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General Configuration
How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > General
Purpose: This page is used for General Configuration in AccuCampus.
- Header Logo - Click the Upload Logo button to select your image file (JPG, BMP, PNG). Click OK button once you select the image file on your computer.
- Session Timeout - If desired, enter a timeout limit for a user's session.
- Time Zone - Select your time zone from the drop-down menu, if you can not find it please enable “Show all time zones” below.
- Show all time zones - Please select this option to show all time zones.
- License Agreement - If desired, enter a license agreement that will be shown to the users.
- All users must accept the license agreement upon first login - Enable this option to force the users to read/accept the license agreement upon the first login.
- Allow users to change their names in their profile -Choose whether users can edit the demographic information in their profiles(name).
- Allow users to change the e-mail address in their profile -Choose whether users can edit the demographic information in their profiles(email address).
- Allow users to change the postal address in their profile -Choose whether users can edit the demographic information in their profiles(postal address).
- Allow users to change the phone numbers in their profile - Choose whether users can edit the demographic information in their profiles(phone numbers).
- SAVE BUTTON - Please click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Please click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.