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View/Edit Polls

Create a New Poll

A new poll can be created by selecting Create New from the Polls page. The following information must be completed to create a poll:

  • Name: The name of the poll.
  • Question: The question that will be asked on the poll.
  • Audience: Select what group of people will receive this poll. Current options are Everyone, Users in a Group, Students enrolled in a class, and Students in a classroom.
  • Type: Choose the type of poll. Current options are Open Text, Multiple Choice, Image Choice, 5 Stars, 3 Levels of Satisfaction, and Thumbs Up or Down.
  • Time Limit: Determine how long users will have to answer the question. Time can range from no limit to one day.
  • Answers are Anonymous: Selecting this will make submitted responses anonymous.
  • Show results to respondents: Selecting this will allow respondents to view the results of the poll after it has ended.
  • Background Color: Choose the background color of the poll.
  • Foreground Color: Choose the foreground color of the poll.
  • Date and Time: If the poll needs to be published at a certain time, that date and time can be selected here.

When polls are first created, they will be in an Unpublished state. You will have to Publish the notification manually for it to be sent out to Students. Click Publish next to the poll to publish the poll.

Accudemia Polls can also be auto-published, this can be done by setting up a date and time under Scheduled publish

Unpublishing the poll will stop students from answering the question that was sent.

Optionally, existing polls can be copied by selecting Copy next to the poll that should be duplicated.

Polls can be deleted by selecting Delete next to the poll that should be removed.

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