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My Profile Page

On this page, the current user can see information about his/her Profile and can update some information depending on the security permits established in the system.

Contact your Accucampus Administrator if you think you should be able to view/change some information and you are not allowed to do so at this point.

General Information

  • First Name - This is the user First Name, it is Required.
  • Middle Initial -This is the user Middle Initial, it is Optional.
  • Last Name - This is the user Last Name, it is Required.
  • Email - Required- The email is used to uniquely identify the user. For students this field is usually view-only, if you need to change it please contact an administrator.
  • Photo Upload - Please click “Upload a File” this is optional, but will allow others to see an image of the User in AccuCampus.

Postal Address

  • Street Address - Optional. Specifies the user's street address. For students this field is usually view-only, if you need to change it please contact an administrator.
  • City - Optional. Specifies the user's city. For students this field is usually view-only, if you need to change it please contact an administrator.
  • State - Optional. Specifies the user's state. For students this field is usually view-only, if you need to change it please contact an administrator.
  • Zip Code - Optional. Specifies the user's zip code. For students this field is usually view-only, if you need to change it please contact an administrator.

Phone numbers

  • Mobile - Optional. Specifies the user's mobile number, please make sure to add the country code.
  • Home - Optional. Specifies the user's home phone.
  • Work - Optional. Specifies the user's Work phone.

User notifications

In the My Profile section of your account you will see these options to customize the way that you receive notifications.

  • Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
  • Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.
  • Receive text message - Enable this option to receive Text Messages.

Direct Messages

  • Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
  • Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.
  • Receive text message - Enable this option to receive Text Messages.

Waiting Line Notifications

  • Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.

Peer Network Notifications

  • Receive on-screen - Enable this option to receive On-screen notifications.
  • Receive e-mail - Enable this option to receive Emails.

Finally, use the SAVE button to save all changes from this section. Or choose the CANCEL button to go back without saving.

If you want to create more than the default User Roles built in AccuCampus visit the Advanced Options > Settings > Roles section.

Request Password Change

Use this link to send a message asking for a password reset.

User Profile

Click this link to see a page with all Profile questions/information set by the system administrators, please answer all questions as needed and click SAVE.

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