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Attendance Sheet

How to Access: Class Attendance > Attendance Sheet

Purpose: Used to quickly view and manage all students' Class Attendance over time in AccuCampus. By simply clicking on a date at the top of the grid you can be taken to the Roll Call screen to quickly manually update the Attendance Statuses for that date.

Attendance Sheet Criteria

To get started with Roll Call you must first specify the following:

  • Course Session - This is simply the Class you want to view the Attendance Sheet (and you must know the name).

Attendance Sheet Buttons

When you get to this section there are several options as to how you call the roll for your classes:

  • View Attendance - Use this option to see the Attendance Sheet for the entire Class of Enrolled Students in one screen.

Attendance Sheet More Actions

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every screen in the Classroom Attendance section you'll have a few options and this is their function and purpose:

  • Swipe a Card - Use this option to create a new Swipe In or Out for a Class session.
  • Unresolved Swipes - This takes you to the list of Unresolved Swipes: Unresolved Swipes

Manage the Attendance Sheet

Here are some things you can do when viewing the Attendance sheet.

Manage the Attendance Sheet Buttons

When you get to this section there are several options to help you call the roll for your Class:

  • Hide/Show Totals - Use this option to show or hide the total numbers of Attendance Statuses given to the Student for this Class.
  • Change Class - This brings you back to the initial Roll Call screen to select the Class and date for another Course.
  • Print - Use this option to print the current view of the Attendance Sheet. Note: This can be with or without the Totals showing to see it in a printout whichever format you prefer. It is also best if in the print preview you set this to “landscape” and “fit page” depending on the number of sessions from the class.

Manage the Attendance Sheet Options

You'll notice on this list of the enrolled Students for this Class you have a few options and this is their function and purpose:

  • Student's Name - Click the name of the Student to see attendance information related to the Student.
  • Attendance Dates - Click on one of the dates listed at the top of the Attendance Sheet to be taken to the Roll Call screen for this date.
  • Side Scrollbar - Use this to view dates at the end of the Class.

Manage the Attendance Sheet More Actions

In case you do not see a Swipe for a Student you have these additional actions:

  • Swipe a Card - This takes you to a section where you can swipe in several students manually for a Class session.
  • Unresolved Swipes - This takes you to a section where you can view all the swipes that were not recorded properly because they were lacking either the Student's information or the Class information.

Swipe your Card

Use this screen to swipe/type an ID and record such Swipe information:
Available Fields

  • Type- Select if this is a swipe for Sign-in/Out.
  • Session Date-Set the session date, by default it shows the current date.
  • Session Name- Type-in the session name.
  • Card #- Type-in or swipe your card here.

Available Buttons

  • Save and Swipe Again- Use this option to record all the information and start all over again.
  • Close- Use this option to rollback without saving.

If the ID was not recognized it will show an error

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