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Center Visits

This is the section of AccuCampus where you can view all of the past Session Logs for your Locations, where you can quickly see Who's In? the Center, Setup Sign-In Stations for Students and Tutors to log their time, and pull Center Attendance Reports.

Session Logs

How to Access: Center Attendance > Session Logs

Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Session Logs for Center Attendance in AccuCampus.

Session Log Buttons

  • Create Log - This allows you to create a new Session Log.
  • Swipe a Card - This allows you to create a new Swipe In or Out for a Session Log.
  • Who's In? - This simply takes you to the Who's In? section of AccuCampus.
  • View raw Swipes - This allows you to view the Swipes In or Out on a Session Log
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Session Logs on this screen to only show the Session Logs that match the typed search criteria.

Session Log Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Session Log in this list you have a few options and this is their function and purpose:

  • Delete - This option allows you to delete this Session Log. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the deletion so that these are less likely to be deleted by accident.

Create a new Session Log

Select Tags - Here you can define tags that may be used and necessary to report on this session later. As an example use of Tags they could be something like their “Tutoring Status” (“Still needs help”, “Progressing”, “Final Session”) in which you could pull a report on the Session Logs of a particular Student when they may have “Still needs help” or pull a list of all the Students who have completed the tutoring program that include a list of all the Students with “Final Session” marked.

General Information

User - This is the Student you want associated with the Session Log you are creating.

User is unknown - Use this option if you do not know who the Student was but you need to create a Session Log (for headcount purposes).

Location - This is the Location that you want this Session Log to be associated with as taking place in this Location.

Course / Seminar - This is the Course or Seminar that the Student was receiving assistance with during the session.

Use course schedule to determine log status - This is only used if creating a Session Log for Classroom attendance so that it will check this against the Attendance Rules that will assign an Attendance Status (Present, Absent, Tardy, etc.) to the Class Session.

Services - This is the Service that the Student received assistance with during the session.

Staff - This is the Staff that assisted the Student during the session.

Comments - This is an optional field that you can provide additional information about the Session Log you are creating.


In / Out - This is where you can add the time of a Swipe-In or Swipe-Out.

Timeline - This is a visual representation of the swipes collected and if you want to preview the recently added ones you simply click the [Refresh] link.

you must click the Save button at the bottom of this form to save this Session Log

Swipe a Card/Create Swipe

Use this section to create a swipe in/out for a Student in your Location.

  1. Start by completing the following fields:
    • Swipe Type - Choose if the Swipe is a Sign-in or Sign-out.
    • Location - Choose the Location that the Swipe that occurred.
    • Course - Choose the Course that is associated with the Swipe that occurred.
    • Card Number - Enter the Card Number of the Student that this Swipe is assigned. Note: You can use their Card and a Card Reader if available.
  2. Once that is done simply click the Save & Swipe Again button.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until all swipes have been recorded and when done click the Close button.
The swipes will show below in a Recent Swipes section as you record them so you know where you are at if entering a long list of swipes manually.

View Raw Swipes

Use this section to view the actual swipes in/out for all Students in your Locations.

Raw Swipes Buttons

  • Swipe a Card - This allows you to create a new Swipe In or Out for a Session Log.
  • View Logs - This allows you to view the Session Logs (basically a combination of in/out swipes for a Session.
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Raw Swipes on this screen to only show the Raw Swipes that match the typed search criteria.

Who's In?

How to Access: Center Attendance > Who's In?

Purpose: Used to quickly view the Students Signed-in at your Locations in AccuCampus.

Who's In? Buttons

  • Refresh - This allows you get an updated list of Who's in your Location.
  • Sign-out - This allows you to Sign-out all Students at your Location or at least the ones filtered in the list. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the Bulk Sign-out so that these are less likely to be signed-out by accident.
  • Random Pick - This allows you to Pick one or several Students from all Students at your Location or at least the ones filtered in the list.
  • Show Filters/Hide Filters - This filters the current view of the Students on this screen to only show the Students that match the typed search criteria.

Who's In? Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Student who's in the Location in this list you have a few options and this is their function and purpose:

  • Sign-out - This option allows you to Sign-out this Student from the Location. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the Sign-out so that these are less likely to be signed-out by accident.


How to Access: Center Attendance > Sign-in Stations

Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Sign-in Stations for Center Attendance at your Locations in AccuCampus.


How to Access: Center Attendance > Reports

Purpose: Used to generate Center Attendance Reports for your Locations in AccuCampus.

This is a complete list of all the Reports available in AccuCampus with their available filters so you can see if this report will work for your reporting needs. A sample and image preview of the report will also be provided to see exactly what information is in the Report. All reports provide you with the ability to generate them in one of these three formats*:

  • Comma-Seperated Values (CSV) - This format is typically used for importing information into other information systems.
  • Microsoft EXceL Spreadsheet(XLS) - This format is typically used if you want to create your own graphs, bar charts, etc. with the data collected.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) - This format is typically used if you want a pre-formatted report to present to someone quickly, that can be viewed easily, and is difficult to edit without special software.

*Certain reports such as the Traffic Analysis and analytics reports the are only exception as they are only available in the XLS format.

Event Registration Reports

Event Registration and Attendance - Shows the registration and the attendance for a specific session.

