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Action Items
How to Access: Action Plan > Action Items
Purpose: AccuCampus uses Action Items for referrals and processes such as early alerts. It’s a simple process for faculty or other staff members (or even students) to flag a user for various reasons, and each step of the process is tracked in AccuCampus. In many cases, alerts can be assigned or marked as completed automatically. Each Action Item can be hidden from inappropriate parties, and only authorized users can view individual student plans. Used to view/manage the individual Action Items in AccuCampus. These Action Items can be grouped into Action Packs or assigned directly to an Action Plan for a Student.
Action Items Buttons
AccuCampus uses Action Items for referrals and processes such as early alerts. It’s a simple process for faculty or other staff members (or even students) to flag a user for various reasons, and each step of the process is tracked in AccuCampus. In many cases, alerts can be assigned or marked as completed automatically. Each Action Item can be hidden from inappropriate parties, and only authorized users can view individual student plans.
- Create Action Item - Use this option to create an Action Item. Before “Action Items” can be created, you will first need to create Action Types. Action Types help organize and categorize your Action Items.
- Action Types - This option takes you to the section to manage Action Types.
- Search (Magnifying Glass) - Use this option to search for Action Items in the current view you have selected.
Action Item Search (Magnifying Glass)
- Search - Use this option to search an Action Item typing the name.
- Search in - Use this option to limit the filter above in certain categories.
Action Items Options
- Action Item Name - Click on the title of the Action Items to manually edit this Action Item.
- Action Type Quick Filter - Click on the magnifying glass or title of the Action Type listed directly below the Action Item title of a particular item to see all Action Items of a particular type.
- Assign - Use this option to assign the selected Action Item to a Student from this screen.
- Delete - This option is located on each Action Item right to remove an item that is no longer needed. You should receive a warning, though, to avoid any accidental deletions.
Create Action Item
From the previous screen this is what loads and options you have when you click the Create Action Item button.
General Info
- Code - This is a unique code for this Action Item, which can be used when pulling reports to show the completion of the specific Action Item.
- Name - This is what is displayed to the Student and is the title or name of the Action Item.
- Description - This is an optional field used to help provide more information that may help users decide whether or not to assign this particular Action Item to a Student.
- Action Type - This is a list of existing Action Types that have been created to allow you to categorize the Action Items, but if you do not have any, you can save the Action Item for now, create an Action Type (shown below), and update this information on the Action Item later.
- Duration - This is the estimated duration the appointment/session should last to complete this Action Item.
Service and Course
- Service - This is where you can associate Services with a particular Action Item.
- Event-related - This is if you want to see available Seminars or Courses as options in the above list as well.
- Users - This option is used to assign particular Users who need to be notified about this. They will receive e-mail updates when changes are made to this Action Item such as being assigned, removed, or updated.
- Public for student - Enabling this option allows for Students to be able to assign this Action Item to themselves.
Action Types
Action Types Buttons
When you get to this section, there are several buttons available to manage the Action Types available when you create Action Items:
- Create Action Type - Use this option to create an Action Type.
- Action Items - This option takes you back to the Action Items.
- Search (Magnifying Glass) - Use this option to search for Action Items in the current view you have selected.
Action Types Options
- Action Type Name - Click on the title of the Action Type to manually edit this Action Type and all of its options.
- Delete - This option is located on each Action Type right to remove a no longer needed type or was added by accident. You should receive a warning, though, to avoid any accidental deletions.
Create Action Type
This is what loads, and options you have when you click the Create Action Type button from the previous screen.
General Info
- Name - This is a brief category descriptor for your Action Items. Enter the Name. This will be visible to users creating Action Items, so make sure that the name is easily understood.
- Description - This is a description that may help an Admin decide what Action Type or category an Action Item belongs. This will be visible to users creating Action Items, so make sure that the description is clear.
Assign Action Item
From the Action Item screen, you will see a list of currently existing Action Items. The Action Items that are visible to you will depend on your role and the settings of individual Action Items.
This features allows to match Action Items with Students:
Action Item
- Type- Choose from the list an Action Item Type (it is a mandatory field, at least 1 Action Type needs to be created before create an Action Item).
- Code- This is the Action Item Code. It is a unique value that identifies the Item.
- Name- This is the Action Item Name. It is a unique value that easily identifies what the Action Items means.
- Description- This is the Action Item Description.
- Service- This is the name of the Service associated with this Action Item; this is not mandatory.
Assignment Information
- Assign to- Please select from the 2 options between Students OR Members of Groups
- Students- This option will ONLY show if you select Students above; please select the Student from the List.
- Members of Groups- This option will ONLY show if you select Members of Groups above; please select the Group from the List(all Group members will receive the Action Item).
- Due On- If desired, modify the Due On date for the Action Item. The date showing will be the default date based on the setup of the Action Item. The time showing will be the time that the Action Item is assigned.
- Expire On- If desired, modify the Expire On date for the Action Item. The date showing will be the default date based on the setup of the Action Item. The time showing will be the time that the Action Item is assigned.
- Autocomplete based on rules- Please use this option to let Acccuampus autocomplete based on rules.
- Completed- Please use this option to mark this as completed.
- MyPlan Notes- Enter any Notes for the user. These are specific notes to the user and can include any additional information the user may need to complete the action item.
- Public for student- Choose if the MyPlan Notes will be Public for Student. The default is for this to be checked and all notes to be visible. All notes written here will be visible to the assigner and any followers on the Action Item.
- Default- Set the followers. Use this option to add other users who need to have information about the student's progress with this Action Item; this could be other tutors, counselors, teachers, or similar.
- Others- Use this option to add more followers(to the above user added).
- SAVE- Click this button to Save all Changes.
- CANCEL- Click this button to roll back without saving.
How to view an Action Item from a student
1- Go to Action Plans–> All Plans
2- Search for the user:
3-Locate the Action Item you want to see and open it.
How to remove an Action Item
1- Go to Action Plans–> All Plans
2- Search for the user:
3-Locate the Action Item you want to delete and open it.
4- Change the Expire On to the appropriate Date.
5-Click Save
Watch this video as an example of how to assign Action Items
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