CEU Transcripts

This is where you can design, print, and/or even e-mail CEU Transcripts for the conference.

View / Edit

You'll be able to see all of the transcript designs you've created on this page. You can create as many transcript designs as you'd like. To design a new transcript, click on the blue Create Transcript button. You can give your transcript design a name and a short description. These options will appear on the right side of your transcript when you create one:

  • Design: This will take you to the transcript designer for the transcript. If this is your first time designing a transcript, you will be taken to a templates page, where you can choose a template for your transcript.
  • Print: This will take you to the printing page with the specific transcript design already selected.
  • Email: This will take you to the email page with the specific transcript design already selected.
  • Delete: This will remove the transcript from the list.

Design Your CEU Transcripts

How to Access: CEU Transcripts > Design

This is where you can fully customize your Attendees CEU Transcripts or just choose from several preset templates. If you don't like any of them simply click the None option at the bottom.

On this screen you can design the CEU Transcripts for your Attendees. Using the following sections:


  • Size and Orientation: This option allows you to change the transcript from “Portrait” to “Landscape” using “A4” or “Letter” sizes.
  • Add Text Button: Create a box where you can enter text.
    • Font Size: Adjust the size of the text.
    • Font: Adjust the type of the font used in the textbox.
    • Alignment: Aligns the text with in the box area you draw.
    • Style: Bold, Italic, and Underline options.
    • Font Color: Adjust the color of the text.
    • Background Color: Adjust the background color of the textbox area.
  • Add Image Button: To add images to canvas the transcript.
    • View Original: This opens the image in a separate tab/window so you can see the original size/image.
    • Select: Use to select the location and file of the image you want to insert.
    • None: Use this to remove all images from the image box.
  • Add Table Button: To add images to canvas the transcript.
    • Font Size: Adjust the size of the text.
    • Font: Adjust the type of the font used in the textbox.
    • Alignment: Aligns the text with in the box area you draw.
    • Font Color: Adjust the color of the text.
    • Background Color: Adjust the background color of the textbox area.
  • Select Control This is used to select a part of the CEU Transcripts you want to edit and if selecting the boxes on the designer it lets you know what is the current item selection. A drop-down list shows all the elements that make up your transcript.
  • Canvas Properties
    • Background Color: Select the color you want your background. Click on the white box, and it will display a picture with all the colors you can change it.
    • Background Image
      • View Image: It will open a new window showing the image of the transcript created.
      • Change: You can upload an image that resides on your computer. You can upload any normal image file type such as .JPG and .PNG. The recommended image size to upload is 1200×900 pixels at 300 DPI.
      • None: Removes any background image upload.

Use these keywords in any text box:

User Keywords

  • $FirstName$, $LastName$, or $FullName$: Displays the name of the Attendee.
  • $Title$ & $Company$: Displays the Position and Company Name of the Attendee.
  • $PhoneNumber$, $Email$, $StreetAddress$, $City$, $State$, & $ZipCode$: Displays additional information about the attendee.
  • $UserCustomFieldN$: (N=1-5) Displays the custom fields you uploaded or entered for each attendee.
  • $Workshops$: Displays a list of all workshops this attendee went to at this conference.
  • $Credits$: Shows the total number of credits the Attendee received.
  • $AttendanceMinutes$: Shows the total number of minutes the Attendee has attended in workshops at the conference.

Conference Keywords

  • $Conference$: Displays the name of the Conference.
  • $Date$: Display the date the transcript was earned.

Use these keywords in the transcript table:

Transcript Keywords

  • $Date$: Displays the date of the relative workshop that the credits were earned.
  • $Workshop$: Displays the name of the relative workshop that the credits were earned.
  • $Credits$: Shows the number of credits the Attendee received in relation to the workshop.
  • $AttendanceMinutes$: Shows the number of minutes the Attendee was in the workshop for.
  • $SessionCustomFieldN$: (N=1-5) Displays the custom fields you uploaded or entered for each workshop.

