity” drop-down box. By default, AccuSQL/AccuTrack will display the students registered for the selected activity. If you want to see all students, uncheck the Show registered students only checkbox.
  3. (Optional) Select the tutor from the “Tutor” drop-down box.
  4. (Optional) Select the instructor from the “Instructor” drop-down box.
  5. (Optional) Select the service type from the “Service” drop-down box.
  6. Enter the sign-in date and time. By default, it displays the current date and time when the screen was opened.
  7. Select the student or students using the Selection List Boxes control.
  8. (Optional) If you want to sign the student in and out, check the box “Give a sign-in period of” and enter the sign-in period using the hour and minute spinner boxes. By default, this option is selected and set to credit the student with a one our period.®
  9. Click on “Sign In”. You will see a confirmation message:
When you launch this screen, the date and time box will show the current date and time. If you want to sign students in at a different time, then change the values in this text box. You can do this by typing values in, or you can use the Calendar by clicking on the box with the right mouse button.
You can also filter the students to sign-in to a certain group of students. This is helpful if for example, you have a certain group of students that you need to periodically sign in via the Sign In Students screen. To do this, first, check the “Student Groups” checkbox, click on “Set Filter”, and then select the group (or groups). Next click on the “Select students from these groups only” button. The students in the group(s) you selected will automatically be added to the Selected Students list.


The Sign Student In screen has a check box to enable signing the student in and out at the same time. This feature is useful for entering visits from a sign-in sheet or off-site meetings for example. To use this feature, check the box “Give a sign-in period of” and enter the sign-in period.

The Sign Student In screen uses a SuperTable control to show the lists of students. This means you can zoom in on a name by typing it in the list.
The screen has a drop-down filter at the top to restrict the view to students using a certain lab.


Purpose: To manually sign students out.
Access: From System Administration, click on Student Visit Tracking » Sign Out.

On some occasions, you may want to manually sign students out. This might be because a student forgot or neglected to sign out, or because its closing time and you want to sign everyone out quickly.

The list box on the left is labeled “Signed in Students“ and displays the names, sign-in dates, and sign-in times of all students who are currently signed in. The list box on the right is labeled “Selected Students,” and lists the students you have selected to sign-out. This list box will be empty when you first access this screen.

To sign students out, follow these steps:

  1. Select the students using the list boxes and the mover buttons.
  2. Select the sign-in period to give to the selected students or select the sign-out time.
  3. Click on the “Sign Out” button.

When the sign out process is completed, a confirmation message appears:

Use the spinner boxes to specify the sign-in period to be given to each person. For example, you can give each person a one hour and 30 minute sign-in time by first checking the “Give a sign-in period of” check box and then entering ‘1’ in the hours box and ‘30’ in the minutes box.
You can also select to enter the sign-out time for each person. To do this, first check the “Sign out at” check box, and then enter the desired sign-out time. You can enter the time by typing the value in or by clicking on the box with the right mouse button and using the calendar.
When you sign a student out and the sign out date/time you specify is in the future, the student will remain in the Signed in Students side of the screen until that date/time is reached and then they will automatically be removed from the Sign in Students display list. So for example, if you give the student a sign in period of 1 hour and it is currently 10AM, that student will remain in the Sign in Students list until 11AM.


Purpose: To edit student sign-in records.
Access: From System Administration, click on Student Visits Tracking »Edit Sign-in Logs.

On some occasions, you may need to edit the sign-in logs. This might be because the student selected the wrong class or tutor during the sign-in. AccuSQL/AccuTrack provides you with a powerful tool for editing the records as necessary.

The SuperTable in this screen displays the student, sign-in time, sign-out time, sign-in period, activity, and category for each sign-in record. Use the horizontal scroll bar to see all the columns.


You can use the filters or combinations of filters on the right side of the screen to find the record you want to change. Start by restricting the viewed records to a certain time period by entering the “From” and “To” date and time Period. You can also restrict the viewed records to a certain category, activity, or student by using the drop-down boxes. For example, to see the sign-in records for a certain student, first make sure the “Only show this student” box is checked, then select the appropriate student from the drop-down:

Click on the “Refresh” button to apply the filter.

You can click the binocular icons to search for a particular student based on first name, last name, or Sign in (student) ID. You can click in the grid and then begin typing in any of the fields to zoom in on the value you are looking for.

You can also use the binocular icons to search for a specific category, activity ID, or activity.

