AccuTrack/AccuSQL 2020 Quick Start Guide

In this guide, you'll find the quick steps necessary to get your Centers and Labs going in AccuTrack and AccuSQL. This guide also assumes that you have imports setup with IT that will add students, instructors, courses/classes, and the enrollment data. If you need help with importing please visit this AccuTrack/AccuSQL Import Guide.

1. Setup your Centers

How to find: System Administration > System > Lab IDs
Purpose: This is where you will set up your Centers that will be tracked in AccuTrack/AccuSQL.

To Add a new lab:

  1. Simply click the Add button.
  2. Type in the lab’s ID and Lab Name in the description field.
  3. Then click the Save button.

2. Add Categories & Activities

How to find: System Administration > Sign-in Setup > Categories & Activities
Purpose: These are the Categories & Activities that you'll be offering students that you'll want to report on in AccuTrack/AccuSQL.

  1. To add a new category, click the Add button on the top-left then type its name in the category entry box, and click the Save button. The category’s name will move from the text box to the Category list grid.
  2. To add an activity, follow these steps:
    1. Select the Category under which the activity will be added by clicking on the category on the left of the screen.
    2. Click on the Add button under the Activity text box. The activity screens will now be available for you to enter the information. The minimum information you must enter is the Activity name.
    3. Enter the activity’s name in the “Activity” entry box located under the Activity label. You can optionally enter an Identification Number (e.g. the Class Registration Number), and you can also enter text in the Activity Other (e.g. section number).
    4. (Optional) Select the instructor from the “Instructor” Select button. To select multiple instructors, click the checkboxes next to each instructor you want to add.
    5. (Optional) If this activity is only offered at a certain lab, select the Available in these specific labs checkbox and then click the Modify Selection button to select in which other labs you offer this activity. You may associate each activity to multiple labs, if necessary. If you are not using the Local Labs feature, leave the lab empty.

      NOTE: You can make multiple activities available in a Local Lab in the System » Lab IDs screen, discussed later in this document.
    6. (Optional) If you do not want new students to sign in to this activity, clear the “Allow unregistered students” checkbox.
    7. (Optional) If you want this activity to appear in the appointments screen, make sure the “Open for Appointments” checkbox is checked.
    8. (Optional) If you want people to only sign in to this activity without having to sign out, check the “Sign in Only” checkbox.
    9. (Optional) If you want this activity to be available for all students to select at sign-in regardless of whether they are registered for that activity or not, make sure the “Global Registration” box ix checked. If you have “only show registered activities checked in the Sign-in Setup » Setup » Activity Screen Options screen, then students will see the classes (activities) they are registered for and also any activities set to Global Registration.
    10. (Optional) Appointment settings: Max Students, Min, and Max Duration are all settings that can be set on the lab settings as a whole, but can also be specified as a unique setting per activity.
    11. (Optional) The Activity Schedule button can be used to define a class schedule that can limit students that are registered to it to not be allowed to sign-in at any centers during the class' meeting times.

3. Add Center Services Types

How to find: System Administration > Sign-in Setup > Service Types
Purpose: These are the Services Types that you'll be offering students that you'll want to report on in AccuTrack/AccuSQL.

  1. To add a new service type item, click on the Add button, type the item in the Service box, and then click on Save.
  2. (Optional) You can also assign a particular Service Type to one or more Centers/Local Labs. The students can then select the type of service they are using when visiting the Center. To assign the Service Type to the Center start by:
    1. Selecting the Service Type and clicking theEdit button.
    2. Next click the Modify button, select the Centers/Labs, and click OK.
    3. Make sure to click the Save button to complete this process.

      NOTE: You can make multiple activities available in a Local Lab in the System » Lab IDs screen, discussed later in this document.
If you have no use for the Service Type drop-down box, you can make it disappear from the Activities Seleciton screen by unchecking the Show Service list box option in the Activity Screen Options screen.

4. Assign Services, Categories & Activities to the Center

How to find: System Administration > System > Lab IDs
Purpose: This is where the Services Types and Categoies & Activites get assigned to show up as available for Students in each of the Centers you created in AccuTrack/AccuSQL.

Assigning Categories & Activities to a Center

To view or set activities held in this lab:

  1. Click on the desired Local Lab/Center in the grid.
  2. Then click on the View/Modify Activities held in this lab button.
  3. The activities that will be available for students to sign into in that lab will be displayed in the lower Assigned Activities grid. You can move activities to the Assigned Activities grid by double-clicking on the upper grid. You can also use the Shift key to select a block of activities or the CTRL or SHIFT key on you keyboard to select multiple records.
  4. After you have selected the activities you want, click the down arrow to move them either to the Assigned Activities grid or from the Assigned grid back to the upper Available (Activities) grid.