Basic Expressions

It's possible to use basic operations on your transcripts using Text fields and Tables. You can begin writing an expression with ${ and $} to end it. The operations you can use are:

  • SUM: Addition
  • SUB: Subtraction
  • MUL: Multiplication
  • DIV: Division

For example, the expression 3 + 2 would be translated to ${ SUM(3,2) $}. You can group expressions as well, so (4 - 2) * (3 / 3) would be ${ MUL( SUB(4,2), DIV(3,3)) $}. It is also possible to use keywords in combination with these expressions. The expression ${ DIV($AttendanceMinutes$, 60) $} will return the number of minutes an attendee has been in a session for divided by 60. You can only use keywords in expressions if the keyword uses a number.

After entering the expression, the textbox will display the answer to the expression on the transcript when they are printed.

To edit what columns appear in the table simply double-click the table and edit them. The column definitions will look something like this:

Date = $Date$

CME Elligible = $SessionCustomField1$

Workshop = $Workshop$

Credits = $Credits$

Selection Options

There are 4 options you can do when you have any of the above items (images, textboxes, etc.) selected.

  1. Move: To do this click anywhere on the item. Once it has the focus click and drag it anywhere on the canvas.
  2. Resize: To do this simply click and drag the gray arrow located on the bottom-right corner of the box. Note: you cannot make the box larger than the canvas size.
  3. Edit: To do this double-click the textbox or table and this will allow you to change the text. Note: Images do not have this option as they have this option in their properties. additionally there is not an image editor in this designer so this means you'll have to edit the image outside of the Conference Tracker website before uploading them.
  4. Remove: Simply click the red ball in the top-right corner of the box.

Finalize the design

Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page when done editing or click the From Templates button to start over.

How to Access: CEU Transcripts > Print

As an administrator, you may want to directly download the CEU Transcripts to printout and handout to the Attendees. You can download it individually or all.

  • To print all CEU Transcripts click on Generate all Transcripts under section Download all Transcripts and wait until the bottom section of the screen with the message Your CEU Transcripts are ready, click on View Transcripts to download.
    • Options:
      • Transcript Design: Choose the design you want to print here.
      • Include certificate as first page: This attaches a Certificate before each transcript in the printout.
      • Users who attended: This allows you to specify a single workshop to print the transcripts on.
      • Exclude attendees with no credits earned: This allows you to only get valid attendees who have attendance data.
      • Only give credit to a session if the attendee completes its evaluation survey: This option will only give credits to the sessions in which the attendee has completed the evaluation survey using the Attendee app.
  • To print only a single transcript enter the name of the attendee and click on Generate Transcript under section Or, only one transcript. Then wait until the bottom section of the screen with the message Your Transcripts are ready, click on View Transcripts to download.

Once the CEU Transcripts have generated a link should appear to View Transcripts.

E-mail CEU Transcripts

How to Access: CEU Transcripts > Email

You can send CEU Transcripts via email to multiple or a single Attendee.

  1. To e-mail all CEU Transcripts , click on Generate all CEU Transcripts
  2. To send to a single Attendee must type the name of the person. Then click on Generate Transcript.
  • Options
    • Transcript Design: Choose the design you want to print here.
    • Include certificate as first page: This attaches a Certificate before each transcript in the email.
    • Users who attended: This allows you to specify a single workshop to email the transcripts on.
    • Exclude attendees with no credits earned: This allows you to only get valid attendees who have attendance data.
    • Only give credit to a session if the attendee completes its evaluation survey: This option will only give credits to the sessions in which the attendee has completed the evaluation survey using the Attendee app.

For both forms to send the CEU Transcripts you need to follow the final steps where you can review the transcript and send.

  • If you need to verify the information on the transcript being sent is accurate, click on the attendee's name displayed on the review section before sending the CEU Transcripts .
  • Click on Email Transcript to send the transcript in section Send them by email.

Once you have entered your attendee to e-mail the transcript the next screen looks like this.

Once you hit Email CEU Transcripts the CEU Transcripts will go out as is, so please review them.

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