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How to Access: Center Attendance > Sign-in Stations
Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage the Sign-in Stations for Center Attendance at your Locations in AccuCampus.
- Create New- Use this option to create a new “Sign-in Station” (see details in the next chapter).
- Uninstall Station - Use this option to uninstall a Sign-in Station.
- Waiting Lines - Select this option to configure the Waiting Line features(see details in the next chapter).
Stations rows options
- Delete- Use this option to delete a “Sign-in Station”.
- More Actions–>Install Here - Use this option to Install a “Sign-in Station” in the current session(User needs to log-out for the sign-in station to show).
- More Actions–>Virtual Sign-in Links - Select this option to configure aVirtual Sign-in Link(see details in the next chapter).
Create a new Sign-in Station screen
Purpose: Used to create and edit a Sign-in Stations/Kiosk for Center Attendance at your Locations in AccuCampus.
General Options
- Station Name -This is required; type in the Name for this Sign-in Station/Kiosk.
- Title - This is required; type in the text that will be displayed to the users of this Sign-in Station/Kiosk(“Swipe your card or type your ID” is the text by default).
- Instructions -This is optional; type in the Instructions displayed to the users of this Sign-in Station/Kiosk.
- Tracking Mode - Select the tracking mode; options are: Center Attendance and Class Attendance.
- Sign-In/Out Mode - Select between Multi-step, Single-step, and Manually-Selected modes.
- Use Manually-Selected to select a specific class, course, or seminar, and have multiple attendees sign in.
- Single-step Kiosks allow people to sign in to the Class, Course, or Seminar based on schedules just by swiping their ID card or typing their ID.
- Multi-step Kiosks allow people to select additional options such as Location, Tutor, and Course before signing in.
- Admin Passcode - This is a simple passcode that allows the Administrator to change the event or enroll visitors, notice that if you leave this empty, any user can perform the actions mentioned above.
- Show results for - Use this option to specify for how long a confirmation message shows on the Screen after a sign-in/out
- Show visitor IDs - Use this option to enable/disable showing the user ID.
- Show visitor names - Use this option to enable/disable showing the user name.
- Show visitor photos - Use this feature to enable/disable showing the user photo; after enabling this feature, you will be able to select from 3 picture sizes depending on your needs; options are small(40 pixels wide), medium(150 pixels wide) and large(300 pixels wide).
Location Selection
- Locations - select the location(s) where students can sign-in. Students will be prompted to pick one of them (only if more than one is selected); as soon as you select a Location, a link to “Edit Settings” will be shown next to the Location Name; see details below.
Survey Integration
- Survey Provider - Use this to add a survey at sign-out. If you want the Survey to be sent by email, you need to Create a Rule instead.
Beacon Integration -Use this to set up beacons for this sign-in Station.
- Beacon Profile - This option will only show if you enable the Beacon Integration checkmark; select the Beacon Profile you would like to use.
SAVE AND INSTALL HERE - This option saves the Sign-in Station and Executes it so that this machine will become a Sign-in Station; you would need to log out of Accucampus to start using the Sign-in Station; see details below.
SAVE WITHOUT INSTALLING - This option saves the Sign-in Station and shows a list of available Sign-in Stations; you can run a Sign-in Station on that Screen.
CANCEL - Use this option to go back to the previous Screen (without saving the Information).
Edit Location configuration
When creating a Sign-in Station, you will need to select a Location; this is where the “Edit Configuration” link will be shown:
- Show location attendance summary at sign-out- select this option to show a message on the Screen with Information about the Location attendance information, then proceed to determine the Duration for such a message below in the Duration option.
- Duration - Select the Duration of the message from the option above; your options will be 15 sec, 30 sec, and 60 sec.
Service Selection
- Selection- This setting determines if the service selection is displayed. If disabled, this step will be skipped. In 'Auto,' the services will be displayed for Selection only when there's more than one service available for a location. When only one is available, it will be automatically selected. The services displayed will depend on those assigned to the location selected by the student signing in.
- Allow selecting none- Enable this option to allow to skip Service selection.
- Allow selecting multiple services- If there is more than one service for a Location, this option allows you to choose many benefits instead of just one.
- Show attendance summary at sign-out- This option allows us to show a msg with Attendance summary info at sign-out.
Course Selection
- Selection- Whether the course selection is displayed. If disabled, this step will be skipped. In 'Auto,' the student's courses will be displayed for Selection, only when there's more than one available.
- Allow selecting none- Use this option to allow to skip Course selection.
- Show attendance summary at sign-out- This option allows us to show a msg with Attendance summary info at sign-out.
Staff Selection
- Staff member's roles- Whether the staff selection is displayed. If disabled, this step will be skipped. In 'Auto,' the staff users will be displayed for Selection only. People listed depend on the Staff available for the Course and services selected.
- Selection- Use this option to set the rules to select the Staff; this option will allow you to set rules for Staff work balancing purposes: auto, Balanced: Random, Balanced: cycle, Balanced: less busy, disabled.
- Display at- Select between Sign-In OR Sign-Out.
- Allow selecting None- Use this option to choose none(skipping this Selection).
- Show scheduled only- Use this option to allow in the list only the Staff with expected time.
- Remember Selection for two weeks- Select this option to allow the system to remember these choices for two weeks.
- Show Attendance Summary at sign-out- Use this option to show a msg containing “Attendance summary” info at sign-out.
- Accept unknown users- Use this option to allow unknown users in.
- Create new users- Use this option to allow for the creation of new users.
- New user's roles- set the role that the new rules will have. (If allowed to create new users)
- OK- use this button to accept all changes and to enter all Information set above.
- CANCEL- use this button to roll back to the previous screen without saving.
Waiting Lines List
AccuCampus allows you to create wait lines for locations, specific services at a site, specific courses, and specific staff members at a location. Additionally, wait lines can be made “virtual,” which means that students can add themselves to a waiting line via the mobile App rather than signing in at the Location itself. This allows students to manage their time better and centers to better manage their space. Before waiting lines can be created, you must first have built locations, services, courses, and sign-in stations.
Purpose: Used to create and edit Waiting Lines at Locations in AccuCampus.
General Options
- Create Line -Use this option to create a new Waiting Line(see details in the next chapter).
* Sign-in Stations - Click this button to be redirected to the Sign-in Station Screen.
Waiting List/Rows Options notice that for each Waiting List in the list, there are two buttons on the right-hand side,
- Manage -Use this option to see/edit the current Waiting Line specifications.
- Delete - Click this button to Delete the current Waiting Line.
New Waiting Line/Editing Waiting Line
Purpose: Used to create OR edit Waiting Lines information; the only difference between the options is that the page will populate existing Information. If you are trying to EDIT a current Waiting Line, it will show empty fields for NEW.
General Options
- Name -This is required; type in the Name for this Waiting Line.
- Location - This is required; select the Location that this Waiting Line will refer to.
- Description -This is optional; type in the Description for this Waiting Line.
- Active - select this option to enable/disable this Waiting Line.
Tracking Information You can set this Line to a specified service, event, or staff member. Then, whenever attendees sign in, they will be put in the corresponding Line based on what they select. This way, you can have multiple waiting lines at the same time in the exact location. If you want to have a single line in the specified location, leave the text fields empty.
- Service - Select default values for Service.
- Course - Select default values for Course.
- Staff - Select default values for Staff.
Remote Access Enable remote access to allow students to add themselves to the waiting line. The message fields accept tokens. Enter {none} to disable a specific message. Valid tokens are {Position}, {WaitTime}.
- Enable joining using the App - this option allows us to enable/disable joining via the APP. If you use this option, a new set of 5 options will appear; see below:
- Display Name - Select this option to name the Waiting list in the App.
- When joined, message- Select this option to show a message in the APP; by default, it will show the User Position and Wait time
- When in position- Set a position number so that the system will trigger a message when the user reaches this number.
- message- This is the message that the system will show when the user reached the position number shown above.
- When signed-in, message- set a custom message to show when the user signs in; by default, the system will show “A staff member is waiting for you. come in.”:
- SAVE - This option saves the Information.
- CANCEL - This option quits the page without saving.
Using a Sign-in Station
Ensure to have configured and installed the Sign-in Station first; then, you need to log out of Acccucampus to start using it.
- Sign-in- type your ID to sign in (swiping your card could be another option if you have a magnetic reader available).
After typing your ID, depending on how this Station was configured, a certain number of steps might be needed, these would include steps like:
- Choosing Services.
- Choosing Courses.
- Choosing Tutors or Staff.
Select all options as needed, and you should see a message informing you about the outcome.
Login to AccuCampus from a Sign-in Station
If you need to use the machine that is running a Sign-in Station to login to AccuCampus, you have two options:
- Using the unlock-station code- This Sign-in Station where you need to select the courses and classes, in this example manually, it is taking attendance for “Seminar X,” we will be changing this to track attendance on “Seminar Y” :
Go to the lower-left section and type the unlock code(if there is one).
Click “change course”:
Please search for the new Course; once you find it hit enter:
As you can see now, the Sign-in Station has been set to track attendance to the other seminar; click logout:
- Full login to AccuCampus to work: Go to the lower-right section and click “Login,” type your credentials as usual; once you log out, the machine will go back to being a Sign-in Station.
Select all options as needed, and you should see a message informing you about the outcome.
Virtual Sign-in Link creation
After clicking this option, a page with all Sign-in Links associated with this Station will show:
Main options:
- Create New- Use this option to create a new Sign-in Link. (see details below)
Row options:
- Get Link - Use this option to obtain this Virtual Sign-in Link URL link.
- Delete - Use this option to delete this Virtual Sign-in Link.
Create a new Virtual Sign-in Link
Next, we are going to set up the Virtual Sign-in options. Follow all steps using the explanations provided:
- Section 1- Instructions before signing-in:
The administrator/tutor will set the instructions for the students to see before starting the sign-in process.
- Section 2- Joining the virtual session:
The administrator/tutor will set the instructions to join the session. If you want to use the URL configured in the Staff User Profile Information, then enable the option “User staff member's link when available,” however, if you want to specify a different URL for the online session, set the new URL in the “Session Url” field shown below (and make sure the option “Use Tutor Connect Links when Available” is not enabled). Set an expiration time for the Link (this is very important to prevent users from interfering in someone else's sessions using old links).
- Get Sign-in Link- Use this option to proceed to the next Screen where the Link will be shown, copy and distribute this Link as needed:
- Go Back- click this option to roll back to the previous page without saving.
Sending the Link for online appointments using rules
In Accucampus, sending the links for online appointments via Direct-Messaging, Email, and/or text messaging to all participants is very important; follow this step by step instructions.
Go to Advanced Options–>Settings–>Rules:
Now click the “Create New” button; in the next Screen, you will have to select the trigger “When an appointment is created” and the Condition “IsVirtual is Yes.”
Then create a “Send Notification” Action and edit it( see the example below):
In the Action-Screen, make sure to add all data as shown, especially the Token VirtualURL (which contains the Link).
Assigning a beacon to a Sign-in Station
Once the Beacon Profile is set up, you will need to assign it to an already created sign-in station.
From the Main Sidebar, hover over Center Visits and click on Sign-in Stations:
Click the Sign-in Station that you want to assign the beacon to edit it.
In the Sign-in Station data, go to the Beacon Integration section and enable it, now select the beacon profile from the list and save all changes.
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