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Setting up the ID format

Purpose: This option needs to be set prior to adding users into Accudemia so the system knows what an acceptable ID number will look like and prevent users from entering any ID in the Sign-in Stations and Login screens.

How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > User Accounts

Choose your correct ID number mask to your College. By default, Accudemia sets the social security number format (999-99-9999).

To set your User ID Mask correctly, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration, select Control Panel and then click User Accounts.
  2. Set the User ID Mask you need to match your student ID format under the Account Information section.

The ID mask supports:

  • 9: Any number
  • L: Any letter, upper case or lower case
  • $: Any letter, upper case or lower case, or a space (optional letter)
  • C: Hyphen (-), dot (.), comma (,) or forward slash (/)
  • A: Any letter, upper case or lower case, or any of the characters included in 'C'
  • N: Any number or any of the characters included in 'C'
  • *: Any letter or number
  • #: Any number (optional), can be left blank
  • ?: Anything

If the mask is left blank, absolutely anything should be accepted. (This is not recommended)

Additional information can be found here: Website Settings
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