This documentation refers to an old version of Accudemia 7.0 and has been replaced by Accudemia 9.0:
Accudemia 9.0 - Control Panel > Appearance and Themes

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Appearance and Themes

Purpose: Use this module to configure the presentation of items shown to all users for your Accudemia site.
How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > Appearance and Themes

College-Level Options

These are the options available if you selected the “college-level” when entering this section.


These options control the site theme and the logo that appears in the top-left of the account.

Site Theme

You can choose from various themes to define the color appearance of the site. Choose a combination of colors that goes well with your logo or the colors of your college. The default color used by Accudemia is  Blue  but you have the following color themes to choose from:

 Black & White   Black   Blue   Chocolate   Green Moss   Green   Orange   Pink   Purple   Summer Sky 

Click the Browse… button to choose a new College Logo that will replace the College Name in the top-left corner of the account that is visible on every screen in Accudemia. This will help personalize the website for your college. Be sure to click the Save Changes button at the top-right of the page to complete this process.

Click the Browse… button to choose a new Homepage Logo that will be shown in the News Section for the school in the top-left corner of the Announcement widget. This will help personalize the website for your college. Be sure to click the Save Changes button at the top-right of the page to complete this process.

If you do not choose a Homepage logo file then the name of the Accudemia account will be shown instead


Use this section to customize the login screen where your users will log into the backend of Accudemia. This can be written in HTML if you have someone who can make this look nice.

If your Accudemia is using SSO (Single Sign-On) technology then the Accudemia Sign-in process would depend on the school domain authentication, so the Accudemia's build Sign-in screen would never be shown to users, to learn more talk to your Accudemia admin

Account Name

This will be used to replace the default College Name displayed on the login page. If empty, it will use the account's name set internally by Engineerica when your account was created.

Login Instructions

Use this textbox to modify the “Sign-in Instructions” for the default login page to Accudemia if not using SSO (Single Sign-On). This customization will be used by all and is only available at the “college level”. This can be written in HTML if you have someone who can make this look nice.


Use this textbox to modify the default design template for the Sign-in Stations used by all newly created Centers. This is set up at the “college level” so this will only be the default template used but can be modified at each Center. This can be written in HTML if you have someone who can make this look nice.

Header Type

In the dropdown menu, you can select whether to use the “Logo Only” or provide a “Full Content” header for your Sign-in Stations.

Kiosk Station Header

Use this textbox if you selected the “Full Content” header type and you want to modify the “center-level” appearance for the Sign-in Stations/Kiosks used by the Center selected coming into this screen.

  1. To edit this section you can use the built-in editor or write your HTML by clicking the Source button .
  2. As always, click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to save your work.
This section can be written as HTML content for your best-looking results.

Use this option if you selected the “Logo Only” header type and you want to upload your Center's logo to the Kiosk/Sign-in Station. By clicking the Browse… button you will be able to search for and locate an image from your computer to upload it.

Display card reader instructions

By selecting the checkbox the kiosk will show the instructions for signing in with a card reader.

Card reader instructions text

If the option above is checked and this textbox is completed, then the instructions displayed for the card reader section will be replaced by what is in this textbox.

When working on these settings, click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to save your work.
These settings can be set at the College-level as a template for any new Centers created. And then you can edit the Center's settings to update the individual design for each Center.

Home Page - Widget

In this section, you can configure which roles have access to the different widgets on the Home Page, the last column determines in what order these widgets will be shown (please notice that some widgets can not be shown to specific roles). This selection can be set at the college scope or the center scope. From the homepage, when selecting a center from the list of centers on the homepage you can see different widgets based on the configuration. For example, you could decide to not show the “News Information” widget for one center while you do want to show it for another.

Center-Level Options

These are the available appearance options that you can customize directly at the “center level” for each center in Accudemia.


Here you can design how you want the Sign-in Stations to look and what information is displayed. Below is an example of editing the Sign-in Station screen using HTML:

Header Type

In the dropdown menu, you can select whether to use the “Logo Only” or provide a “Full Content” header for your Sign-in Stations.

Kiosk Station Header

Use this textbox if you selected the “Full Content” header type and you want to modify the “center-level” appearance for the Sign-in Stations/Kiosks used by the Center selected coming into this screen. To edit this section you can use the built-in editor or write your HTML by clicking the Source button .

Update Logo

Use this option if you selected the “Logo Only” header type and you want to upload your Center's logo to the Kiosk/Sign-in Station. By clicking the Browse… button you will be able to search for and locate an image from your computer to upload it.

Display card reader instructions

By selecting the checkbox the kiosk will show the instructions for signing in with a card reader.

Card reader instructions text

If the option above is checked and this textbox is completed, then the instructions displayed for the card reader section will be replaced by what is in this textbox.

When working on these settings, click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to save your work.
These settings can be set at the College-level as a template for any new Centers created. And then you can edit the Center's settings to update the individual design for each Center.

Home Page - Widget

In this section, you can configure which roles have access to the different widgets on the Home Page, the last column determines in what order these widgets will be shown (please notice that some widgets can not be shown to specific roles). This selection can be set at the college scope or the center scope. From the homepage, when selecting a center from the list of centers on the homepage you can see different widgets based on the configuration. For example, you could decide to not show the “News Information” widget for one center while you do want to show it for another.

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