Lead Retrieval

This is the area where you can create, view, and edit the leads you have obtained during the conference.


In this section you will see all the leads you have tracked as an exhibitor or if you are an admin you will see all the leads tracked.

You must create an Exhibitor by clicking Exhibitors in Lead Retrieval section and then clicking the Create New button. While adding the exhibitor's Information it will ask you to fill in their first name, last name, e-mail, and to set their password. You'll also note their role is pre-set as an exhibitor.

Exhibitors can log on to the Leads app (Apple Store Download) with the credentials provided by a conference admin to start collecting leads. Once they have scanned the badges of Attendees the stored user information in conftrac.com will become available for them to retrieve after the conference. The Exhibitor may also quickly add notes to each scanned attendee to save for future reference. Using the same login credentials via http://conftrac.com will get them access to an export file of these leads and notes.

Online Exhibitor Registration

How to Access: Lead Retrieval > Exhibitor Online Registration

This is where you can create the registration form for the exhibitors to fill-out and also approve the exhibitors once they start completing the online registration form. Here is an example of a registered attendee who completed the online form:

In order to use this feature you must first go to the Basic Info under the Conference section and check the box for Enable Registration and save.

Create/Edit Registration Form

If you have already enabled Online Registration you can now edit your registration form by clicking the Edit Registration Form button. Here you can add your own custom fields in addition to the default fields in the system. There are 7 types of fields:

  1. Textbox - The purpose of this item is simply if you want to get a text response from the registrant.
    • Properties:
      • Required - Use this option to make a response required (Yes) or optional (No).
  2. Price - The purpose of this item is to allow your registrant to add any price value to their final payment (Typically used for donations).
    • Properties:
      • Required - Use this option to make a response required (Yes) or optional (No).
  3. Password - This item is basically a text box that hides the characters and could be used to hide sensitive information. Note: You'll get 2 fields so the user will have to verify the information.
    • Properties:
      • Required - Use this option to make a response required (Yes) or optional (No).
      • Minimum length - Use this option to set the minimum length required for the password.
  4. Listbox - The purpose of this item is to allow the registrant to select one or multiple item(s) from a list of options. Note: You can now add prices to these options to be tallied on final payment.
    • Properties:
      • Required - Use this option to make a response required (Yes) or optional (No).
      • Multiple selection - Use this option if you want the registrant to have more than one selection.
      • Allow Prices per Option - Use this option if you want to associate prices with each list item that will be added to their final payment.
  5. Checkbox - The purpose of this item is to allow the registrant to check a box on the registration form (typically used to confirm consent).
    • Properties:
      • Required - Use this option to make a response required (Yes) or optional (No).
  6. Section Title - The purpose of this item is to separate portions of the form with headings.
  7. Explanatory Text - The purpose of this item is to provide additional information to registrants while they are completing the form.

To add them simply click the button on the far right to add each of the field types. To edit the text simply click the text to the left of the field. To delete a field click the red ball to the right of the field as shown below. Be sure to save after your are done with the Save button at the bottom of the form.

Registration Options

The other options aside from editing the registration form you have here allow you quickly confirm all registrations using the Confirm All button and the Share Option.

Confirm All

Confirm All could possibly be used if you want to quickly add every received registration form regardless of it's phase. This will make more sense after reading The Registration Process section below.


This area allows you to get iframe html code to add the registration form to your own website, offers quick Social Media options to share information about registering for the conference, and finally a direct link that you can e-mail to possible exhibitors so they can register for the conference.

Send Payment Instructions

Use this button to send all the pending exhibitors the payment URL/information to complete the process through PayPal. This is only necessary if you are using PayPal through Conference Tracker and online payments are activated.

The Registration Process

This area can get confusing for first time users so this next section is here to help clarify the process of exhibitors registering for the conference.

The next topic to discuss is the life-cycle of a registration goes through several phases in this order:

  1. Pending or With Error
  2. Paid & Pending (Can be skipped if you set to auto-accept paid registrations.)
  3. Accepted or Discarded.

Pending or With Error


This means that the Attendee has filled out the registration form but it has not been approved. This phase is when the attendee has not paid for the Conference. From here you can select the option on the Attendee's line to “Send Payment Instructions” as pictured above.

With Error

These are the registration forms that have been completed with errors. Several examples may be the e-mail address was formatted incorrectly like “mi ke@abc.com” or the phone number is missing a digit like “407-555-555_”. Here you'll have the ability to make these corrections.

Exhibitors will only show up in this phase if “Auto-accept when payment received” is not turned on in the conference settings. Here you can manually accept the exhibitors who've paid their registration fees.

Accepted or Discarded

These are lists of all the Accepted Registrations and Discarded ones you chose to delete.


This is a list of all the Accepted Registrations.


This is a list of all the Registrations Discarded you chose to delete.

You can look at each of these using the drop-down box labeled View in the top right of the Online Registration screen (pictured in the screenshot above).

Exhibitor Administrators

How to Access: Lead Retrieval > Exhibitor Administrators

This is where you can manage your Exhibitor Administrators information.

Create: Simply click the Create New button at the top of this screen.

Edit: Click on the name of the Administrator you would like to edit.

Delete: Click the Delete link on the far right side of the bar. Then click the OK button to confirm.

If you accidentally clicked the Delete link click the Cancel button to go back.

View Limits: Click the View Limits link to see exactly how many exhibitor representatives they are planning of having attend or are allowed according to the number of exhibitors registered. As well if they purchased the Conference Leads app through the Online Conference Registration you'll see how many license they paid to use.

Exhibitor Representatives

How to Access: Lead Retrieval > Exhibitor Representatives

You can manually create exhibitors in the Exhibitor Representative/Administrator page. You can access the Create New Exhibitor screen by clicking on the Create New button on the Exhibitors screen.

Once you have entered at least the minimum information (first name, last name, e-mail and password), press the Save button to create the Exhibitor.

Exhibitors can also be imported if you have a list of them with the minimum required information such as First Name, Last Name, and E-mail Address. Middle name and Card ID can be added as well. To see how to import exhibitors Click Here.

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