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The General section is where you start creating the basic building blocks of the system that your Employees or Users will interact with in the AccuTraining software. Training Courses get added to training plans that Employees complete.
This section is where all the Users or Employees are created that interact with the AccuTraining software. Users can be one of three distinct User Roles (Operator, Employee, or Administrator). Users can also belong to one or several User Groups or Employee Groups. These User Groups or Employee Groups can be then assigned Training Plans that all Users or Employees must complete.
Create Users
To create a user click the Create New button in the top left-side of your screen and follow these instructions:
Complete the following info:
User Info
- First Name (Required) - The user's first name goes here.
- Last Name (Required) - The user's last name goes here.
- Email (Required) - The user's email address goes here.
- Card Number - The user's card number goes here.
- Password (Required for Admin/Operator Role) - The user's password.
- Repeat - If entering a password repeat it in this field.
- Role - Select a from the following options:
- Administrator - This is a person that will have full access to AccuTraining to manage and maintain the software.
- Operator - This is a person that will have limited access to AccuTraining to manage and maintain the software and will be primarily used to scan people into the Training Courses using the Apple devices.
- Employee - This is a person that will have no access to AccuTraining to manage and maintain the software but will be required to interact with the software by following their assigned Training Plans and attending their required Training Courses.
- Optionally you can upload a photo of the user on the far right-side of the screen.
Be sure to save the user by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Edit Users
To edit a User you simply have to click on the name of the User when in the Employees and Users menu.
More Actions
Notice that when you edit the User there are a lot of additional options in the “More Actions” teal box on the right side of the page. Here's an explanation of the Additional options:
- Delete User - Allows you to delete the user. Warning! All attendance records will be lost.
- Get Progress Report - Allows you to get a personalized Progress Report for this User.
- Manage Groups - Manage the Employee Groups this user belongs to.
- Print Badge - Print this User's Badge.
- Print Certificate - Print this User's Certificate.
- Print QR Label - Print this User's QR Label.
- Request Password Change
- Use this option to request the User update their password and you may use this to have them setup a password for the first time as well.
- Send Message
- Use this option to send a message in AccuTraining and Email to the User.
- Session Registration - Manage the Registration for this User in each Training Course.
- Upgrade User
- This option allows you to quickly add a new Security Role like an Administrator or Operator role.
- View Task Plans
- This option allows you to quickly view the Employees Task Plans assigned.
- View Attendance - View this User's Attendance.
Delete User
Simply click the Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the User when in the Employee list screen.
Additionally when editing a User, as shown in the previous section, you have the option to delete the User in a teal box located on the right-side of the screen. Simply click Delete Course link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the User.
Importing Users
Location: Advanced Options > Import
This is the import process for all user types (Administrators, Operators, and Employees).
Valid headers:
- FirstName
- MiddleInitial (optional)
- LastName
- Email
- CardNumber
- Active (optional)
The Email is used to uniquely identify the user, it must be unique across all the users in the system. It also allows users to login, to reset their password, to receive messages and notifications and a lot more things. The email has to be unique across all the users too.
The FirstName and LastName are required. It's usually displayed in the format First Last. You can also optionally specify the MiddleInitial
The CardNumber is required to track attendance by reading physical cards using a card reader, scanning the barcodes using the mobile app for iPod touch/iPhone/iPad, or using an RFID reader connected to a PC Sign-in Station.
The Active field is optional. Specifies whether the user is active or not. 'Yes' or 'No' values are accepted. Defaults to 'Yes'.
FirstName | MiddleInitial | LastName | CardNumber | Active | |
Winnie | T | Pooh | | 1089 | Yes |
Roger | Rabbit | | 1035 | No | |
Donald | Duck | | 6584 | Yes | |
Fred | Flintstone | | 1078 | Yes | |
Homer | J | Simpson | | 1812 | Yes |
Print QR Labels
This is a printable sheet of 24 QR codes on 1-1/2“ x 1-1/2” squares with the names and card numbers of each user in that Employee Group. Recommended printing with Avery® Easy Peel® White Square Labels 22805, 1-1/2" x 1-1/2", Pack of 600.
To quickly print all the Users' QR labels click the Print button. You can also filter based on individual Users or Employee Groups to get only the labels you want.
Employee/User Groups
Employee Groups are used to assign more than one User or Employee at a time to a Training Plan.
Create an Employee Group
To get started click the User Groups button from the Training Plans Screen and then click the Create New button. Now complete the following information to create the Employee Group:
- Name - This is simply the name you will use to identify the Employee Group in AccuTraining website.
