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Back to Main Menu | Media-Item Menu | Media Check-in, Check Out

Media Checkout History

This area allows you to see Media Checkout History that you lend out to your students.

Media Checkout History Buttons

  • Media Items - This allows you to create a new Media.
  • Media Types - This allows you to add/edit/delete Media Types.

Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) This filters the current view of the Media on this screen to only show the Media that match the typed search criteria.

  • Search - Type-in a text to be searched in the Search in location selected.
  • Search in: - Select a location to search.
  • Refine your Search: - This is a more detailed search, type-in some text to search in the desired field, choices are: (code, title, type, location, Staff, checkout date, due backdate), you can also select from the Status and Active lists to filter even further the results.

Media Types List

All media items have a type assigned to them. This allows you to categorize and organize your items within the system across locations. Before creating media items, you’ll need to create media types. In the Media Items click on the Media Types Tab. YOu will be shown a list of Media Types, for each row you have options:

  • Delete- Use this option to delete a Media Type, a confirmation message will appear, confirm to delete.

To add a new Media Type click “Create Media Type”, see details in the next chapter.

Media List Check-in/Out

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Media in this list you have a few options and this is their function and purpose:

  • Check-in/out - This option allows you to check-in OR check-out this Media to an Attendee: Please select Location from the list and the Attendee receiving the Media. After you have checked-out a Media then check-in will show, click on check-in to receive the Media back from an Attendee.
  • Delete - Click here to delete this Media entry. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the deletion so that these are less likely to be deleted by accident.

New Media Type

To add a new Media Type click “Create Media Type”:

  • Name- Use this option to set a name for the Media Type such as Book, Calculator.
  • Check-out period - This is a general time limit and can be modified within individual media items as they are created. You can choose from hours, days, or weeks.
  • All media must be returned by- This is a general date-limit to return the items and can be modified within individual media items as they are created.
  • SAVE BUTTON- Use this button to save all data.
  • CANCEL BUTTON- Use this button to cancel this operation and go back without saving.

Media Check-in/Out

This area allows you to do Media Check-In/Out.

Media Check-In/Out Buttons

  • Media items filters (optional)- Location - This allows you to select a location from the list.
  • Media item information - This allows you to select a Media from the list.

Media Check-out

When searching for a Media Item to check-in OR check-out the system will use the page that corresponds, so if the Media Item is in inventory a Check-out Page will be shown, but if the item is out in the hands of an Attendee all the information for such Attendee is shown and a Check-In button is shown at the bottom of the page to receive the Media Item back, please see the Check-in Process in the other chapter.

Media items filters (optional)

  • Location- This option shows information about the location of the item.

Media item information

  • Media item- This option shows information about the name of the Media Item.
  • Code- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Type- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Notes- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Active- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Checkout period- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Staff- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Shelf- This option shows the Media Item code information.

Attendee Information

  • Attendee- Please select a user from the list to assign the Media Item.

Check-out information

  • Checkout on- Please input the check-out date and time(by default the current date and time are shown but you can change it if needed).
  • Notes- Please input some notes as needed.
  • Check-Out- PLease click this button to execute the Check-out process with the information gathered above.

Media Check-In

When searching for a Media Item to check-in OR check-out the system will use the page that corresponds, so if the Media Item is in inventory a Check-out Page will be shown, but if the item is out in the hands of an Attendee all the information for such Attendee is shown and a Check-In button is shown at the bottom of the page to receive the Media Item back, please see the Check-Out Process in another chapter above.

Media items filters (optional)

  • Location- This option shows information about the location of the item.

Media item information

  • Media item- This option shows information about the name of the Media Item.
  • Code- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Type- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Notes- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Active- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Checkout period- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Staff- This option shows the Media Item code information.
  • Shelf- This option shows the Media Item code information.

Attendee Information

  • Attendee- This option shows the Attendee Full Name.
  • Photo- This option shows the Attendee Photo(if specified).
  • Card #- This option shows the Attendee Card #.
  • Email- This option shows the Attendee Email(if specified).
  • Postal address- This option shows the Attendee Postal address(if specified).
  • Mobile number- This option shows the Attendee Mobile number(if specified).
  • Home number- This option shows the Attendee Home number(if specified).
  • Work number- This option shows the Attendee Work number(if specified).
  • Staff member- This option shows the Staff member who performed the Check-out(if specified).
  • Event- This option shows the Event(if specified).

Check-out information

  • Checkout on- This option shows information regarding the last Check-out process for this Media Item.
  • Due back- This option shows information regarding the due Date.
  • Notes- This option shows information regarding NOtes(if specified).
  • Done by- This option shows information regarding who did the Check-out.
  • Check-in On- Please use this option to specify when the Media Item is returned(by default the system will show current Date and Time)
  • Notes- Please use this option to specify Notes.
  • Check-In- Please use this button to execute the Check-in process with all information specified above.
  • Back- Please click this button to go back without saving.

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