    NOTE: If you make a mistake you can simply use the up double-arrow button to them all back to the Available (Activities) grid).

Assigning Service Types to a Center

To view or set specific Service Types held in this lab:

  1. Click on the desired lab in the grid.
  2. Then the View/Modify Services held in this lab button.
  3. Move the services you want to be available in the Local Lab/Center into the Assigned Services grid (on the right) and then click OK.

    NOTE: If you make a mistake you can simply use the left double-arrow button to them all back to the (Available) Services grid).
Service Types are created in the System Administration > Sign-in Setup > Service Type screen and are enabled at sign in in the System Administration > Sign-in Setup > Setup > Activity Screen Options by clicking the Service Type checkbox.

5. Add Semesters

How to find: System Administration > System > Semesters
Purpose: These will be the reporting periods used in AccuTrack/AccuSQL that you can assign your Categories & Activities to each Semester.

If you fail to setup semesters before the start date of your current semester then Students will not be able to sign-in at the Centers. Sign-ins can only occur if there's an active semester that includes today's date. If you get a “no activities are active” message when a student signs in, then you probably do not have any active activities or a semester setup that includes today.
The semesters you define can also be used as report filters.

This is an important step as it allows you to define the time your center is active and available. To get started follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add button, type the name of the new semester in the description text box, and enter the Start and End dates.
  2. Select the Categories & Activities that will be offered during this semester by using the Activities List up/down controls to move activities to the bottom Selected (Activities) grid.
  3. Click the Save button to create the new semester.

    NOTE: If the semester overlaps with an existing one, AccuSQL/AccuTrack will let you know and will not let you save the new semester until you fix the overlap.

6. Add Center Off-times

How to find: System Administration > System > Off-times
Purpose: This is where you can set days and hours your Centers are not available.

On some occasions, your center will not be available for appointments (e.g. school holidays). Use this screen to enter these time periods. Start by following these steps:

  1. Click on Add to create a new Center Off-time.
  2. Now to enter a new off-time period, enter a description for the off-time, and set the start time, and end time.

    NOTE: You can use the calendar to enter the start and end times by clicking on the calendar icon.
  3. Then click the Save button.
These off-times you enter should apply to all Centers/Labs in AccuTrack/AccuSQL so you can define the period that no appointments or walk-ins will be available around campus.

7. Customize your Sign-in Station and Set Walk-in Settings

How to find: System Administration > Sign-in Setup > Setup
Purpose: Set the options you want Students to select when they visit your Center.

Here are the Control Panel options for Sign-in Setup:

  • Welcome Screen Options – Used to configure the welcome message on the main sign-in screen, determine which buttons to show on the main sign-in screen, and determine if you want the current station to run in Kiosk (full screen) mode or standard mode.
  • Activity Screen Options – Used to determine the items that appear when students sign in. Also used limit student activity selections to only the classes they are registered for and to set automatic reports that go out to instructors to send them the center attendance for students in their classes.
  • Tutor Selection Screen Options – Used to determine if and when students select a tutor when they come into the center for help.
  • New Student Options – Used to configure the options for when and how you deal with new students in AccuSQL/AccuTrack.
  • Tutor Sign-in Options – Used to set up rules for how tutor (staff) sign-ins are handled in AccuSQL/AccuTrack.
  • Waiting Options – Used to control student sign-ins by adding students to either an intake system or activity waiting list when they sign in. They are then signed in from the queue when the tutor is ready to see them.
You'll want to set up each of the screens to fully customize your sign-in process. For more information please click here. When you get done going through all of these options there will be a link to take you back to this guide at the bottom of that page.

8. Make your computer a Sign-in Station

How to find: System Administration > System > Lab IDs > View/Modify Local Lab ID
Purpose: This is where you designate the Center a Computer is to run as a Sign-in Station for at your campus.

To set your computers to track attendance for the Local Lab/Center, do the following:

  1. Start by clicking the View/Modify Local Lab ID (first large) button on the bottom portion of the screen.
  2. Next, in order to set the Local Lab/Center that you want to assign the computer click the Change to: drop-down box and select the local lab from the list
  3. And finally, click Save to complete the Lab/Center Assignment.
  4. You will get a confirmation box. Click Yes to set the local lab to the one you selected.
If you fail to assign the computer to a Local Lab/Center then it will not be reflected in the Sign-in Logs and Reports. If you are a Single Center and are not creating or defining Local Labs/Centers and prefer to use the “Default” settings then disregard this warning as it will just show as blank/undefined for the Local Lab/Center information.

9. Define your Calendar and Set Appointment Settings

How to find: System Administration > Set Appointments > Setup
Purpose: This is where you can set how the calendars appear for scheduling Tutors and Appointments. Before creating appointments, you will need to enter your tutors, their schedules, and the services they provide (their activity assignments). See other sections in this manual for instructions on how to do this. You will also need to set up your appointment preferences as explained below.

