When you click on Computer Reservations from the Main Menu, you will see the following options:

  • Computers: Use to create computer names that are then used for you to reserve time for students.
  • Computer Reservations: Allows you to see allocate computer use to students for the computers you have created.


Purpose: This area was designed to keep a list of computers that will be used to record reservations manually accepted by staff.
How to Access: From System Administration, click on Computer Reservations > Computers.

Adding Computers

Follow these steps to add computers to the system.

  1. Click the Add button to add a new computer name. The names you create here will be in the list of computers that will be available to reserve for students.
    • To edit an existing computer, click on it in the list at the top and then click the Edit button.
  2. After you are done, click the Save button to finalize this process.


Purpose: This section allows you to assign Students to a Computer so that they can reserve a specified date and time period.
How to Access: From System Administration, click on Computer Reservations > Computer Reservations. When you first open the screen, you will see a Computer drop-down box. Click to select the computer you want to view or add a reservation, and then click the Go button. You can also filter on a particular date range by using the Period filters on the left of the screen.

The time blocks are colored red are reserved blocks. The <font style=“color:gray;”>light gray</font></html> blocks are available.

Adding a Computer Reservation

Computer reservations are only available to be added for dates and times in the future. So for example, if you are displaying the current week and it is Friday, you would not be able to schedule a reservation for an earlier day in the week.

To add a reservation, click on the block of time for the Date you want in the grid. A pop-up box will appear. Click Add Reservation.

Now you will see the Add Computer Reservation box. In this box, the start date and time will automatically be filled in based on the block you picked from the grid. From the drop-down box, select then end time for the reservation, and the tutor (optional) and student for whom you are making the reservation.

Click Add Reservation to add it to the grid. You will see that block of time reserved now in the Computer Reservations grid.

If you move your mouse over a reserved, slot, you will see the details for that reservation in the status bar at the bottom of the Computer Reservations screen.

If you click on a reserved block, you will see options to remove the reservation or to expand or shrink the time for the reservation. Click the option you want from the options available.

Computer Reservations do not have any Setup Options since all setup is handled through the main screen directly.