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Purpose: Displays center assessment data based on students’ grades
Available Filters: Reporting period, Activities, Instructors, Lab IDs
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: None
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: The Assessment report actually consists of four different reports. These reports appear on a single Excel sheets. The top row shows counts: on the left count of students and on the right count of visits. The second row shows time: total hours on left and average hours on right.
The following is a description of the four Assessment Reports. Note that the screenshots show fictional data used for illustration purposes only.
(1) Grades Change by Number of Students:
The left column of this report shows the scale of the entry grade. The first row shows the scale of the final grade. The intersecting cells show the number of students that changed grades from entry to final. For example, if you look at entry grade B+ and final grade A- in the screenshot above you will notice that there were 44 students whose grade changed from B+ to A-.
The last column in this report shows the total number of students who achieved the entry grade. For example, the report shows 71 students getting B- as the entry grade. The last row in this report shows the total number of students who achieved the final grade. For example, the screenshot above shows that 136 students achieved a final grade of A-.
(2) Grades Change by Visits Total Time:
The second report in the Excel sheet shows the change in grades relative to the amount of time spent in the center. For example, the screenshot above shows that 3735 minutes spent by students who changed grades from C to A-.
(3) Grades Change by Number of Visits to Center
The left column of this report shows the scale of the entry grades. The first row shows the scale of the final grades. The intersecting cells show the number of visits of students that changed grades from entry grade to final grade. For example, if you look at entry grade C and final grade A- in the screenshot above you will notice that there were 43 visits by students whose grade changed from C to A-.
The last column in this report shows the total number of students who achieved the entry grade. For example, the report shows 180 students getting B- as their entry grade. The last row in this report shows the total number of students who achieved the final grade. For example, the screenshot above shows that 358 students achieved an end grade of A-.
(4) Grades Change by Average Time:
This report shows the change in grades relative to the average time spent at the center. For example, the screenshot above shows an average time of 46.73 minutes spent by students who changed their grades from C+ to A-.
Purpose: Displays students' grades distribution by activity and compares performance of participants (those visiting the center) to non-participants
Available Filters: Reporting period
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Activity
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: When you select this report, you will be asked to enter the number of visits to count the students as a participant. Participants are the students who have signed in for at least the number of times you specify.
Next you will be asked if you want to include only students that have grades entered. Choose Yes or No.
AccuSQL/AccuTrack will then open Excel, crunch up the numbers, and generate the report that compares the performance of participants to non-participants. The report shows each activity, # of those who used it, their percent from total visitors, and their average GPA.
This report compares the performance of participants to non-participants based on a profile question. When you launch this report AccuSQL/AccuTrack will ask you to select the profile question you want to base the report on:
Use the drop-down to select the profile question and then click on “Done”. You will see the report:
Purpose: Displays students who earned an A or B in their courses
Available Filters: Period, Students, Activities, Student Groups, Lab IDs
Display Options: None
Grouped by: None
Order: Student, activity, final grade
Summary Report Type Available: No
Description: This report displays students who earned a B or higher in the classes in alphabetical order.