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Instructor Manual

Don't have time to review this online manual? Then download the Instructor Manual (PDF)

Table of Contents

Class Attendance

In this section you'll be able to manage your SI Class Attendance for each Session and submit/view Referral statuses to the Center(s) that have setup a Center Referral Form.

Managing SI Class Attendance

Managing SI Class Attendance is fairly simple as we do not use a traditional attendance book and all information collected in Accudemia is via the Student swiping in or typing their ID in at the Computer Sign-in Station you have setup.

If you are trying to track SI Class Attendance for a Class in Accudemia and it's not showing up in this area you should contact your System Admin immediately so they can assign you as the Instructor to the Class. You may also need to work with them to designate a computer as a Sign-in Station for Students to swipe/type their IDs into and collect this SI Class Attendance. Click here to learn how to contact your Accudemia System Admin. If they need help with setting this up for you then please refer them to the SI Class Attendance section in our Accudemia Reference Manual.

View SI Class Attendance Online

  1. Navigate to the Attendance section under the SI Class Attendance heading in the left-side menu.
  2. Now select the Semester in the drop-down menu and then search for the Class Name or Class Registration Number (CRN). Then click on the Class in the list below and then click the Next button.
  3. Then select the day you would like to view the SI Class Attendance for that Class and click the Next button. Note: This view will show all the previous classes that have occurred along with the the next day's SI Class Attendance.
  4. Finally you can manage the Class Attandance for the selected Class for that specific day.

Mark a Student Present, Absent, Tardy, or Excused

To get to proper area manage the SI Class Attendance for a specific Class on a specific day follow the above article View SI Class Attendance Online. Once here you'll notice you can mark the student several different Attendance Statuses. To change their mark for that day:

  1. Select all the students that you want to change by placing a check next to their name.
  2. Now click the appropriate button you want to mark their Attendance Status and here is a brief explanation of each option:
    • Present - This means the student(s) did come to Class on time and attended the session.
    • Absent - This means that the student(s) was/were not there for the Class session.
    • Tardy - This means that the student(s) did come to the Class session but they were late. This status still counts student as Present. Note: The system will ask you to state how Tardy/late they were if you would like to provide this information.
    • Excused - This means that the student was either absent or late but given credit as showing because of a valid excuse. This status still counts student as Present. Note: The system will ask you to state the reason they were Excused if you would like to provide this information.
  3. You can also add/or remove a student to this session if they attended it but are not a regular attendee or if they were not signed-up/enrolled in the class on that date. If you want to enroll students in the Class permanently then follow the steps outlined in the next article.


Referrals are used to refer a Student to a Center for additional assistance. In order for this section to be available your Center Admins must have created a Referral Form. If this section cannot be accessed or the Center you need to refer them to does not have a referral form setup you please click here to learn how to contact the Accudemia System Admin.

Creating a Referral

  • To create a new referral go to:

            SI Class Attendance > Referrals

  1. Click on Create New.
  2. Select the Referral Template you want to use (Tutoring Assistance, Advising Support, etc.).
  3. Notice that you'll be filled in as the Instructor so simply search for the Class by typing the Class name and selecting the Class in the drop-down box.
  4. Search for the Student by typing the Student's name and selecting the Student in the drop-down box.
  5. If there's no “Follow-up by” person assigned to the Referral automatically then you can search for the Staff by typing their name and select the Staff whom you'd like to “Follow-up” with the Student.
  6. If there's no “Follow-up date” set then select date you'd like for the “follow-up” to be completed on the Referral (This is important as it's used as a reminder of when this referral should be reviewed/updated for the “Follow-up By” person.
  7. Fill in the Comments with the reasoning the student is being referred to the Center.
  8. Next set whether or not the student receives updates on the Referral.
  9. The next item is the option to type and select the users who you would also like notified with any updates on this Referral. Note: This may be preset by the Center Admins.
  10. Complete the Referral Questionnaire portion being sure the Required Answers are completed which have been setup by your Center Admins as information that they need to know in order to assist the Student.
  11. Finally, scroll up through the form checking for any omissions and fill them in. Once you've made it back to the top of this page click the Save Changes button on this form to complete this process.
The Follow-up by can be left blank as the Center Admins can assign it to someone once they receive this Referral.

View the Status of a Referral

To view your existing Referrals simply click the Referrals option under SI Class Attendance. Form here you'll see a Referral Dashboard with the status of the Referrals you've submitted:

Notice the Color Reference chart at the bottom to know the referral status:

Color Status
White A New Referral
Yellow Waiting for Follow up
Red Requires attention
Green Closed

Manage My Personal Settings

You'll notice that when you login at the top of the screen you'll have several personal options on the left-side of the top navigation bar.

My Homepage

This is the Main screen all user's see when they log into Accudemia with a password. It is featuring all your College News from every one of your centers. Optionally it can display any pending surveys, upcoming appointments, your Accudemia inbox, and a box full of other gadgets you can add to customize your Accudemia user's experience.

You can click the Add Gadgets at the top of this screen to see some other gadgets such as News Headlines, Google Shared Calendar, Messaging tools, and more. Be sure to check it out!

My Profile

Users can update their profile data. Edit it using the My profile section at the top. Simply click the My Profile link.

My Settings


This page allows the user to set when Accudemia should send e-mails and SMS to them. All Items are selected by default.

Send me an Email...

Enables users to receive confirmations and reminders via emails.
“When AccuCredits are less than check” box It's available to administrator users only.

Send me an SMS...

Enables users to receive SMS notifications.

Pending Surveys

Users can click Pending Surveys to see and respond to any pending surveys awaiting completion thru this screen.


Purpose: This will pull a report of Tutoring Sessions for your Classes Students.

Available Filters: Center(s), Classes, Students, Student Groups, and Time Period.

Other Options: Show/hide the Student ID and Center Services.

Way to Access: Home > My Tutoring Activity

Description: This report provides detailed information about your Tutoring Sessions with Students. The Report lists your name and then lists the Subject Area. For each Subject Area, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent) with each Student. The total time for each Student spent on each Subject Area is also shown in this report.

Purpose: This will pull a report of your Classes' Attendance.

Way to Access: Home > SI Class Attendance

Available Filters: Classroom(s), Classes, and Students.

Description: This report displays each classes' student information with the Attendance Status (Present or Absent, it will also note if marked Tardy or Excused as well) that the student earned each day.

Purpose: This will pull a report of your Classes' Absences.

Way to Access: Home > Class Absences

Available Filters: Classroom(s), Classes, and Students.

Description: This report displays a full list of absentees each class session.

More reports can be made available by your System Admin to pull Center Attendance Reports with all Tutoring Activities if needed. Please click here to learn how to contact your System Admin.

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