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For students, this section shows all the current users enrolled-courses per semester.
How to Access: General > Courses
Purpose: Used to view Courses in AccuCampus.
Courses Buttons
- Location: These usually refer to your school centers, areas, and places that need to track attendance.
- View Class Schedules - Use this option to view the different Class sections and their schedules. (see details in next chapter)
- Semester - Use this option to view Semester information.
- Services - Use this option to view Services that might be offered in the several Locations across campus.
- Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters/refines the current view of the Courses on this screen to only show the Courses that match the typed search criteria.
Search Filter Options
- Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the Courses in Accucampus OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
- Search in- Use this option to restrict the search feature (above) to a certain Category.
Refine your Search
- Semester- Refine your search by searching for text in the Semester field. (this can be a partial search of only some of the text content)
- College Department - Refine your search by searching for text in the College Department field. (this can be a partial search of only some of the text content)
View Class Schedules
Search for the Course by:
- Instructor - This option will display the schedule for a particular Instructor in AccuCampus.
- Student - This option will display the schedule for a particular Student in AccuCampus.
- Location - This option will display the schedule for a particular Location in AccuCampus.
- Change Filters-Use this option to go back and select another set of filters.
- Prev Week- Use this option to see information referring previous week.
- Today-Use this option to see information referring to today.
- Next Week-Use this option to see information referring to next week.
- Print-Use this option to Print this page. (in the next step you would have to select a printer)