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My Logs
“My Session logs” feature is used to store detailed information of the current user activities in AccuCampus, for each session performed important data is gathered such as:
- - When did the activity start?.
- - Who did the student meet?.
- - What role the user is using?.
- - Where did the activity take place?.
- - What was the session about (specific courses, services, seminars)?.
- - Any logs/follow-up information related to this activity?.
- -When did the activity finish?.
This is where the current user can view his/her sessions-logs for every visit to a center around campus.
Search Filter Options (Magnifying Glass) On the top right-hand side of a magnifying glass, this is the filter area with this option:
- Search- Use this option to search for a text in all the Logs in Accucampus OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
- Search in- Use this option to restrict the Search above to a certain Category.
Refine your Search
- Date Start- Refine your search by picking a Date Start value.
- Date End - Refine your search by picking a Date End value.
- Card #- Refine your search by searching for Text in the Card # field.
- User- Refine your search by searching for Text in the User field.
- Location- Refine your search by searching for Text in the User field.
- Course- Refine your search by searching for Text in the User field.
- Status- Refine your search by selecting from the Status list.
- Service- Refine your search by searching for Text in the Service field.
- Staff- Refine your search by searching for Text in the Staff field.
View a Session Log
By clicking the student name you see details in the log such as Dates, locations, Sign-ins or Outs, you can also add Tags as shown below“
- Tags- Use this option to add a new Tag to this log.
- New Comment- Use this option to put a Comment in this log.
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