
This Conference section allows you to configure the following information:

  • Basic Info - This allows you to configure when and where the conference is taking place as well as enable conference options such as enabling online registration for the Attendees and/or Exhibitors.
  • View/Edit Sessions - This allows you to create the Sessions or Workshops that will take place at the conference based on the Conference Dates (enter in the Basic Info) and Rooms available.
  • Check-in Hand-outs - This section allows you to manage Handouts that you may want to track which Attendees received.
  • Maps - This section allows you to upload an image or document of a map that can be accessed by attendees using the Attendee app.
  • Gallery - This section allows you to display a slideshow on your browser of the pictures uploaded to the Attendee app.
  • Device Operators | Presenters | Moderators | Administrators - These sections allow you to define the Users into one or multiple Roles that will help out at the conference. Each role is explained in greater detail below.

Basic Info

The Basic Info section allows you to enter the following:

  • Title: Complete with the name of your conference that will appear in the app for Attendees.
  • Subtitle: Complete with the slogan for the conference that will appear in the app for Attendees.
  • Website: Add the conference or organizations website that will appear in the app for guests.
  • Address: Add the address that this Conference will take place so the Attendees can get directions, find local places of interest, and more from the Conference Attendee app.
  • Conference Description: Write a description for your conference. This will be displayed in the Info section of the Attendee app.
  • Conference Dates: Set up the dates that the conference is going to take place so the Attendees can see what is happening on these days and so you can schedule workshops/sessions on these days.
  • Conference Logo: Upload a Conference Logo that will be used in the App for Attendees.

  • Enable Attendee Registration Check this box to enable Conference Registration. This feature also offers the ability to accept Credit Card or PayPal payments using your own PayPal account through the registration process.
  • Enable Exhibitor Registration Check this box to enable Exhibitor Registration. This feature now offers the ability to register all Exhibitors at once and collect their payment through PayPal.
  • Upload Logo: Choose a file from your computer to use as this conferences logo.
  • Max # of Attendees: Displays your current limit on attendees. Clicking on Increase Limit will notify the Conference Tracker support team of your request.
  • Attendee App: Shows if your account has the Attendee app enabled or not. Clicking on Enable will notify the Conference Tracker support team of your request.
  • Leads App: shows if your account has the Leads app enabled or not. Clicking on Enable will notify the Conference Tracker support team of your request.

Once you have set the previously mentioned information you must click the Save button for the changes to be set.

View/Edit Sessions

This is the section where you can create or import your workshops and session, as well as add rooms.

You must create your rooms by clicking the Edit Rooms button prior to being able to import your sessions/workshops. If you do not, the import will fail every time.

Edit Rooms

From the Conference Sessions screen if you click on the Edit Rooms button this screen is where you can see a list of all the rooms you have created. If you have not started creating rooms this can be done by clicking on the Create Room button. The View Schedule button will take you back to the Conference Sessions screen.

Create Room

Clicking on the Create Room button on the Edit Rooms screen will take you to this page. To create a new room, simply fill in the name and location of the room.

Create Workshop/Session

Once you have the rooms entered in the Conference Tracker system, you are ready to either create your sessions/workshops manually or import them.

To manually enter a session/workshop you click on the Create Session button from the Conference Sessions screen. Once you get to the Create Session form, fill out the information. Once done, click Save to create.

General Information

Name - This is the name of the workshop that you want to appear on the Apple devices and in Conference reports.

When? - This is the date of this workshop. Select from the available dates in the drop-down menu and then select the Start time/End time of the workshop. Note: To add additional dates visit the Basic Info section on the Home screen under the Conference heading.

Where? - This is the Room that this workshop will take place. Select from the available Rooms in the drop-down menu. Note: To add additional Rooms go back to the View/Edit Schedule section on the Home screen under the Conference heading.

Speakers - This is an optional field to specify the person speaking at the workshop/session.