- Description - This is the additional information that you can optionally provide if you want help remembering who they are or to inform others who they are.
Edit an Employee Group
To edit a Employee Group you simply have to click on the name of the Employee Group when in the Employee Group menu.
Delete an Employee Group
Simply click the Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Employee Group when in the Employee Groups screen.
Additionally when editing a Employee Group you have the option to delete the Employee Group in a teal box located in the top right corner of the screen. Simply click Delete Course link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Employee Group.
Additional Options
When you are in the Employee Groups section with the list of the Employee Groups you'll notice a few more options that you have then on other areas. Here you can see a list of the Employees assigned to the Employee Group by clicking the Members link.
Although for a complete list of items you can do with the Employee group you can also click the More Actions link on the far right of the Employee Group bar. When you click the More Actions link you'll get the following options:
- Print QR labels - This is a printable sheet of 16 QR codes on 1-1/2“ x 1-1/2” squares with the names and card numbers of each user in that Employee Group. Recommended printing with Avery® Easy Peel® White Square Labels 22805, 1-1/2“ x 1-1/2”, Pack of 600.
Training Courses
Training Courses are the different courses that the Employees will train on. These Training Courses can later be assigned as part of a Training Plan. Employees can be registered to these Training Courses as well. The training courses can have as complex or simple of a schedule as you could possibly want by allowing recurring and one-time scheduled dates.
Create Training Courses
Location: General > Training Courses
To create a new Training Course you simply click the Create Course button at the top of the page.
Complete the following information to create the Training Course:
General Info
- Full Unique Code (Required) - This is a unique code of the Training Course used to identify this specific class.
- Name (Required) - This is the title of the Training Course that you will see throughout the AccuTraining website when selecting the Training Course.
- Term - Used as a reporting period to be selected when running reports and if using recurring sessions it determines when the start and end dates are of these recurring sessions.
- Department - Used to group Training Courses. This assigns a Department (which has to be created previously) to which the Training Course belongs to in AccuTraining. It can be used to group them in the reports or plans.
- Group - Used to group Training Courses for a Training Plan or Reports. If you create a group name that you tag each course with it will use it to group them in the reports or plans.
- Details - this is the description of the Training Course which can be used for any notes about the Training Course.
- Recurring Sessions - Use this option if you need to specify the days of the week and time that the Training Course will occur. Example: “Mondays at 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM in RM101”
- Follow these steps to add a Recurring Session:
- Select a day of the week from the drop-down box.
- Click the first “at” field to set the start time for that day of the week.
- Type the time manually or select the time in the drop-down box.
- Now click the second “at” field to set the end time for that day of the week.
- Finally click the “in” field to set the location the training will take place. Simply type the first 3 characters of the location name to get it to appear and click it to select that location.
- One-time Session - Use this option if your Training Course only occurs on specific dates or if you need to add days outside of the normal schedule that you will be meeting. It is completely fine to use both Recurring Sessions and One-time Sessions when setting the Training Course Schedule.
Attendance Options
- Allow Employees to sign-in early by (X) minutes. - Simply place the number of minutes an Employee can be early to receive credit for the Training Course.
- Allow Employees to sign-out late by (X) minutes. - Simply place the number of minutes an Employee can leave after the session has completed to receive credit for the Training Course.
- Required Presence (Required) - Simply place the percentage of the Training Course that the Employee must attend in order to receive credit for the Training Course.
Edit Training Courses
To edit a Training Course you simply have to click on the name of the Training Course when in the Training Courses menu.
Delete Training Courses
Simply click the Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Training Course when in the Training Courses screen.
Additionally when editing a Training Course you have the option to delete the Training Course in a teal box located in the top right corner of the screen. Simply click Delete Course link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Training Course.
Import Training Courses
Location: Advanced Options > Import
Valid headers:
- Code
- Name
- Term
- Details (optional)
- Group (optional)
- Department (optional)
- Schedule (optional)
The Name is used to uniquely identify the training course, it must be unique across all the courses in the system.
The Term column refers to the term in your account, it's mandatory and it must exist before you import the training Course file. The terms are not automatically created to reduce to possibility of errors.
The Group is optional and it's useful to tie training Courses together.
The Department is optional.
The Schedule field needs to have the following format: <days_of_week or meeting_date> <start>-<end> <location> Where:
- <days_of_week> is the list of days of the week when the training Course is given, without spaces. For example: MWF means that the training Course is given every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The days must be specified using the following letters: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday.
