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Attendance Configuration
How to Access: Advanced Options > Settings > Attendance
Purpose: Within this page, you are able to set global settings for attendance, as well as location-based settings for it.
The global settings are the default for the entire system.
In order for a location to have different settings than others, you must change the scope to that Location and save the changes.
The ability to adjust these settings is based on your permission.
This page is used to configure Attendance information in AccuCampus.
Attendance tracking settings, i.e. if sign-out is required, presence % for events, etc.
- Setting Scope selection - Select from this list the scope to create/edit the configuration, you can leave it at the Account Level for global settings first, then you can change it to a Location to do some changes as needed. Choose the Scope to edit settings for. The default is Account, which controls the global settings for all locations. To change the scope, click Change and select the location you want to edit settings for. Make sure to click Set Scope once the location is selected. To learn how to change scopes see the next chapter.
2-General: Controls settings regarding session logs, specifically if users are automatically signed out, what the default session log time will be, etc. These settings affect class attendance, center attendance, and event attendance.
- Create a new log after X hours of inactivity - Set this value for automatic log creation if inactivity happens in a defined interval of time.
- Default time in X min - Select if session logs must start and end on the same date. This ensures that new logs created don’t straddle two days..
- Logs must start and end on the same date. - Select this option If requiring users to sign out.
- Require users to sign-out. - Select between AUTO to show the services in the appointment or DISABLED if you will not require the user to select Services.
- Automatically sign users out after the inactivity period is due using the default time in. - Select this option to create a new log to based on the inactivity period set above.
- Automatically sign users out when signing-in to a different location. - Select this option to ensure more accurate session logs when users change locations.
- Prevent users from editing logs' after X hours - Select this option to limit user access to logs after a defined period of time.
- Set logs as 'invalid' if their duration is less than X minutes. - Select this option to set a required duration for a session log to be valid. Any session logs that are shorter than the selected time will be marked as invalid and the data will not be tracked in Accucampus.
3-Courses: This allows you to set limits on how early or late an attendee can sign-in and still be counted as attending the course. If desired, set a specific time limit for signing in and out. This allows attendees to be counted as signing in or out if they arrive early or stay late for the course.
- Allow users to sign-in early by X mins. - This allows setting limits on how early an attendee can sign-in and still be counted as attending the course.
- Allow users to sign-out late by X mins. - This allows setting limits on how late an attendee can sign-out and still be counted as attending the course.
- Required presence percentage. - If desired, set a required presence percentage for attendance to count. This means that a user must be present for a specific percentage of the course session for their attendance to count.
- Overwrite settings of existing courses… - If desired, make these settings the default for all existing courses. This will overwrite any settings that were created at the course level.
3-Class Attendance: This allows you to customize the available attendance statuses and identify which action will be tied to which status. To do so, click customize.
- Available Statuses - Currently available statuses will be listed. You are able to remove these statuses, give them weight, and set the key value for them.This allows you to customize the available attendance statuses and identify which action will be tied to which status. To do so, click customize, otherwise to leave it as default proceed to SAVE.(see next chapter for Statuses Customization configuration)
- SAVE BUTTON - Click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
Attendance Statuses customization screen
If you click Available Statuses customize a new screen will appear:
1-Available Statuses
- Available Statuses - Currently available statuses will be listed. You are able to remove these statuses, give them weight, and set the key value for them.
To add additional statuses, click Add another status.
2-Selection Rules:
- Selection Rules - Set selection rules for each status. This tells the system which attendance status to assign to the session based on when the user signs in or out.
- When saving these settings Automatically re-process attendance - If desired, apply the changes to all previous course attendance for a given term.
- For term - If desired, apply the changes to all previous course attendance for a given term.
- SAVE BUTTON - Click this option to save the configuration.
- CANCEL BUTTON - Click this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
How to change scopes
In this area you can see what is the current scope, in this case, it is set to the Account Scope, to change it to another scope click “Change”:
- Type to Search- Type in a location name so AccuCampus can autocomplete or click the magnifying icon to see the list and select:
- Set Scope- Click this option to set the scope to the location selected in the previous step.
- Set Account Level- Click this option to set the Account Level.
- Cancel- Click this option to go back without saving.
Additional information/articles about this topic
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