Description - Optionally give this workshop/session a description which Attendees will see when choosing them on the Online Registration form.

Credits - This item states how many credits the Attendee will earn if meeting the attendance requirements of this workshop/session.

Capacity - This is to let the system know how many Attendees can signup for the workshop/session before it becomes full on the Online Registration form.

Fee - This is the optional fee that can be added for signing up to attend this class from the Online Registration form.

Require Users to Sign-out - Check this off if you want the Attendees to have to swipe out at the end of the session.

Note: Even if you do not require them to sign-out it will require you place a 1 in the Required Presence field.

Required Presence - This is the percentage of time they must have been signed in for to obtain the credits for this workshop/session.

Available for online registration - Uncheck this box if you do not want Attendees to see this workshop/session on the Online Registration form.

Custom Fields

These are the custom fields are in setup in the Settings of the Conference Tracker account. If not using these fields simply ignore them. You can also import these on the Attendee import and display them on certificates and transcripts.

Edit Sessions

To edit a Session/Workshop simple click on it's title in the list of workshops when you are in the Conference > View Edit Sessions section.

Another option if there are too many Sessions to simply scroll through and click on the Session Title is to utilize the Search: feature at the top of any page in Conference Tracker.

More Actions

When looking at the list of Sessions/Workshops in Conference Tracker on the far right-side of each one listed there are 3 options. Here is the explanation of each of those options:

  • Registration - Use this option to see who of your Attendees are registered for this Session/Workshop.
  • Session Details - Use this option to get an attendance report and statistics about the session.
  • Delete - Use this option to remove the Session from the conference. You will then have to click a popup message to confirm this deletion.
If you delete the Workshop/Session all settings will be deleted with it so this is not recommended unless you are canceling the Session or it was an extra Session created. You can still pull the Attendance Logs and Attendance Logs (detailed) Exports of those who have previously attended this session as these logs will remain in the system. However, if you try to recreate a Session with the exact same name as a Session that had been previously deleted, Conference Tracker will treat it is a new instance of this session, and the Session Details Reports will not show any previous data.

Import Sessions

If you already have an existing MS Excel Spreadsheet (XLS or XLSX) and would like to simply adjust the file to meet our import requirements. You can learn more about how the Workshop/Session import process works in our recently updated Conference Tracker - Session/Workshops Import section.

Check-in Handouts

In this section you create items that folks will complete or pickup during the Check-In process.

Create Handout

It's as simple as doing the following from this section:

  1. Click the Create Handout button at the top of this page.
  2. Now give a name to the Handout or Activity that they are collecting/doing at Check-in.
  3. You can optionally give a description if needed.
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the Handout.

Delete Handout

When in this section you'll see a list of available Handouts that your conference will be giving out. If for some reason you are not going to be offering one of these items anymore or for whatever reason you want to get rid of all the tracking data for one of these items listed then click the Delete link on the far right-side of the listing you want to remove.

You should be careful deleting these items because once the Handout is deleted any information you may have wanted to Export or Report on is lost along with it. Make a careful decision before confirming the pop-up confirmation box that appears to delete this item.


In this section, you can upload either an image or document file to be used as a map for the attendees. These maps can only be accessed by attendees using the Attendee app.

Create a Map

To begin creating a new map, simply click on the Create Map button on the top left of this page. Then follow these steps:

  1. Enter a name for the map. This will be displayed on the Attendee app for your attendees to see.
  2. Optionally, you can enter a description for the map.
  3. Upload a file to be used as the map. You can upload standard image file types (such as .jpg or .png) and even PDFs.
  4. Click the Save button on the bottom of the page once you're done to finish.

Delete a Map

To delete a map, return to the Maps page. From here, you should see your list of available maps. Simply click on the Delete button on the right side of the map you want removed to delete it.


You also have the ability to place markers on maps. Attendees are able to see markers you've placed on the map by accessing the map from the Attendee app. To begin creating a marker, click on one of your available maps from the Maps page.

