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Session Logs

Session Logs refer to that set of information about the activities/sessions that take place in Accudemia and are recorded by the system, such information includes dates, times, participants, and other important data. Access to this information depends on the actual permissions/roles of users, get help from your Accudemia administrators as needed. Purpose: To view your own Center Attendance session records.

Use these options to filter the records shown in the work area, you can use as many filters as needed:

Sometimes it is better to use fewer filters and search manually because some information might be wrong in the system and needs correction

- Period - Select a value from the list, or you can use “Custom Range” which allows you to set a StartDate and EndDate.

- Location - Use this option to select a Center from the list.

- Student First Name/Last Name - Use this option to type a name/last name to filter with.

- Student ID - Use this option to type an ID to filter with.

- Tutor First Name/Last Name - Use this option to type a Name/Last name to filter with.

- Tutor ID - Use this option to type an ID to filter with.

- Subject Area - Use this option to type a Subject Area.

- Service - Use this option to type a Service to filter with.

- Report Visit filters - Select from these different options: All/ Allowed report visit/Did not allow / Unknown.

List options

- Comments-Use this feature to write comments/notes about the session (IF allowed to do so), (this can be seen by your tutor).

- Tutoring Assessments- Use this feature to create an assessment of the session.

If an Assessment form has been configured by an administrator then you can complete an assessment about sessions, ask your administrator for more information

Session Log Widget

Additionally to the Session Log menu in Accudemia, there is a widget that can be shown to one or more roles in the HomePage. In case this widget is configured to be shown for students it would like similar to this:

This allows the student to keep track of their logs for the day.

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