After you have set the filters the way you want, click the Refresh button to update the results in the main Edit Student Sign-in Logs display grid.

If you are set to a Local Lab, you can also check the boxes to filter the logs to only show the sign-ins for the current lab you are set to. If you are not using Local labs, this filter would not apply. If you set a local lab filter, make sure you click Refresh to display the updated results.

The display grid that shows the sign-in logs for each student contains several other columns you cannot see unless you use the scroll bar at the bottom of the grid to scroll to the right. If you want to get the information from the grid out quickly to see the whole display, right-click in the grid and select Export to open it directly in Excel. This option exists in all SuperTables such as this one.


To delete a sign-in record, first select the record by clicking on it in the SuperTable, then click on the “Delete” button. You will see a confirmation message:

Click on “Yes” to delete the record, or “No” to cancel.

If you delete a sign-in record, it will be gone forever, so be careful using this option.


To edit a record, select it by clicking on it in the grid, then click on the “Edit” button. This will bring up the Edit Record box.

The box shows the sign-in record. The first box is labeled “In” and shows the sign-in date and time. The second box is labeled “Out” and shows the sign-out date and time. If the out box is empty then the student has not signed out yet. The third box is labeled “Period” and shows the sign-in period in hours and fraction of an hour. Under these boxes you will see six drop-down boxes. The first drop-down is labeled “Category” and shows the category signed into. The second drop-down is labeled “Activity” and shows the activity signed into. The third drop-down is labeled “Name” and shows the name of the student. The fourth drop-down is labeled “Tutor” and shows the name of the tutor if a tutor was selected at the time of sign-in. The fifth is the Service Type that was selected. The sixth is the Instructor that was selected.

To change the sign-in date or time, simply enter the corrections in the box. The same can be done with the sign-out date and time. As usual, you can right click on the date boxes to use the calendar. Note that the sign-in period is calculated every time you change the sign-in or sign-out date and leave the time box. If you prefer, you can enter the period directly and it will adjust the Out time accordingly. To change the category, activity, student, instructor, local lab, tutor, etc. simply select the appropriate one from the drop-down window, or use the binocular icons to search for values where available.

To keep your changes, click the “Save” button.

If you enter a period value, you can quickly add the period of time that the student was in which will automatically update the Out value. So if the student signed in on 4/13/2016 at 10:00 AM for example, and you enter .5 (press Tab on your keyboard after that to update the display) the Out date/time will automatically be set to 4/13/2016 at 10:30 AM.


Purpose: To monitor, sign in, or remove students waiting for help with a particular activity.
Access: From System Administration, click on Student Visits Tracking > Activities Waiting List.

To use the Activities Waiting List, there are a few items that need to be setup. If you have not set those items up and you click this option, you will see the following screen:

First, you will need to access the Sign-in Setup > Setup > Waiting Options screen and check the Enable Activity Waiting list feature checkbox.

The Activity Waiting List controls the maximum number of students that can be signed into a particular activity at the same time. This can be done on a per activity basis. To enter the maximum number that can be in the activity, go to the Sign-in Setup > Categories & Activities screen and then select the activity you are configuring and click Edit. In the Max Students field for the activity record, enter the value for the maximum number of students that can be in the activity at once. In the following example, there is a Guitar class offered in the Music Room that allows for a maximum of 2 students to be in at once.

When this maximum is exceeded, AccuSQL/AccuTrack puts the extra students on a waiting list in order of arrival. So using the above example, two students would be able to sign into Guitar, then when the third student signs in (and if the other two had not signed out yet) he/she would see the following message.

As other students sign into that same activity, they will see how many students are waiting in front of them, so they can make the determination if they want to wait (by clicking Yes) or if they want to try again later (by clicking No).

Activity Waiting List admins can monitor the list either by clicking the Activity Waiting List button on the main sign-in screen or by selecting Activities Waiting List from the System Administration > Student Visits Tracking module.

This screen shows students currently on the waiting list. The SuperTable shows the waiting student’s name, activity, waiting since time, and seats available. Click the checkbox next to the student’s name to sign him/her into the activity indicated. You will only be able to sign them in if there are enough seats available to allow it. Also, when a student who is signed in to the full activity signs out, the Waiting List will pop up from the main sign-in screen and will allow an administrator to sign a student on the waiting list to this activity.

Video Learning Series: Using the Intake System or the Activity Waiting List

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