This documentation refers to an old version of Accudemia 7.0 and has been replaced by Accudemia 9.0:
Accudemia 9.0 - Control Panel > Walk-ins

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Purpose: Customize your activity tracking screen during the Student sign-in process.
How to Access: Administration > Control Panel > Walk-ins

Selection Paths

This is a new feature of Accudemia 6.0 - Phase II that allows you to select the order and option in which the Student selects based on the Services your Center offers.

To enable this option check the checkbox to “Use a different selection path for each Service” and then click the Configure Selection Paths button.

As stated in the previous setting you can now set the default selection order if all the services will use the same path or you can configure a different selection path for each of the Center's available Services.

In the example above you can set the default order of selection as shown at the top or override that by selecting different options as shown at the bottom of that screen capture. For the latter option when I set the different options based on the Service selected you'll notice that each has a different selection option for the Students as stated below:

  1. When the ServiceComputer Use” is selected they are not prompted to select any other options.
  2. When the ServiceRequired Lab Hours” is selected they are asked to choose their Subject Area and Instructor.
  3. When the ServiceTutoring” is selected they are asked to choose their Subject Area, Instructor, and the Tutor.
If this option is not selected the selection options will appear on one screen to have the Student select from in this default order:
Subject Area → Instructor → Services → Tutor.
And not all these options are going to appear if you chose the “Do not show” option on the items in the next section of settings.


  • Selection:
    1. Required: If you choose this option, the Student will be required to select a Service in order to complete the sign-in process.
    2. Optional: There will be a “None” option that appears in the Services list if it is not a requirement that they necessarily choose a Service at sign-in.
    3. Do not show: The Services list will not show during the sign-in process. Use this option if the students will not be utilizing a service at your Center or if you are just recording the sign-in and sign-out times (like in a gym).
  • Default: Choose which Service to show as default. This option is helpful if you would like to set up a Service as the default due to it being the most frequent Service being used.
Multiple Service selection options can be set in the Control Panel under General > Sign-in Options.
Click here to learn more and visit that setting/section.

Subject Areas

  • Selection:
    1. Required: If you choose this option, the Student is required to select a Subject Area in order to complete the sign-in process.
    2. Optional: This option enables the “None” label to display in the Subject Area list. Choose this selection if your Center offers some Services that do not require a Subject Area to be selected during the sign-in process.
    3. Do not show: If you don’t need to track the Subject Area that your Students are getting help with at your Center then choose the “Do not show” option. This is useful if you only want to track students’ sign-in and sign-out times without tracking the Subject Area for their visit.
  • Default: Choose which Subject Area to show as default. This is only helpful if you have a Subject Area that is constantly being chosen.
  • Use Student Enrollment: Check this checkbox if you want to show only the Subject Areas the Student is registered this Semester. This will make the sign-in process a lot easier for the Student and typically can be maintained via automated imports using ADX nightly, hourly, weekly, or however frequent you choose.


  • Selection:
    1. Required: If you choose this option, the student has to select an Instructor to be able to sign in.
    2. Optional: The option “None” will appear in the Instructor list so the Student can choose this selection when the Student does not see an Instructor associated with his or her Class.
    3. Do not show: The Instructors' list won’t show during the sign-in process.
  • Use Registration Info: Place a check this checkbox if you want to show only the registered Instructors for the selected Subject Area. Typically this option is helpful if you are getting this information imported.
If there is only one assigned Instructor to a Class and you are choosing to use the “do not show” option and check the “use registration info” checkbox, the Instructor will be automatically recorded at sign-in.


  • Selection:
    1. Required: If you choose this option, the Student is required to select a Tutor in order to be able to complete the sign-in process.
    2. Optional: The option “None” will appear in the Tutors list. Choose this selection if your Center offers self-study for example.
    3. Do not show: The Tutors list will not show during the sign-in process.

Tip: You have the option to show the available tutor a certain amount of minutes ahead of the current time. This allows, for example, a student who is signing in a few minutes before the tutor is scheduled to see the Tutor and select them.

  • Availability:
    1. Use Schedule Information: Only the Tutors that are scheduled and assigned to work for the Subject Areas and Services will appear.
    2. Use Registration Information: Only the Tutors assigned to help in the chosen Subject Areas and Services will appear.
    3. Show Everyone: Show every active Tutor for the entire college.
  • Display at:
    1. Sign-In: Prompts for tutor selection during sign-in.
    2. Sign-Out: Prompts for tutor selection during sign-out.
    3. Sign-In (Allow selection at sign-out): Prompts for tutor selection during the sign-in process, but allows students to select an “Unknown” tutor option (in case they don't know who'll they will see). If this “Unknown” tutor is selected Accudemia will then allow them to choose from the list of Tutors again during the sign-out process.
  • Show available tutors ahead of the current time by minutes: Enable this checkbox if you want to show available Tutors ahead of time, you can then select the amount of time you want as well.
  • Allow tutors to sign in without a password.: Allow tutors to sign in and sign out without entering their password.

Guest Sign-ins

  • Allow guests to sign in: Enabling this will allow guest users to walk in.
  • Guest user ID: This is the ID that will be assigned to the Guest User. When guest signs in for the first time a person will be created. The name of the person will be “Guest User”. You'll be able to filter reports by this person. Manual sign-in is also possible using this person.
  • Sign-in time for guests: Here you should specify the period (in minutes) that the guest is given by default for this Center visit.
Guests do not need to sign-out as Accudemia automatically gives them the default sign-in period specified above.


  • Require confirmation before signing-in: If checking the checkbox, the Student will see a message to confirm all the selected items are correct before completing the sign-in process.
  • Tutors can sign-in students from the waiting lines: If checking the checkbox, the Tutors will be able to sign in Students from the waiting lines.

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