This documentation refers to an old version of Accudemia 7.0 and has been replaced by Accudemia 9.0:
Accudemia 9.0 - Control Panel > Email Templates

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Email Templates

Purpose: Accudemia allows to customize the following email reminders and notifications.
How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > Email Templates

  1. Appointment Canceled to Students: Message sent to the student when an appointment is canceled.
  2. Appointment Canceled to Tutors: Message sent to the tutor when an appointment is canceled.
  3. Appointment Confirmation to Students: Message sent to the student when an appointment is confirmed.
  4. Appointment Confirmation to Tutors: Message sent to the tutor when an appointment is confirmed.
  5. Appointment Reminder to Students: Message sent to a student as an appointment reminder.
  6. Appointment Reminder to Tutors: Message sent to a tutor as an appointment reminder.
  7. Appointment Rescheduled to Students: Message sent to the student when an appointment is rescheduled.
  8. Appointment Rescheduled to Tutors: Message sent to the tutor when an appointment is rescheduled.
  9. Appointment Restored to Students: Message sent to the student when an appointment is restored.
  10. Appointment Restored to Tutors: Message sent to the tutor when an appointment is restored.
  11. Footer for HTML Emails: - Footer appended to every email that is delivered in Accudemia.
  12. Footer for Plain-Text Emails: - Footer appended to every email that is delivered in Accudemia.
  13. Message Received: Message sent when a user receives a message sent using Accudemia messaging.
  14. Request Password Change: Message sent when a user requests a password change, using the forgot password feature.
  15. Share Report: Message sent when a user shares a report with someone else.
  16. Survey Notification: Message Sent out by the Admin who set up an emailed Survey Notification.
  17. Survey notification First Reminder: Message Sent out by the Admin who set up an emailed Survey Notification First Reminder.
  18. Survey notification Second Reminder: Message Sent out by the Admin who set up an emailed Survey Notification Second Reminder.
  19. User Created (including password): Message sent when a new user is created and the password is sent in the email.
  20. User Created (w/o password): Message sent when a new user is created and the password is not sent in the email.
Regardless of whether you customize the Email Templates the defaults will be used so if you prefer to customize the message for the Students at your Center(s) then you'll want to set up the individual Email Templates.

Create your own Email Template

If creating a new template you will be prompted to select from the list and you want to select any template like “Appointment Confirmation to Students.” These email messages are not unique to each Center at the moment so please adjust the message accordingly.

You can customize an Email Template to your liking. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Control Panel > Email Templates when signed in as an Admin.
  2. Either click the Create New button at the top or select one of the already modified templates in the list below and click the Edit button at the top.
  3. If you chose Create New you'll have to choose the template to edit first.
  4. Now make your changes to the Email Template. You can use “Mail Merge” fields to represent the student, tutor, course, or appointment information by clicking the buttons below the Body Template window.
Please notice that these “Keyfields” are database-related values which will turn into actual values at the time of sending the communication, they can only be used on the “Subject Template” and “Body Template” fields, the “KeyField” you use must be valid and complete, and start and end with “#” symbol. If you use conditionals like “<ad:if test=”#isdefined(“MailTo_ConnectLink”)#“>” these must be used only on the Body Template or Footer Template

  1. Note: Scroll down the page to preview your template.

Now select the right scope, either a specific center or the school, remember that choosing a specific center allows you to make changes to only that center notifications. Complete the rest of the fields and save changes.

For Online Session information add this code

If the institution will be offering both online sessions and onsite appointments, then make sure to include (copy + paste) the following code to each Email Template related to Students exactly as shown below:

<ad:if test="#Appointment_IsVirtual#">
This is an online appointment. 
Please open the following link when the appointment starts: #Appointment_JoinLink#
This is a face-to-face appointment
#Terminology_Center#: #Appointment_Center#

This block of code should be Pasted similarly as shown below:

For tutors Templates make sure to include(copy + paste) the following code to each Email Template related to Tutors exactly as shown below:

<ad:if test="#Appointment_IsVirtual#">
This is an online appointment. 
Please open the following link when the appointment starts: #MailTo_ConnectLink#
This is a face-to-face appointment
#Terminology_Center#: #Appointment_Center#

This block of code should be Pasted similarly as shown below:

Please make sure to click Save Changes when finishing updating each Template

For Center-Specific information add this code

Warning! Please use this code at your discretion once you have tested it thoroughly. We recommend this option only for advanced users.

This is the code used to make a message in an email template for specific centers. Please note that you must replace the center names (quoted) in the code below with the exact names of the centers in order for this to work.

<ad:if test="#equals(Appointment_Center, "Library - Tutoring Center")#">
You have an appointment in the Library - Tutoring Center.
<ad:elseif test="#equals(Appointment_Center, "Advising")#">
You have an appointment in the Advising.
No idea where you have an appointment.  This should never happen because all tutor's schedules are based on availability in a center.

For Service-Specific information add this code

Warning! Please use this code at your discretion once you have tested it thoroughly. We recommend this option only for advanced users.

This is the code used to make a message in an email template for a specific center's services. Please note that you must replace the service names (quoted) in the code below with the exact names of the Center's Services in order for this to work. Also, note that if there are Services named the same over multiple centers this message will be displayed for all that match the exact text used for the service name.

<ad:if test="#equals(Appointment_Services, "Online Submission Service")#">
Add Message for Online Submission Service.
<ad:elseif test="#equals(Appointment_Services, "Online Tutoring")#">
Add Message for Online Tutoring.
<ad:elseif test="#equals(Appointment_Services, "Tutoring")#">
Add Message for Tutoring.
No service was selected for the appointment.

For any Items-Specific comparison like a particular Tutor, Service or similar consider adding this type of code you see below as an example

In this example we are evaluating whether the tutor in charge of the appointment is someone specifically (using the tutor email), in this example, we show some information based on whether the tutor is someone specifically, although here there are only 2 options(Jorge and Nick) you can add as many options as needed and declare what message will be sent for each case.

Warning! Please use this code at your discretion once you have tested it thoroughly. We recommend this option only for advanced users. You can compare more than one item such as in the last example where we want a specific tutor (TutorX) and service (ServiceY) to show some additional info:

<ad:if test="#equals(Tutor_Email, "")#">
To meet your tutor Jorge Rodriguez please proceed to Computer Lab on building 5 first floor.

<ad:if test="#equals(Tutor_Email, "")#">
To meet your tutor Nick Armstrong  please proceed to Computer Lab on building 4 first floor.

<ad:if test="#and(equals(Tutor_Email, ""), equals(Appointment_Services, "ServiceY"))#">To meet your tutor TutorX, related to Service ServiceY, please proceed to Computer Lab on building 4 first floor.<ad:else></ad:if>

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