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Student Quick Start Guide

Would you like to create a document for your students based online guide? Then download the Student Quick Start Guide (DOC) to get started.

Where and how to Login

Your Login Credentials

In order to login to Accudemia you'll need the following credentials:

  1. User ID - This is typically your existing Student ID.
  2. Password - Passwords are not required to Sign-in to a Center as a student. This is only needed if you want to login your Accudemia account to view/verify hours, setup appointments, update personal info, and/or complete Center surveys.

Forgot your password?

If you forgot your password but know your User ID and Email that is associated with your Accudemia account you can go to your school's Accudemia website (http://<myschool>*)or at a designated Sign-in Station onsite and click the Forgot my Password link. You'll then receive and e-mail message with instructions to follow to reset your password.

Watch this brief video to see how it is done:

*This may be different if your school has you login through your Student portal. As noted above the <myschool> part of the website above and User ID will typically be provided by your school's Center Administrators. If you are still having trouble logging into Accudemia then Click here to learn how to contact your Center Administrators.

Where to Login

This is the website that your school uses to login to Accudemia and typically is formatted like following: http://<myschool>*

*This may be different if your school has you login through your Student portal. As noted above the <myschool> part of the website above and User ID/Password will typically be provided by your school's Center Administrators. Click here to learn how to contact your Center Administrators.

How to Sign-in to a Center/Classroom

to Center/Classroom

To Sign-in to a Center or Classroom you must do this at a designated Sign-in Station that your Center Administrator have setup. As a Student to sign-in you will not be asked to provide a password. The password is only necessary when logging into the Accudemia to setup an appointment, check hours, and complete surveys. If you want to do this then click the home icon at the bottom instead which will change the mode from a Sign-in to a Login.

If you are both a Student and a Tutor you will be prompted to choose the kind of Sign-in you are doing at this time like shown below:

Realize that if you are doing a Student Sign-in you can simply click the “Sign-in as a Student” option without a password as a typical Student would.

Center Attendance

View My Sessions

Purpose: To view your own Center Attendance session records.

Way to Access: Center Attendance > Session Logs

You will see a search button on this grid, use it to restrict the record search to a certain time period by entering the From and To dates. Clicking on the “Search” button brings to the forefront a search tab (which you can access directly by clicking on it as well). Use the grid ordering and filtering functionality (clicking on the column headers) to order the list by Course, Tutor or Instructor and also to further filter down information.

Manage My Appointments

Purpose: This module schedules appointments between yourself and a Tutor. Options such as Edit, Cancel, and Re-Schedule helps you manage your records easily.

Way to Access: Center Attendance > Appointments

New Appointment

Purpose: To Schedule an appointment with available Tutors.
Way to Access: Center Attendance > Appointments > New Appointment

Use this module to schedule appointments with available tutors using Open Slots selectors. Students, Tutors and Authorized Administrators.

Use “Show Filters” to display available Tutors to set the appointment.
From / To: To filter the Start and End date of the appointments.
Center: To filter by center.
Tutor: Type the Tutor's Name, it will display a list with the matched tutors.
Subject Area: Type the Subject area , it will display a list with the matched subject areas available at Accudemia. Click theSearch button to start filtering.

When Accudemia finds the available tutors it displays two main sections:

  • References: It displays a Color Reference items. The color shows the availability level.
  • Search Results: It displays a list of tutor's boxes. Click on the boxes below to view the schedules.
    • It will display a New Appointment pop up window.
    • Follow the steps to set an appointment.
    • Click the Accept button to finish setting the appointment.

After you set the appointment, the schedule will change its color depending of Tutor's maximum attendees availability. It will also display the number of appointments set with the tutor over that time block.

If there is not available tutors Accudemia will display the following text: “Sorry, no open slots were found with the specified criteria. Please specify a filter criteria and click on Search.”

View Appointments

Purpose: To view, cancel, edit scheduled appointments between yourself and a tutor in a list or schedule (calendar) format.
Way to Access: Center Attendance > Appointments > View All

Appointment Status

After an appointment has been scheduled, its status will automatically change from upcoming, to taking place, and finally to a past appointment as long as the student signs in as scheduled. There are also three other status changes that can be made to an appointment.

Canceled: Appointments can be canceled prior to the scheduled appointment time. This will remove the appointment from both the appointment list and the schedule unless the search option is selected to show canceled appointments. Email notifications will be sent to both the student and tutor at the time of cancellation. Tutors and students are able to cancel their own appointments while administrators can cancel other user’s appointments.

