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Make Appointment
Using this page students can schedule appointments. This process can also start from the Campus Compass too(see next chapters).
- Start by choosing either the Service that you are interested in or the Location where the activities take place, now click search to find some staff available for an appointment. In this example, let's choose By Service(the other option is very similar).
- Next on the service selection-screen we can type for a text to search(such as the word “tutoring”), or we can click on the magnifying glass icon to see a list of Services that are available and select directly from there, in this sample, we are choosing to search all the services containing the word “Tutoring”, as we type we can see the results and select, for this sample we choose “Math Tutoring”.
- Now by scrolling down we can see all the available Locations which provide this service, their information contains their address and map information(if available).
Let's select one and then click the Make Appointment button.
- Now select the time-period or Semester (the dates you would like to make sure someone is available), and Service (if not pre-selected in the Compass or Make Appointment process above). Once the information is set then click either the Search by Staff or Search by Date button.
- This will bring up a list section of available staff for all those selections. Click on the name or image to create the appointment.
- Once the staff member is chosen, their available time-slots will appear below them so we can pick one. This allows for selecting the appointment time that is best for us.
- A new page titled “Make Appointment” will load. Here you can add an appointment duration (check with the location individually to see which durations are allowed) and optionally you can provide notes for the staff member you will be working with.
- Once all this information is entered in you can now click the Save button to continue, or if you need to make changes, go back to the original page by clicking on Search available slots. This appointment scheduler now will process/validate the appointment and provide a message about the outcome.

Upon completion, a teal confirmation message will display and the appointment date, time, and duration for the appointment you just made will appear on the “View All” page for future editing or as a reference.
Making Appointment through the Campus Compass
As explained above you can also create appointments by using Campus Compass, go to General→ Campus Compass and choose from the list of Categories, in this sample we choose “I need help with Academic Advising”:
Now you can see the Services associated to the Category you selected, choose one, in this sample, we select “Academic Progress Assistance” .
Now you can see all locations where this Service is available, choose the one you like, in this sample we choose “Academic Advising” and click “Make Appointment”.
Now we proceed to make the selection and schedule the appointment the same way as we explained in the previous chapter:
Joining an Appointment
Using a Physical Sign-in Station.
Please proceed to the Center Sign-in Station at the time of the appointment, after using your credentials AccuCampus would recognize that your appointment is about to start and you should get a confirmation message on the screen as you see below:
When you finish your session you can sign-out using the same Station, type in your credentials as shown, a confirmation message should appear:
Using a Virtual Link for an Online Appointment.
There are 2 ways to access a virtual appointment.
1-If this is a virtual appointment you should have received a message containing a link so you can use it to join the appointment, the link should look similar to this highlighted URL:
Click on the link, notice you might need to sign-in to AccuCampus first:
Now click “Join” to enter the session:
Now it will redirect to the streaming platform configured to have the session.
2-Go to Appointments→ View All:
Search for the right appointment in the list and click More Actions–> Virtual Sign-in:
Click on the link, notice you might need to sign-in to AccuCampus first:
Now click “Join” to enter the session:
Now it will redirect to whatever streaming platform is configured to perform the session.
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