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Purpose: Shows usage of services (activities / classes offered at your center)
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Student Groups, Lab IDs
Display Options: Show/hide visitor ID. Time format (hour:minute / hours and fraction hour)
Grouped by: Category, activity, student
Order: Alphabetical by category name, activity name within each category, student’s last name within each category
Summary Report Available: Yes
Description: The Activity Detail Report provides information about the activities at your center. The report lists each category of activities. Under the category name, each activity is shown in white text over black background. The students using the activity are listed under it in italic font. For each student, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period).
This report also shows the total number of hours students spent on each activity and on each category of activities.
BY ACTIVITY (Summary View)
Purpose: Shows usage of services (activities / classes offered at your center) and any session notes associated with the sessions
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activities, Students, Student Groups, Lab IDs
Grouped by: Category, activity, student
Order: Alphabetical by category name, activity name within each category, student’s last name within each category
Summary Report Available: Yes
Description: The Activities with Sessions Detail Report provides information about the activities at your center. The report lists each category of activities. Under the category name, each activity is shown in white text over black background. The students using the activity are listed under it in italic font. For each student, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, the sign-out date and time, and the sign-in period). If there are any session notes, they will be displayed under the session details for each session.
Activities with Sessions (Summary View)
Purpose: Shows a detailed list of students’ attendance
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activities, Students, Student Groups, Lab IDs
Display Options: Show/hide visitor ID. Time format (hour:minute or hours and fraction hour)
Grouped by: Student, category, and activity
Order: Alphabetical by student name, category, and activity
Summary Report Type Available: Yes
Description: This report provides detailed information about visitors and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, the report lists the categories, and under each category, it lists the activities this student used. For each activity, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent).
The total time the student spent on each activity and on each category of activities is also shown in this report.
Purpose: Displays an executive summary of visits during the reporting period
Available Filters: Reporting period
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: None
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The report gives you an executive summary of visits to your center, including number of open days (any day with at least one sign-in is considered an open day), number of classes served, number of students served, total contact hours, total number of appointments, total number of cancellations, and total number of no-shows.
Purpose: Displays a weekly visits time for each student
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activity, Instructor
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Student’s first name
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The Weekly Student Time report lists each student that visited your center during the reporting period. For each student, the report shows the classes visited and the total time spent per week on each class. The report also shows the total time of each student and total time for each week.
Purpose: Displays a weekly visits count for each student
Available Filters: Reporting Period, Activity, Instructor
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Student’s last name
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The Weekly Student Visits report lists each student that visited your center during the reporting period. For each student, the report shows the classes visited and the number of visits per week to each class. The report also shows the total number of visits to each student and total number of visits for each week.
Click on “OK” and the report will update. You can apply the same filters to the categories, classes, instructors or even classes, and you can even use a combination of these filters!
The Chart Visits report will analyze your traffic patterns using Excel charts and tables. Start by selecting the reporting period and any other available filters you would like to use. Now select the “Chart Visits” report, and the click the “Show Report” button. You will then be presented with a Save As screen where you can save the report if so desired. After you click either Save or Cancel in the Save As screen, AccuSQL/AccuTrack will build the report for you.
Important: While the report is generating, do not exit Excel or AccuSQL/AccuTrack until the process completes or you will get an error message and the process will exit. Once the Number of Visits by Week tab is displayed in Excel, then the report processing is complete.
The Chart Visits report is really several reports in one and it enables you to analyze how busy your center(s) are by day, week, and overall in a series of pivot tables that a are generated on tabs and the bottom of the generated Excel document.
Click the tabs at the bottom of Excel to view the available view and also the raw table data that is used to generate the pivot tables.
For example, the Weekly Sign-Ins tab is the first one generated by the report output.
and the raw data used to generate that pivot table is located in the Weekly Sign-in Table tab:
Note: To learn more about PivotTables and how to use them, try the Microsoft Training: Create a PivotTable and analyze your data page at:
Purpose: Shows visits per service type.
Available Filters: Start date and time, end date and time, Students, Activities, Tutors, Instructors, Student Groups, Service Types, Lab ID, Tutor Groups.
Grouped by: Service type
Order: Service type, First/Last, Last/First
Summary Report Type Available: Yes
Description: This report lists each service type and for each service type, lists the students that signed in and selected it. For each student the report shows the sign-in time, sign-out time and sign-in period.
SERVICE USAGE (Summary View)
Purpose: Shows a summary total of visits to each service type
Available Filters: Start date and time, end date and time, Students, Activities, Tutors, Instructors, Student Groups, Service Types, Lab ID, Tutor Groups.
Grouped by: None
Order: Service Type
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists each service type and shows the number of visitors, number of sign-ins, and total hours per service type.
Purpose: Shows a summary total of visits to each service type as well as time spent on activities
Available Filters: Start date and time, end date and time, Students, Activities, Tutors, Instructors, Student Groups, Service Types, Lab ID, Tutor Groups
Grouped by: None
Order: Service type
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists each service type and shows the number of visitors, number of sign-ins, time spent on each activity total hours per service type.
Purpose: Shows some information about the visits of each visitor
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Tutors, Student Groups, Service Types, Lab IDs
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists each student that visited the center during the reporting period. For each visitor the report shows the student’s number of visits, the date and time of his or her first visit, the date and time of his or her last visit, and the average visit’s time for the that student.
Purpose: To show students who not visited your center
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Student Groups, Service Types, Sports, Lab IDs, registered or non-registered students
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None.
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists each student that didn’t visit your center during the reporting period. When you run this report, it will ask if you want to Filter for registered students only. If you select Yes, it will show zero visits only for students that are registered for the selected activities. If you select No, then it will show all students who have not visited for the specified period, whether or not they are registered for the selected activities.
Purpose: To show new visitors during the reporting period
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Student Groups, Lab IDs
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Summary Report Type Available: No
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Description: This report lists each new student to your center during the period specified.
Purpose: Shows a summary of visits types
Available Filters: Reporting period
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: None
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report shows number of individual appointments, number of group appointments, number of walk-in visits, total time of individual appointments, total time of group appointments, total time of walk-in visits.
Purpose: Shows a summary of visits including whether the visit was a walk in or summary
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Tutors, Instructors, Student Groups, Service Types, Lab IDs, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Student, Tutor, Activity ID, Activity, Category, Service, Instructor, Lab ID, Sign In Time
Summary Report Type Available: Yes
Description: This report shows a summary of walk-in visits vs. appointment visits by each student. It also shows the student’s tutor, category and activities during the visit. If the visit is a walk-in, it is marked with a ‘Y’.
Purpose: Keeps record of student wait times to sign-in for each visit
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Tutors, Student Groups, Lab IDs, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Student, Tutor, Activity ID, Activity, Category, Admit Time
Description: This report shows a summary of student visits and the wait times recorded for each visit. The time spent waiting is recorded under the ‘Minutes’ column. If the student is admitted immediately, a ‘0’ is placed in the column. If the student leaves (is removed from line) before sign in, a ‘Gone’ will be placed in the column.