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Physical Sign-in Stations and Virtual Sign-in Stations

In Accudemia, users can sign in and out of their sessions using Physical Sign-in Stations, this Stations can be installed in a computer; the other way is to use a Virtual Sign-in Linkthat can be configured in Accudemia for the online sessions (in this method a link to them is provided to the users so they can click on it and use the Sign-in Station in their own device's web browsers).

Setting up your Physical Sign-in Stations

Purpose: This section is used to set or designate a computer, tablet, or web-enabled device as being a Sign-in Station for a Classroom or a Center.
How to Access: Administrations > Sign-In Stations > Computers or Quick > Sign-in Station

To set a Sign-in Station for a Classroom or Center simply create a new sign in station by following these steps:

  1. Login to Accudemia as an administrator using your ID and password.
  2. Access through Administration > Sign-in Stations > Computers
  3. Choose the Location for the Sign-in Station.
  4. Click on the Setup Kiosk & Logout button.
  5. Done! You should have been automatically logged out and the Kiosk should have appeared.

Watch a short video with an example on how to create a Sign-in Station for a Center and another for a Classroom

Center Kiosk:
Notice that you can customize the selection path for each center.

Classroom Kiosk
Notice that in this case, the system knows what Class is taking place in that classroom so all students can get their attendance with only their ID swipe.

Setting up your Virtual Sign-in Stations

Virtual Sign-ins

The same way students go to a physical Sign-in Station and swipe their cards and/or type their ID they can now do it BUT using their own computers/tablet/phones connected to the Internet, in this wiki we describe how an administrator or a tutor(if given permissions) can create a Url Link that can be distributed to their students/participants, this link when clicked acts as a virtual room where students will sign-in and enter their sessions.


For this remote sign-in process to work first it needs to be enabled at the college level, this feature can also be enabled/disabled at the center level so if a center opts for not enabling this then the center will not show as an option when creating the link as will be explained below. Administrators are allowed to create remote sign-in stations by default whereas tutors are not allowed to do so by default but can be granted the appropriate permits if required.

- To enable or disable the feature please click Administration→Control Panel:

- Open “Virtual Session” module and select the college scope:

- Scroll down and enable the option “Enable virtual session options for administrators” (if it is unchecked), in this same screen you can enable the same feature for Tutors by also checking the option “Allow tutors/advisors to create a sign-in link for remote sessions”:

- Click Save Changes in the top right corner:

This is the same process to enable/disable this feature at the center level, please follow step 2 and 3 similarly except you would need to select the center scope.

After checking and updating all pre-requisites in the previous chapter, now we are going to explain how to create the Links.

- After checking that the pre-requisites are in good order lets see how to use this feature, please select Center Attendance → Virtual Sign-In:

- In this screen the users can watch a video about this feature and read some information about it, then please click the button “Create Link” when ready:

- Please select the Center for the online session (only those centers where this feature is enabled will be shown). In this case, the “Skills & Tutoring center” is selected.

- Next, we are going to set up the Virtual Sign-in options. Please follow all steps using the explanations provided:

  1. In Section 1, the administrator/tutor will set the instructions for the students to see before starting the sign-in process.
  2. In Section 2, set the default options for Service, Subject Area, Tutor, and Instructor as needed.
  3. In Section 3:
    • Please enter the instructions that will be shown to the students after signing-in.
    • If you want to use the URL configured in the Tutor User information then enable the option “USE TUTOR CONNECT LINK WHEN AVAILABLE” however if you want to specify a different URL for the online session please put the new URL in the CONNECT LINK field shown below (and make sure the option “USE TUTOR CONNECT LINK WHEN AVAILABLE” is disabled).
    • Enable the option “ALLOW STUDENTS TO JOIN WHILE IN THE WAITING LINE” if you prefer that students can join while in the waiting line.
    • Set an expiration time for the link(this is very important to prevent users from interfering in someone else's sessions using old links).

- Your session link will be shown in the next screen, please copy and distribute this link as needed:

As soon as students use the link they will be signed-in or place in the waiting list (depending on the configuration of the center)exactly as if they were using a physical Sign-in/Kiosk Station, so the process will be the same, please go to Manage Center and you will be able to sign-in/out the student, as usual,

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