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My Plan

How to Access: Action Plan > My Plan

Purpose: Used by students to view Action Items and Action Packs needing to be completed in their individual Action Plan in AccuCampus.

Action Plan (All Plans) Buttons

When you get to this section, several buttons are useful when managing a Student's Action Plans:

  • Assign Action Item - Use this option to choose from existing Action Items to assign to the Student selected.
  • Assign Action Pack - Use this option to choose from existing Action Packs to assign to the Student selected.
  • Action Items - Use this option to create Action Items.
  • Action Packs - Use this option to create Action Packs.
  • Change User - Use this option to change the Student that you want to assign Action Items and/or Action Packs.
  • Completion Level filter - While viewing the selected student you can alter the view with the following options:
  • Show all - This option shows all Action Items or Action Packs assigned to the Student currently selected.
  • Show due only - This option shows all Action Items or Action Packs that are due now for the currently selected Student.
  • Show not completed only - This option shows all the incomplete Action Items or Action Packs for the currently selected Student. This is the default view when accessing the All Action Plans section.
  • Show completed only - This option shows all the completed Action Items or Action Packs assigned to the currently selected Student.
  • Search (Magnifying Glass) - Use this option to search for Action Items or Action Packs that are in the current view you have selected.

Search (Magnifying Glass) Options

  • Search- Type in a text to search.
  • Search In- Filter the search in a certain category.
  • Refine your search- Use this option to search in specific fields of Data.
  • Code- Type-in a text to search in the Code field.
  • Name- Type-in a text to search in the Name field.
  • Items- Type-in a text to search in the Items field.

Action Plan (All Plans) Options

  • Action Item/Pack Name - Click on the title of the Action Items or Action Packs to manually update the status of this item or add/view notes about this Action Item or Action Pack.
  • Status Quick Filter - Click on the magnifying glass or title of the Status listed directly below the Action Item or Action Pack title of a particular item to see all Action Items that are currently set to that status.
  • Delete - This option is located on the far right of each Student's Action Plans, Action Items, or Action Packs to remove an item that is no longer necessary to complete or placed on the student by accident. You should receive a warning, though, to avoid any accidental deletions.
All buttons and options may not be present unless you have access to them as an Administrator.

Assign Action Item

Action Item

  • Action Item - Select from the available previously created Action Items that you want to assign to the Student you've selected. If you accidentally choose the wrong Action Item in the list, you have an (edit) option that appears so you can change it once something has been selected.

General Information

  • Assigned to- Select from the 2 options: Student(if selecting this option, a list of Attendees will show), and Members of Group(if selecting this option, a list of Groups will be shown, so you select from it)
  • Student-This list will show (only) if you select Student in the previous selection. Please select a Student from the list who will receive the Action Item.
  • Members of Group- This list will show (only)if you select (Members of Group) in the previous selection. Please select a Group from the list; all members of the Group will receive the Action Item.
  • Due On - Set a date that this Action Item assignment is due.
  • Expire On- Set a date that this Action Item assignment will expire.
  • Autocomplete based on rules - Check this option if you want the rules to handle marking completed.
  • Completed - Used to mark the Action Item completed.


  • Assignment Notes - These are notes you can add about why this Action Item being assigned to the Student.
  • Public for student - This option makes this note visible to the student.


  • Other - This is where you search for Users that you want to be emailed updates about the progress of the selected Student on the completion of this Action Item, please select the Student. You can click ADD to repeat the process and select another one, and so on.
  • Save- Click this button to save all changes.
  • Cancel- Click this button to roll back the operation without saving.
As the student attempts to complete or completes this Action Item, you can add additional notes that you can choose to share with the student or not and mark as complete when done. This Action Item can be also be marked completed by rules that you have set up in AccuCampus.

Assign Action Pack

Action Pack

  • Action Pack - Select from the available previously created Action Packs that you want to assign to the Student you've selected. If you accidentally choose the wrong Action Pack in the list, you have an (edit) option that appears so you can change it once something has been selected.

Assignment Information

  • Student - This is simply the Student you have selected to be assigned this Action Pack.
  • Notes - These are notes you can add about why this Action Item being assigned to the Student.

List of Action Items Each Action Item will be listed in the Action Pack so you can assign the due dates, decide whether or not to share the notes with each item, and choose if the completion should be marked based on rules.

  • Due On - Set a date that this Action Item assignment is due.
  • Autocomplete based on rules - Check this option if you want the rules to handle marking completed.
  • Public for student - This option makes the notes visible to the student.
As the student attempts to complete or completes each Action Item in this Action Pack, you can add additional notes that you can choose to share with the student or not and mark as complete when done. As well followers can be added to each Action Item later in AccuCampus.

Action Items

How to Access: Action Plan > Action Items

Purpose: AccuCampus uses Action Items for referrals and processes such as early alerts. It’s a simple process for faculty or other staff members (or even students) to flag a user for various reasons, and each step of the process is tracked in AccuCampus. In many cases, alerts can be assigned or marked as completed automatically. Each Action Item can be hidden from inappropriate parties, and only authorized users can view individual student plans. Used to view/manage the individual Action Items in AccuCampus. These Action Items can be grouped into Action Packs or assigned directly to an Action Plan for a Student.

Action Items Buttons

AccuCampus uses Action Items for referrals and processes such as early alerts. It’s a simple process for faculty or other staff members (or even students) to flag a user for various reasons, and each step of the process is tracked in AccuCampus. In many cases, alerts can be assigned or marked as completed automatically. Each Action Item can be hidden from inappropriate parties, and only authorized users can view individual student plans.

  • Create Action Item - This option allows you to create an Action Item. Before Action Items can be created, you will first need to create Action Types. Action Types help organize and categorize your Action Items.
  • Action Types - This option takes you to the section to manage Action Types.
  • Search (Magnifying Glass) - Use this option to search for Action Items in the current view you have selected.

Action Item Search (Magnifying Glass)

  • Search - This option allows you to search an Action Item by typing the name.
  • Search in - Use this option to limit the filter above in certain categories.

Adittional documentation

Watch a short video on how to assign Action Items

There are several ways to assign Action Items, from the Action Plan page, the Action Item page, and the Users page. In this video, all 3 options are shown.

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