From here, you should be able to see a preview image of the map. To create a marker, follow these steps:

  1. Click anywhere on the image to begin creating a marker. A new marker will appear.
  2. Click on Edit to change the properties of the marker.
  3. You can change the name of the marker by changing the text under Specify Room(or set any label).
  4. You can change the color of the marker by entering your own hexadecimal code or by clicking on the white square to the right of the textbox to choose from a preset of available colors.
  5. When you're done, click Ok to finish setting up your marker.

You can move your marker around the map by clicking and dragging it. You can also edit markers any time you would like by simply clicking on Edit on the specific marker you want to change.

To remove a marker, click on Remove next to the Edit button on any marker.

Click on Save on the bottom of the page once you're done making changes to your map.

If you need to go back to the Conference Attendee Checklist, click here to go back.

With this option, you'll be able to display a slideshow of the pictures that were uploaded to the Attendee app. The slideshow will display on your computer screen, but it is recommended that you project your screen on a wall or to a larger display at your event.


You have the choice of filtering the slideshow photos by Date, Session, and User. Adjusting the Date filter will only display photos after the date selected. Adjusting the Session filter will only display photos in the session selected. Adjusting the User filter will only display photos submitted by the selected user. You can use these filters individually or in combination with each other.


You can change the speed at which the pictures change using the Advance Speed drop down menu. You can select a range of times between 5 seconds to 1 minute.

Enabling Auto Play will have the slideshow advance on its own. Leaving it unchecked will allow you to manually change the pictures yourself.

Enabling Show Captions will display in the bottom left corner of each picture the name, profile picture, and comment of the user who submitted the picture. Leaving it unchecked removes it.

Device Operators

Click on Device Operators under Conference to access the operator section. This is where you can create new users or quickly view/edit the users in the system. You can make them Administrators, Operators, Moderators, Exhibitors, Presenters, or regular Attendees.

Users with the Operator role have the ability to log into the Conference Tracker app to scan attendees.

You can click on the Administrators, Operators, Exhibitors, Moderators, Presenters, or Attendees buttons to show that group of users. Once you have selected the group you want to view just click on the name of a user you want to edit.

From this screen you can change the person's First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Repeat (this is the password typed again), or Role. Most of the time you will visit this screen to manage the person's Role or password but you can enter corrections as well.


Click on Presenters under Conference to access the Presenters section. This is where you can create new users or quickly view/edit the users in the system. You can make them Administrators, Operators, Moderators, Exhibitors, Presenters, or regular Attendees.

Users with the Presenter role have no special ability other than being able to be assigned to a session, which will allow them to appear under the Presenter's list on the Attendee app.

You can click on the Administrators, Operators, Moderators, Exhibitors, Presenters, or Attendees buttons to show that group of users. Once you have selected the group you want to view just click on the name of a user you want to edit.

From this screen you can change the person's First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Repeat (this is the password typed again), or Role. Most of the time you will visit this screen to manage the person's Role or password but you can enter corrections as well.


This is where you can manage your Moderator information.

Users with the Moderator role have the ability to moderate the posts on the Attendee app. They can delete posts made on the app, as well as upload and make changes to the Map.

Create: Simply click the Create New button at the top of this screen.

Edit: Click on the name of the Moderator you would like to edit.

Delete: Click the Delete link on the far right side of the bar. Then click the OK button to confirm.


How to Access: From the Home screen click on the Administrators link under the Conference section.

This is where you can manage your Administrators information.

Users with the Administrator role have access to all features of Conference Tracker, Conference Attendee, and Conference Leads.

Create: Simply click the Create New button at the top of this screen.

Edit: Click on the name of the Administrator you would like to edit.

Delete: Click the Delete link on the far right side of the bar. Then click the OK button to confirm.

If you accidentally clicked the Delete link click the Cancel button to go back.

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