  • Available filters: Course(s) & Session Date

User Profiles Reports

Group Demographics - It shows the demographics of a specific user group.

  • Available filters: Group(s)

User Profile - It shows each profile field/question. For each field, the report lists the available answers. For each answer, the report shows number of users and their number of visits. The report shows all students in the system, whether they visited or not. If one of the available answers is not shown, then no one has selected that answer during the reporting period.

  • Available Filters: Period, Group(s), Profile Questionnaire, Specific User(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Profile Distribution Analysis - View an Excel file with the profile answer distribution for all the users. Can be filtered to only those who have used a location, service or course in a specific date range.

  • Available Filters: Date range, Profile Questionnaire, Location(s), Service(s) & Course(s)

User Profile (Visited) - It shows each profile field/question. For each field, the report lists the available answers. For each answer, the report shows number of users and their number of visits. The report shows only on students who visited. If one of the available answers is not shown, then no one has selected that answer during the reporting period.

  • Available Filters: Period, Group(s), Profile Questionnaire, Specific User(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

User Reports

User List - Lists all Users in the system, including name, card number and email address.

  • Available Filters: Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), & Tag(s)

User List With Tags - Lists all Users in the system, including name, card number, email address and Tags.

  • Available Filters: Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), & Tag(s)

Staff List - Lists all staff members in the system, including name, card number and email address.

  • Available Filters: Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), & Location(s)

Staff List By Services - Lists all staff members in the system, including name, card number and email address. Optionally filtered by service.

  • Available Filters: Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Center Visits Reports

Location general stats - Shows the general stats of a specific location.

  • Available Filters: Date Range & Location(s)

Course attendance - Shows the students center attendance by course.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Course(s)

Student attendance - Shows the session logs for a student.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Course(s)

Summary of Attendance - The report gives you a summary of the number of non-unique students seen and total time.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Course(s)

Detailed Attendance - Provides detailed information about students and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, it lists the classes this student attended. For each class, the report lists the attendance sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent).

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), Course(s), Service(s), & Staff Member(s)

Attendance by Instructor - Lists each instructor and classes (activities) associated with the instructor. Students who signed to the class are also listed, and for each visit, the report shows the sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period. The total time for each student is also calculated.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Instructor(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Course(s)

Visits by Service - Provides information about the services at a location. The report lists each service. Under the service name, the students using the activity are listed. For each student, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period).

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), Service(s), & Course(s)

New Visitors - This report lists each new user to a service or location.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), Course(s), & Service(s)

Session Comments - This report shows comments on sessions. Note that this report only shows sessions with comments.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), Service(s), & Staff

Staff Work Hours - Lists the sign-in time, sign-out time, and sign-in period for each staff member.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Role(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Users Helped by Staff - This report lists the users helped by each staff member.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Staff, Location(s), & Service(s)

Use of Services - This will generate a list of services for each user as well as sign-in time and sign-out time for each activity, what staff was seen and where the service was used at.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Sessions by Staff - Lists each staff member seen during the reporting session. Under the staff's name, it shows the class that the staff helps with, and under the class, it shows the users who singed in to the service with the sign-in and out times.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Specific Staff, Role(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Visits Detailed by Location - Lists each user that visited the location(s) during the reporting period. For each visitor the report shows the number of visits, the date and time of his or her first visit, the date and time of his or her last visit, and the average visits' time.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), Service(s), Course(s), & Courses in Subject(s)

Visits by Staff Summary - It gives you a summary of the number of non-unique users seen and total time for each staff member. Total hours calculation is the sum of walk-ins sign ins for all users during the reporting period.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific Staff, Location(s), Service(s), Course(s), & Courses in Subject(s)

Visits Executive Summary - The report gives you an executive summary of visits to a location, including number of open days (any day with at least one sign-in is considered an open day), number of services offered, number of users served, total contact hours.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Specific Staff, Location(s), Service(s), Course(s), & Courses in Subject(s)

Zero Visits - This report lists each user that didn't visit your center during the reporting period.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Location(s), & Service(s)

Action Plan Reports

Individual Action Plan by User - Shows the action items assigned to the students, the assigned date, deadline date, whether the item was completed, and if so, the completion date. You can also see total items assigned per student, the overall completion rate, and the percentage of items that were completed within the deadline.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Created by, & Action Item(s)

Traffic Analysis Reports

Visits Charts - View all visits statistics in an Excel file, by hour of the day, day of the week, month and course among others. Global analysis for all different locations.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Location(s), Service(s) & Course(s)

Visits Charts by Location - View all visits statistics in an Excel file, by hour of the day, day of the week, month and course among others. Each report grouped by location.

  • Available Filters: Date Range, Location(s), Service(s) & Course(s)
Traffic Analysis Reports are the only reports that are only available in the XLS format due to the way the reports are graphed.

Media Reports

Media List - Shows all the media items. You can filter them by type, location and/or staff member.

  • Available Filters: Media Items, Media Types, Location(s) & Staff members

Late Media - Shows the checked-out media items whose due date has been exceeded.

  • Available Filters: Date range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Media items, & Location(s)

Media Checkouts - Shows all the checkout information on the media items.

  • Available Filters: Date range, Group(s), Role(s), Specific User(s), Media items, Media Types, & Location(s)

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