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If you are feeling ambitious, three custom report examples are available here. You can follow along in AccuSQL or AccuTrack itself to create these custom reports and then apply the principles to other reports you would like to customize:
- Adding a count of students helped by each tutor to the Tutoring Session report. This is an example of adding count per group in the report.
- Editing the Appointment No-Show report so the no-shows are grouped by date instead of by the student. This is an example of changing the grouping of the report.
- Editing the Instructor's report to print each instructor on a separate page. This is an example of changing the report to print out each group on a separate page.
The following tip explains in detail how to customize the Tutoring Sessions report by adding a count of students per tutor. The same concept applies to counting groups in other reports.
- Sign in to the System Administration area and click on “Reports”.
- Click on “Tutor Reports ” in the Reports List and find the report called “Tutoring Sessions”.
- Click on the report's name with the RIGHT mouse button, you will see a pop-up box:
- Click on “Customize this report”
- You will see a box asking you for a name. Enter “Tutoring Sessions - with student count”
- Click “OK”. You will see another box asking whether the report should be available to all. Click “Yes” \\
- You will see another box asking for a tooltip for this report (this is the yellow box that appears when the mouse is on top of the report's name). Enter “Adds student count per tutor” and click “OK”
- You will now see the report ready for customization in the Report Designer:
- Click on the “Page Setup” icon in the upper left side of the screen:
- You will see the Report Properties box. Click on the “Variables” tab.
- You will see the report's variables page:
- Click “Add”
- Enter “rnLines” in the Variable name box.
- Select Group: STUDENT_ID from the “Reset value based on” drop-down:
- Select “Count ” from the Calculation type drop-down,
- The screen should now look like this:
- Click “Add”
- Enter “rnStdCnt” in the Variable name box and click OK.
- In the Value to store box, enter “IIF(rnLines=1,1,0)”.
- Select Group: TUT_ID from the “Reset value based on” drop-down:
- Select “Sum” from the Calculation type drop-down,
- Click “OK” to close the box.
- Click on the 'field' icon in the report's tool bar:
- Click on a blank area in the Group Footer 1: TUT_ID band
- You will see the Field Properties box.
- Enter rnStdCnt in the Expression box
- Click on the “Style” tab. You will see the Style page:
- The top of this page is for setting the font:
- Click the Selection button
to change the font.
- You will see the Font box. Select Bold from Font style and 12 from Size and click “OK”
- The section after that is for setting the fields' color:
- Click the Use default foreground (pen) color box to clear it.
- Click on the Selection button.
- You will see the Color selection box. Click on the red color and then click “OK”: \\
- You should be back at the Style page. Click “OK”
- You will see the new field in the Group Footer: TUT_ID band. You can adjust its size and position if you like by click it and then dragging it to the location you want: \\
- Close the Report Designer screen by clicking the close button in the upper right corner of the screen: \\
- Click “Yes” to save your changes.
You are finished customizing the report. To view the customized report, click on the “Customized Reports” node and then on the “Tutoring Sessions - with student count” item: \\
Then click on Show Report:
The customized report should now show the student's count per tutor in the new red text field:
The following tip explains how to customize the Appointment No-Shows report by changing the record's grouping from the default 'by student' to 'by date'.
- Sign in to the System Administration area and click on “Reports”.
- Click on “Appointment Reports” in the Reports List and find the report called “Appointment No-Shows ”.
- Click on the report's name with the RIGHT mouse button, you will see a pop-up box:
- Click on “Customize this report”
- You will see a box asking you for a name. Enter “Appointment No-Shows - by date”
- Click “OK”. You will see another box asking whether the report should be available to all. Click “Yes”
- You will see another box asking for a tooltip for this report (this is the yellow box that appears when the mouse is on top of the report's name). Enter “No-Shows report grouped by date” and click “OK”
- You will now see the report ready for customization in the Report Designer:
- Click on a blank area of the report with the RIGHT mouse button“
- You will see a pop-up menu. Click “Data Grouping…”
- You will see the Data Grouping page:
- Change the text in the ”Group on“ text box from student to APPDATE
- Click “OK”
- Double click on the “ALLT(Student)” field at the top of the report. \\
- You will see the Field Properties box: \\
- Change the text in the Expression box from “ALLT(Student) to APPDATE
- Click “OK”
- Double click on the APPDATE field in the Detail band: \\
- You will see the Field Properties box.
- Change the text in the Expression box from “APPDATE” to “ALLT(Student)”
- Click OK.
- Double click on the Date text label in the APPDATE band:
- You will see the Label Properties box:
- Change the text in the Caption box from “Date” to “Student”
- Click OK
- Change the width and position of the labels and field to give more space to the student field. Here is an example of possible layout with the tutor name shrunk down and the ALLT(Student) field expanded™
- Close the Report Designer by clicking on the Windows close button on the upper right corner:
- You will see a box asking whether to save the report. Click “Yes”
You are finished customizing the report. To view the customized report, click on the “Customized Reports” node and then on the “Appointment No-Shows - by date” item:
You will need to also change the order of the fields. In the “Order By” box, drag “Appt Time” from the second place to the top (first click on the “Appt Time” item. An arrows button will appear next to the “Appt Time” item. Click on this button
and while keeping the mouse button down, move the mouse to the top). The box should now look like this:
You are ready to view the customized report. Click “Show Report”
The customized report is now grouped by date. Here is an example:
The following tip explains how to customize the VISITS BY INSTRUCTOR report by starting each instructor on a new page.
- Sign in to the System Administration area and click on “Reports”.
- Click on “Instructor Reports” in the Reports List and find the report called “Attendance by Instructor”.
- Click on the report's name with the RIGHT mouse button, you will see a pop-up box: \\
- Click on “Customize this report”
- You will see a box asking you for a name. Enter “Attendance by instructor - one per page”
- Click “OK”. You will see another box asking whether the report should be available to all. Click “Yes”
- You will see another box asking for a tooltip for this report (this is the yellow box that appears when the mouse is on top of the report's name). Enter “prints each instructor on a new page” and click “OK”
- You will now see the report ready for customization in the Report Designer:
- Click on a blank area of the report with the RIGHT mouse button”
- You will see a pop-up menu. Click “Data Grouping…”
- You will see the DATA GROUPING page:
- Change the selection in the “Group starts on” box from “New line” to “New page number 1”
- Click “OK”
- Close the REPORT DESIGNER by clicking on the Windows close button on the upper right corner:
- You will see a box asking whether to save the report. Click “Yes”
You are finished customizing the report. To view the customized report, click on the “Customized Reports” node and then on the “Attendance by Instructor - one per page” item:
You are ready to view the customized report. Click “Show Report”
The customized report now shows each instructor on a new page and restarts the numbering of the pages to 1 for each instructor. Here is an example: