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One way that AccuCampus supports success initiatives is to provide “just in time” information through the Campus Compass, accessible through the included AccuCampus student-facing mobile app or through the website. This feature uses language that students immediately recognize and enables them to easily discover the resource that is right for them. The following is an example of how you could use the Compass. Let's see what this looks like on the website(on the left)and the mobile app(on the right):

  1. By selecting Go to Compass this is a quick way for users to find the help they need around campus.
    A screenshot of the website asking if the student would like to view the Campus Compass.   OR   A screenshot of the AccuCampus app asking if the student would like to view the Campus Compass.
  2. In this example, if you need "Help with your final exams" then you'll click that option.
    A screenshot of asking what type of help they are seeking on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Help with Final Exams'.   OR   A screenshot of the AccuCampus app asking what type of help they are seeking on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Help with Final Exams'.
  3. Now you'll see Services that are offered that can help you achieve that goal. In this example we'll choose Tutoring.
    A screenshot of asking what Services they are seeking on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Tutoring'.   OR   A screenshot of the AccuCampus app asking what Services they are seeking on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Tutoring'.
  4. At this point you'll see all the Locations available on campus to help you achieve that goal. In this example I'll select the Library.
    A screenshot of showing what Locations are available to help with the Service selected on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Library'.   OR   A screenshot of the AccuCampus app showing what Locations are available to help with the Service selected on the Campus Compass and selecting 'Library'.

Please review the locations list, there are 2 buttons per row, Make Appointment and View Walk-in Time:

  • Make Appointment- Select this option to make an appointment for this Service and this Location.
  • View Walk-in Time-Click this button to see availability for walk-ins(more details in next section)
  • Visit Website- Click this button to be directed to the Location website. Notice that this option might show or not depending on if there was a website specified for such Location.
  • Send email- Click this button to send an e-mail to the Location personnel. Notice that this option might show or not depending on if there was an email specified for such Location.

Walk-In Times

Use this screen to see availability for walk-ins in some Services. Follow the 3 step-sequence as specified in the screenshot.

  • Search by Staff- Click this button to search the staff available for walk-in using the options specified above.
  • Search by Date-Click this button to search the Dates available for walk-in using the options specified above.

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