No Show: An appointment is recorded as a no show if the student does not sign in within the designated time frame controlled in appointment settings.

Voided:Appointments can only be voided if they are already recorded in the Accudemia System as Cancelled or No Show. This will remove the appointment from both the appointment list and the schedule unless the search option is selected to show voided appointments. Voiding an appointment can be used as a way to excuse a no show or cancellation. When voiding an appointment the user is asked to give a reason for the void. This reason can be seen in the appointments detailed history report.

Cancelling an Appointment

To cancel a scheduled appointment in list view, select the appointments you want to cancel and select Cancel Appt button at the top of the screen.

To cancel a scheduled appointment in schedule view, click on the appointment you want to cancel and a box will pop up with the option to cancel the appointment. Select Cancel and the appointment will be removed from the schedule.

Re-Schedule Appointments

This tool allows to re-edit your appointment. You can change your date, start time of the appointment and the duration. After made your changes to your appointment click the Schedule Appt button to save your changes.

Restore Appointments

To restore future cancelled appointments.

  1. Use the filter to select the option to display canceled appointments.
  2. Select the canceled appointment.
  3. Click Restore to mark as “No Show” and restore your cancelled appointment.

Appointment Wizard

Purpose: To schedule a single or reoccurring set of appointments tutors.

Way to Access: Center Attendance > Appointments > Wizard

Use this module to schedule appointments between yourself and a tutor.

When you first enter at “Wizard” you will be shown days of the week you want it:

  1. Click Next to be able to select the day(s) to schedule the appointment(s).
  2. Click Next to select the Subject Area(s).
  3. Click Next to select the Service(s).
  4. Click Next to select the Tutor(s).
  5. Click Next to display the Tutor's schedule. At this page you are able to select the date and duration by clicking and dragging over the available time slots. If you want to change a default value you can click the “reservation” and change the time or duration to the one you want.
  6. Click Next to validate the appointments. That last step will show a description of the appointments you are trying to schedule. You might find that some of them are valid and some of them are not. You can go back and select another date or just click Finish to schedule the the valid appointments. Please take into account that the invalid appointment will never be scheduled so you might want to pick another time or tutor.

Manage My Personal Settings

You'll notice that when you login at the top of the screen you'll have several personal options on the left-side of the top navigation bar.

My Homepage

This is the Main screen all user's see when they log into Accudemia with a password. It is featuring all your College News from every one of your centers. Optionally it can display any pending surveys, upcoming appointments, your Accudemia inbox, and a box full of other gadgets you can add to customize your Accudemia user's experience.

You can click the Add Gadgets at the top of this screen to see some other gadgets such as News Headlines, Google Shared Calendar, Messaging tools, and more. Be sure to check it out!

My Profile

Users can update their profile data. Edit it using the My profile section at the top. Simply click the My Profile link.

My Settings


This page allows the user to set when Accudemia should send e-mails and SMS to them. All Items are selected by default.

Send me an Email...

Enables users to receive confirmations and reminders via emails.
“When AccuCredits are less than check” box It's available to administrator users only.

Send me an SMS...

Enables users to receive SMS notifications.

Pending Surveys

Users can click Pending Surveys to see and respond to any pending surveys awaiting completion thru this screen.


Purpose: This will pull a report of your Tutoring Sessions.

Way to Access: Home > My Tutoring Activity

Description: This report provides detailed information about your Tutoring Sessions. The Report lists your name and then lists the Subject Area. For each Subject Area, the report lists the sign-in sessions (sign-in date and time, sign out date and time, and time spent) with each Tutor. The total time for each Tutor spent on each Subject Area is also shown in this report.

Purpose: This will pull a report of your SI Class Attendance.

Way to Access: Home > SI Class Attendance

Available Filters: Classroom(s) and Classes.

Description: This report displays each class information with the Attendance Status (Present or Absent, it will also note if marked Tardy or Excused as well) that the you earned each day.

Purpose: This will pull a report of your Class Absences.

Way to Access: Home > Class Absences

Available Filters: Classroom(s) and Classes.

Description: This report displays a full list of absences for each class taken.

Who do I contact for support?

How to contact your College Administrator

It is simple to contact your Accudemia College Administrator simply by clicking the HELP link on the right-side of the top navigation bar.

Then click the link on the pop-up labeled “Contact an Administrator”.

When you fill out this form and submit it Accudemia will automatically send it to the designated College Administrator on your Accudemia account via e-mail and their Accudemia inbox. When they respond it should appear in your Accudemia inbox on My Homepage (which is the first screen that loads when you login) and in your e-mail inbox.

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