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Purpose: Prints address labels for tutors
Available Filters: Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The address labels can be printed on standard Avery products. The addresses are formatted to print 30 address labels per sheet in three columns. Dimensions of each label is 1” by 2(5/8)”. The labels are compatible with the Avery 5160 product code. According to the Avery instructions sheet, other compatible Avery products include 8160, 8250, 8460, 8560, 8660, 18160, 8810, 8860, 18660, and 6245.
Purpose: lists names and email addresses of your tutors
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: Shows the names and email addresses of your tutors.
Purpose: Displays the classes each tutor tutors
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activities, Tutors, Lab IDs, Tutor Groups
Display Options: Show/hide visitor ID
Grouped by: Tutor
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists the activities (classes) assigned to each tutor.
Purpose: Displays the assignments of tutor to each category of activities
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activities, Tutors, Lab IDs, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Category, Activity
Order By: Alphabetical by Category, Activity, Tutor Last Name, or Tutor First Name
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists each category, and for each category, lists the activities under the category. For each activity, the report then lists the tutors assigned to the activities as assigned in the “Tutors » Add/Remove Assignments” screen.
Purpose: Displays the weekly scheduled hours of your tutor(s)
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Tutor
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists the scheduled work hours of your tutor for each day of the week.
Purpose: Displays an executive summary of the work of each tutor during the reporting period
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The report gives you a summary of each tutor’s visits during the reporting period. For each tutor, the report shows the number of students served, total number of appointments with these students, number of appointment cancellations, number of appointment no-shows, and total tutoring hours.
Purpose: Displays an executive summary of the work of each tutor during the reporting period
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The report gives you a summary of the number of non-unique students seen and total time for each tutor. Total hours calculation is the sum of Walk-ins + Appointment sign-ins for all students during the reporting period.
Purpose: Displays names of students helped
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: Show/hide Visitor ID
Grouped by: Tutor, category, activity
Order: Alphabetical by tutor, student, Last/First, First/Last (student and tutor)
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report lists the students helped by each tutor.
Purpose: Shows the sessions with students for the selected tutors during sign-ins
Available Filters: Reporting period, Students, Activities, Tutors, Student Groups, Lab IDs, Tutor Groups.
Display Options: Show/hide sign-in ID. Time format
Grouped by: Tutor, class, and student
Order: Last/First, First/Last (student and tutor)
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: In system administration – Sign-In Setup » Setup » Tutor Selection Screen Options, there is an option to “Show tutor selection screen at sign-in”. If this option is enabled, AccuSQL/AccuTrack will display a list of tutors that help with the selected class and will ask the student to select the tutor he/she is meeting. This report reflects that data.
The report lists each tutor seen during the reporting session. Under the tutor’s name, it shows the classes that the tutor helps with, and under the class, it shows the students who signed into the class. For each student, the report lists the sign-in date and time, sign-out date and time, and length of time spent during the session. The report also shows the total time for each student, each class, and each tutor. The last line of the report shows the total tutoring hours for all the tutors.
Purpose: Shows the availability of tutors to take appointments
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Tutor, and Type of appointment
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report generates a weekly schedule for each tutor of available times. A key is listed at the bottom of the screen. If a day is left blank, the tutor has no available time slots during this day.
Purpose: To show tutors’ scheduled off times
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Tutor, and Type of appointment
Order: Tutor’s first and last name, start date, end date, description
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report allows you to view scheduled off times for the center’s tutors or staff. You can filter this report to show a specific tutor or time period as necessary.
Purpose: Shows number of hours tutor met with the student vs. number of hours they were signed-in
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Tutor, and Type of appointment
Order: Tutor’s first and last name, tutor hours, hours met, utilization %.
Summary Report Type Available: No.
Description: This report allows you to examine how long tutors are signed in to the system versus the amount of time they actually spent meeting with students. It records the tutor’s sign-in and out times, as well as the duration of their meetings with students in order to determine how long the tutor was actually conducting appointments or tutoring sessions.
Purpose: Keeps record of students seen by each tutor. Also keeps record of first time students and first time seen by this tutor
Available Filters: Reporting period, Tutors, Tutor Groups
Display Options: None
Grouped by: Tutor, and Type of appointment
Order: Last/First, First/Last
Summary Report Type Available: Yes
Description: This record shows specific students who make an appointment with a tutor. The record displays the tutor and student name. FTC is marked if a student enters the center for the first time. FIT is marked if it is the student’s first time seeing a specific tutor.