Here are the Control Panel options for Set Appointments in Setup:

  • Appointments Options – Used to configure how appointments can be scheduled, including when and for how long. Also used to set up how you handle group appointments and to make rules to determine how early or late the student can be and still receive credit for the appointment.
  • Email Confirmation Options – Used to configure the various emails that go out for students and tutors when appointments are created, rescheduled, or canceled.
  • Email Reminders Options – Used configure the emails that can go out to students reminding them of their upcoming appointments and/or configure the emails that go out when students fail to show up appointments.
  • Restrictions Options – Used to configure various appointment restriction settings.
Click here for more information on all these topics to fully customize the Appointments experience for each lab. There will be a link at the bottom of this page to go back to this Quick Start Guide.

10. Enter Tutors/Staff & Manage Tutor Assignments

How to find: System Administration > Users > Tutors/Staff
Purpose: Here you manually create the Tutors or you can import them. And then you can modify what Categories & Activities this person can assist with at your Center by clicking the Add/Remove Assignments button. To add a new tutor, do the following:

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Now enter their ID number and the first and last name.
  3. (Optional) You can also enter communication options such as the phone number, e-mail address, and street address, among other items. The e-mail address will be used if you want to send e-mail notifications of appointments or use other types of email messaging for the tutor. The street address is useful if you want to print address labels for the tutors. The cell phone number will be used if you decide to use text messaging.
  4. Now click the Add/Remove Assignments button on the right side of the screen to see the Tutor Assignments screen.
  5. Next, you need to tell AccuSQL/AccuTrack the Categories and Activities the tutors provide help with by:
    1. Searching for the Tutor in the list (at the top-left) and selecting them.
    2. Clicking the Add/Remove Assignments button and then using the Selection List Boxes control.

      NOTE: You must assign the activities to the tutors if you want the Student to be able to pick a Tutor when they sign-in to the system or schedule an appointment. When the student signs into the Center/Local Lab (or makes an appointment if you enable that) then the Tutors that show up in the Tutor Selection picklist are the Tutors who have the activity the Student selected assigned to them. Click in the grid for a column you want to sort on and then begin typing to zoom in on that value. After you have the value you want, right-click on the grid to filter on that value, among other options. For example, in the following screen, the Category Math Classes has been typed.
    3. By right-clicking in the top grid now, you can filter on Exact values that have a Category of “Math Classes”:
    4. At this point, the list at the top will then only contain Activities that are assigned to the “Math Classes” Category. You can now click the first value at the top, then hold the Shift key on the keyboard, and select the last value.
    5. And once that is done simply click the single down arrow to move all of those selected Activities to the Assigned Activities lower portion of that screen. To finalize this process click the OK button.

If you want the student to pick a tutor after they choose an activity, you would select the Show Tutor Selection at sign-in screen option in Sign-in Setup > Setup > Tutor Selection Screen Options.

11. Enter Staff Schedules:

How to find: System Administration > Users > Tutors/Staff > (Select a Tutor) > Tutor Schedule
Purpose: This is where you set the times they will be available to take appointments/walk-ins for specific Activities, Services, and Centers.

There are 2 ways to enter a schedule from this screen:

  1. The Tutor's REGULAR “Semester” Schedule.
    • The Default option in the Tutor Scheduler screen shows the REGULAR or “Semester” schedule for the Tutor which is just the normally available times Monday through Sunday throughout the Semesters and can be adjusted by clicking the Edit button.
  2. The Tutor's Custom Schedule for specific weeks.
    • To add a Custom Schedule for a specific date range, click the Add button. In the From and To checkboxes click the “start date” and “end date” for this schedule (or can be for a week, a month, or whatever range works for you).
  3. And with either option started you will click-and-drag in the grid over the time-slots the selected tutor works.
    NOTE: Look at the display options below the grid to see the time-slots you are selecting.
  4. Finally, click Save when happy with the times selected.
  5. (Optional) Now click the Add button and go through the same process for any other custom schedules for the next From and To the period of time.
Green in the grid indicates you are scheduling the tutor for both drop-in only (one on one) and group appointments. You can choose the Schedule as: radio buttons on the bottom left of the screen to create the time as something different than that. In the Schedule for: area, you can specify the tutor schedule for a specific activity and/or service. That means the student will only see the tutor as available if they select that specific activity and/or service and…
  1. the tutor has that activity assignment and…
  2. the tutor has that specific activity scheduled here.

If you move your mouse over a specific block of time, you can see the particular activity or service you have specified for the tutor in the display area below the data grid. You can also use the area below the data grid to know the exact start and end times you are dragging in the grid.

Legacy Quick Start Guides