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Manage Center

Purpose: Combines and replaces several frequently used screens from earlier versions:

  • Who's In?
  • Intake System
  • Manual Sign-in/Sign-out

How to Access: Center Attendance > Manage Center

This Manage Center screen view is broken into 3 distinct sections:

  • Waiting Line - This section(if enabled) at the top of the page shows those Students who are waiting to be seen by Tutors.
  • Signed-in - This section in the middle of the page shows those Students who are currently signed in.
  • Recently Signed-out - This section at the bottom of the page shows those Students who have recently signed out and keeps them displayed for about an hour after their visit.
The Waiting Line may not be shown if disabled which we will see how this is done below.

Action Bar

This is an options bar at the top of the page that allows you to perform needed functions on this screen.

+ New Log Button

Purpose: To add sign-in/out sessions for students or tutors manually.
How to Access: Center Attendance > Manage Center > + New Log

Use this screen to sign a Student or Tutor in and/or out at the same time. This feature is useful for entering visits from a sign-in sheet, signing in Students or Tutors who forgot to sign-in/out, or off-site meetings for example.

To sign students in and/or out, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Session is for Student (default selection).
  2. Select the Center from the “Center” drop-down box.
    NOTE: This option is available for the College Administrator only. The Center Administrator will only be shown their assigned Center(s).
  3. Search and select Student(s) that need to be signed into this session.
    NOTE: This option allows you to Sign-in/out multiple students in bulk or all-at-once for the same time period and reasons.
  4. Search and select Tutor they are meeting with for this session.
  5. Search and select the Instructor.
  6. Search and select the Subject Area/Course.
  7. Search and select the Service.
  8. Set the Sign-In Date and Time (defaults to the current date/time when accessing this screen).
  9. Optionally select the Still Signed-in or Signed-Out option. If you chose the latter you'll also pick one of the following:
    1. Signed-out Date and Time
    2. Minutes in the Session
  10. Click the Create Session Log button and you will receive a confirmation message.

To sign Tutors in and/or out, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Session is for Tutor.
  2. Select the Center from the “Center” drop-down box.
    NOTE: This option is available for the College Administrator only. The Center Administrator will only be shown their assigned Center(s).
  3. Set the Sign-In Date and Time (defaults to the current date/time when accessing this screen).
  4. Optionally select the Still Signed-in or Signed-Out option. If you chose the latter you'll also pick one of the following:
    1. Signed-out Date and Time
    2. Minutes in the Session
  5. Click the Create Session Log button and you will receive a confirmation message.

Cast Screen Button

By clicking the Cast Screen Button a new window will open that shows the Waiting Line. This feature can be very useful to display the Waiting Line information on a screen in the waiting area so the students can see their position and wait time in the queue:

Gear Symbol Button

This option will be used by Admins to enable or disable the Waiting Line and other related options.

Auto-Refresh Button

This option allows you to manually refresh the screen but shows a circle that will auto-refresh once the circle becomes complete.

Waiting Line Section

This section shows the queue of Students waiting to have a session with Tutors in the Center. Waiting lines allow flexibility to better direct the manpower and resources of the center depending on the students’ needs. In this section, you can pair each of the Students in the queue with an available Tutor. For example, we have 4 students in a Waiting Line at the Math Center, 2 of them came asking about the same Subject Area and same Service so the Admin may decide to have 1 tutor help both of them and reserve the other Tutors for the remaining students in line. The idea of a queue is always to provide the best possible service to the most needed.

In the Waiting Line section next to each Student there will be a checkbox and once checked 2 new buttons will show in the top as shown:

By clicking the Remove from the Line button all students selected will be immediately removed from the line. This is very useful if some students are:

  • If they are in the wrong center.
  • If there is no Tutor that is currently available to assist them at this time.
  • If the student decided to come another time or leave for any other circumstance.

By clicking the Sign-in Students button a new form will appear to specify the actual Tutor that will see the student and put any comments as needed for the Tutor:

  • If this is an online walk-in then you have completed the integration process between Accudemia and your streaming platform you might see additional options “Virtual Meeting” in the bottom of the pop-up screen, if this is the case, please click “Launch Session…” so your streaming platform will launch, then click “Sign Student In”.

How to Sign-in a Student from the Waiting line

- In the Manage Center screen under the Waiting heading now hover over the Student's name to click the Sign-in Student (Arrow) button.

- Next, a pop-up window will be displayed providing the tutor options:

  • No tutor-
  • Student Selection- This is the tutor that the student selected during the selection path.
  • Currently available- These are the tutors that are currently signed in and active in the center.
  • Other Tutors- These are all the possible tutors in the center.

Virtual Meeting This section allows us to connect to a 3rd party streaming platform such as Zoom, this is only for online services.

Now they will appear under the Signed-In heading/section.
Please make sure no student is left in the Waiting Line for a very long time, otherwise, next time a student tries to log in they can receive a “The waiting line seems to be stuck” message, and an administrator will need to clear the line in order to fix the issue

How to Remove a Student from the Waiting line

- In the Manage Center screen under the Waiting Area, select the student using the checkbox next to the Student's name, now click on “Remove from Line”.

- A confirmation box should show, click Ok to confirm:

- Once a student is removed from the Waiting line a final message should show in green.

If some student is left in the waiting queue for a very long time and the student is not signed-in or removed from the waiting line then others trying to join the center through a kiosk could get an error message so the line is cleared

Signed-In Section

This area is used to view and manage the Students Signed-In to the Center. By selecting a Student in this section 3 new buttons will show so Tutors can sign students out, add comments or do a Tutoring Assessment.

How to Sign-out a Student from the Center

  1. In the Manage Center screen under the Signed-In heading select the Student to get several options to appear above them.
  2. You can now choose from the following buttons:
    • Add Comments - This option allows Tutors to comment on the status/outcome of the session with the selected student.
    • Tutoring Assessment -
    • Sign-out - This option allows Tutors to perform an assessment of the session with the Student.
  3. By now clicking Sign-out the Student will be signed out.
A Session Assessment form must be configured by the center admin for this feature to work.

Recently Signed-Out Section

This area is used to view and manage the Students Recently Signed-Out at the Center. This area can also be used to Add Comments (comments on the status/outcome of the session with the student) and to complete the Tutoring Assessment (an assessment of the session with the student).

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