- <meeting_date> is a date in YYYYMMDD format that specifies a one-time training Course. For example: 20131007 specifies that the training Course is on October 7th, 2013.
- <start> is the start time of the training Course, in military time. For example 900 or 0900 refers to 9am, 1730 refers to 5:30pm.
- <end> is the end time of the training Course, in military time. Please note that it has to be separated from the start time using a hypen.
- <location> is the name of the location where it's given.
- Full example (Mondays and Thursdays, from 9am to 10:30am in the location A-101):
MR 900-1030 A-101
- Full example (July 29th, 2013 from 3pm to 5:45pm in the location A-101):
20130729 1500-1745 A-101
- You can specify multiple times or locations separating them by a slash (/), for example:
MWF 900-1030 A-101 / TR 1400-1530 A-201 / 20130815 1100-1230 A-203
Code | Name | Details | Department | Term | Schedule | Group |
ACCT-110-01 | Financial Accounting I | Course details | Economics | Spring 2015 | MW 900-1040 A-101 | ACCT-110 |
BIOL-111-A | Biology I | Course details | Biology | Spring 2015 | TF 1500-1620 A-102 | BIOL-111 |
TCDW-120-2 | Technical Drawing I | Course details | Industrial Design | Spring 2015 | WS 900-1040 A-201 | TCDW-120 |
TCMO-101-B | 3D Modeling | Course details | Industrial Design | Spring 2015 | R 900-1040 A-202 | TCMO-101 |
HISE-121-C | European History | Course details | History | Spring 2015 | TR 1300-1400 A-101 | HISE-121 |
Session Registration
Use this area to manage the Session Registration to specific sessions of the Training Courses.
To manage the Session Registration follow these steps:
- Simply type at least the first 3 letters of the Training Course in the Select Course field and then select the Training Course in the drop-down list.
- Optionally select a Session Date using the Calendar that appears when you click the Session Date field. Note: If you choose not to supply a date AccuTraining will only load the next 7 days of sessions.
- Finally click the View Sessions button and AccuTraining will display the available Training Course sessions.
- From the results displayed simply click the View Registration link on the right side of the Training Course session you wish to modify the registration.
- Here you can add Employees to the Registered Users section by typing their names in the search field, selecting them in the drop-down menu, and then by clicking the Add Employee button.
- Once done if you have more Training Course sessions to modify you can click the Change Session button to start again with another Training Course session.
Locations are simply where the Training Courses will take place. This is helpful and makes more sense when signing people into the actual Training Session. The reason is I can set a Sign-in Station and or the AccuTraining app to a particular Location that it will follow the schedule for that Location.
Create Locations
While in the Training Courses section click the Locations button to create a new Location.
To create the new location follow these steps:
- Click the Create Location button.
- Enter a name for the Location.
- Optionally add a description for the Location.
- Save the Location by clicking the Save button at the bottom.
Click here to go back to the AccuTraining Quick Start Guide.
Edit Locations
To edit a Location you simply have to click on the name of the Location when in the Locations menu.
Delete Locations
Simply click Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Location when in the Location screen. Alternatively you can also click the title of the Location to view it and decide if you want to really delete it. Then you would simply click the Delete option in the box in the top-right corner of that Location edit screen.
Departments can be used to group Training Courses for reporting. In case you have a subset or separated area/disciplines of Training Courses you need to identify on a report. Training Plans are setup to assign specified Training Courses that could be from multiple Departments to Employees.
Create Department
While in the Training Courses section click the Departments button to create a new Department.
To create the new Department follow these steps:
- Click the Create Department button.
- Enter a name for the Department.
- Optionally add a description for the Department.
- Save the Department by clicking the Save button at the bottom.
Edit Department
- While in the Department section simply click the title of the Department you would like to edit.
- Now update any of the following fields:
- Department Name - This is what you want the Department to be called.
- Description - This is here simply to give information as to why this Department exists.
- Finally click the Save button at the bottom to keep these updates.
Assign Department
To assign a Department to a Training Course you'll need to do the following:
- Go back to the list of the Training Courses by clicking the Training Course/Event button at the top if the screen or from the left-side navigation under General > Training Courses.
- Next click the title of the Training Course you want to assign a Department you've created.
- From the edit Training Course screen you'll simply start to type the Department name in the Department textbox/field and select it once it appears in the drop-down options.
- Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of this screen in order to save the changes.
Delete Department
Simply click Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Department when in the Department screen. Alternatively you can also click the title of the Department to view it and decide if you want to really delete it. Then you would simply click the Delete option in the box in the top-right corner of that Department edit screen.
Training Plans
Training Plans are a collection of Training Courses that you can assign to an Employee that they need to complete.
Create Training Plans
Location: General > Training Plans
To create a new Training Plan click the Create New button on the top left of the Training Plans screen.
Complete the following information to create the Training Plan:
General Info
- Name (Required) - This is the title of the Training Plan that you will see throughout the AccuTraining website when selecting the Training Plan.
- Description - this is the description of the Training Plan.
- Start Date - this is the starting date of the Training Plan.
- Due Date - this is the due date of the Training Plan.
Training Assignments
- Employee Groups - Use this option if you need to specify the Employee Group that will be assigned this Training Plan.
Training Courses
- Training Courses - Use this option if you need to specify the Training Courses that will need to be completed in this Training Plan.
- To add a Training Course to the Training Plan follow these steps:
- Start by clicking the Add Course button so that you see the Add New Course Requirement popup window.
- Select 1 of the 3 options:
- Attend a specific course. - Select the Training Course by typing it in the field.
- Attend a specific course multiple times.
- Select the Training Course by typing it in the Select Course field.
- Set the number of required times present for that class in the No. of Presences field.
- Set the minimum number of days allowed between attending sessions in the Min Days between Sessions field.
- Example: This means if you want them to attend “First Aid - Daily Training” at least 1 session every 2 weeks (14 days) I would set the fields to “First Aid - Daily Training”, “1”, and “14” in the fields.
- Set a total amount of hours needed to complete. - Fill-in the number of hours required.
- Once you set the information click the Save button at the bottom.
Edit Training Plans
To edit a Training Plan you simply have to click on the name of the Training Plan when in the Training Plans menu.
Delete Training Plans
Simply click the Delete link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Training Plan when in the Training Plans screen.
Additionally when editing a Training Plan you have the option to delete the Training Plan in a teal box located in the top right corner of the screen. Simply click Delete Course link and confirm the deletion on the popup window to delete the Training Plan.
Training Plan Progress Reports
This can be accessed from the Progress Reports link in the list of Training Plans on the Training Plans screen. Here you'll notice you can see exactly where everyone who is assigned this Training Plan is using a traffic light coloring system as follows:
- RED - This means that the person has Not Started on this these tasks listed here.
- YELLOW - This means that the person is In Progress on these tasks listed here.
- GREEN - This means that the person has Completed these tasks listed here.
In this section you can access all the Reports for AccuTraining. Here is a list of the available reports with a brief explanation of each type and individual report:
Session Registration Reports
These are reports that show the Session Registration to your Training Courses.
Registration and attendance
Shows the registration and the attendance for a specific session.
Training Plan Reports
These are reports that show the Training Plans status by the Employee Groups assigned or individuals.
Training plan progress
Displays the training progress for everyone in a plan.
Training progress by employee
Displays the training progress for a specific employee.
Employee Reports
User List
Lists all users in the system, including name, card number and email address.
User List with Tags
Lists all users in the system, including name, card number, email address and tags.
Staff List
Lists all staff members in the system, including name, card number and email address.
Permissions by User
Lists all the users in the system with their corresponding security permissions.
Visit Reports
These are reports that show the visits/swipes/attendance in the Training Courses in many various ways. Some are summaries while others are detailed so run them to see which meet your reporting needs.
Location general stats
Shows the general stats of a specific location.
Employee attendance
Shows the attendance information of an employee.
Summary of Attendance
The report gives you a summary of the number of non-unique students seen and total time.
Detailed Attendance
Provides detailed information about students and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, it lists the classes this student attended. For each class, the report lists the attendance sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent).
New Visitors
This report lists users' first visits.
Session Comments
This report shows user sessions with comments.
Visits Detailed by Location
Lists each user that visited the location(s) during the reporting period. For each visitor the report shows the number of visits, the date and time of his or her first visit, the date and time of his or her last visit, and the average visits' time.
Visits Executive Summary
The report gives you an executive summary of visits to a location, including number of open days (any day with at least one sign-in is considered an open day), number of services offered, number of users served, total contact hours.
Zero Visits
This report lists each user that didn't visit your center during the reporting period.
Task Plan Reports
These are reports that show the Task Plan progress by the individuals assigned these Tasks.
Individual Tasks by User
Shows the tasks assigned to the students, the assigned date, deadline date, whether the item was completed, and if so, the completion date. You can also see total items assigned per student, the overall completion rate, and the percentage of items that were completed within the deadline.
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