This documentation refers to an old version of Accudemia 7.0 and has been replaced by Accudemia 9.0:
Accudemia 9.0 - Personal Settings

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Personal Settings


This is the landing page after the user authenticates and enters Accudemia, The Home Screen can be highly customized by the administrators using different sections or widgets, examples of those widgets include Upcoming Appointments and Messages from the current user; News from all of your centers(the administrators enter this info), calendar availability and more: This screenshot is shown as an example; your Home Screen might will look somewhat different depending on the configuration chosen by the administrators and the information related to your own school and centers.

Users can Create New appointments, and Compose messages right on the Home Screen!

Upcoming Appointments and Messages

This panel is a widget showing on the left basic information about the user's upcoming appointments and on the right the messages received:

Appointments Panel:

  1. Schedule Appointment - Use this option to create a new appointment(s).
  2. View All - Use this option to go to the Appointment(s) list page.
Join Session Option: For online appointments that are about to start, a button shows “Join Session” a few minutes before the Appointment Start time so the student can click this button and access the online session.

For a step-by-step guide on how to create a new appointment, click on the link here: Center Attendance: Create New Appointment

Messages Panel:

  1. Compose - Use this option to create new messages.
  2. View All - Use this option to go to the Messages inbox page.
Click on any message to read/reply as needed
The Join Session button for online appointments will only be available a few minutes before the start time. This is configured in the Control Panel → Virtual Sessions section, and it should usually be around 10-15 minutes

To create the message, start typing the user's name. Accudemia will now display the user. You may proceed in selecting the desired user. By clicking the magnifying glass, you can filter between your contacts, everyone, members of a class, or groups. After selecting who the message is to and the subject, you may click send. Accudemia should go ahead and send you an email.


Appointments Viewer Widget

This widget shows the selected center tutor's availability for today and how many appointments they currently have scheduled. There are several options you can select:

View by Tutor Today

This chart shows the availability of the tutors working today and the number of appointments for specific times during the day.

View by Tutor Week

This chart shows the availability of the tutors working this week and the number of appointments for specific days of the week.

View by Day

This chart shows the availability for the days of the week and the number of appointments for specific times during the day.

View by Service Today

This chart shows the availability for today based on specific services and times of the day.

View by Service Week

This chart shows the availability based on services this week and the number of appointments made.

View by Subject Area Today

This chart shows the availability for today based on specific subject areas and time slots.

View by Subject Area Week

This chart shows the availability based on subject area this week and the number of appointments made.

Manage Center

This widget shows the activity at the Center right now. You can see information related to the Waiting Line, who is currently having a session, and who recently signed out of sessions. If you want to see more details, you can click the option View All to access the Manage Center screen.

Today's Session Logs

This widget shows current information related to Session Logs, you can toggle the option to see Students Logs or Tutors Logs. You can manually create a new log by using the option + Log Session. If you want to see more details, you can click the option View All to access the Manage Session Logs screen.


This widget shows current information related to Referrals. You can manually create a new Referral by using the + New Referral button. If you want to see more details, you can click the option View All to access the Manage Referrals screen. For each Referral, you can use action buttons to change their status and/or see more details.


This widget shows current information related to Surveys. You can manually create a new Survey by using the + New Survey button. To see more details, you can click the option View All to access the Manage Survey screen. For each Survey, you can use the action buttons to start/stop a Survey from running, see details from a specific Survey, or make a copy/clone from a specific Survey.


This module allows users to see News and Announcements from the college and the centers. Some examples of relevant announcements that a College/Center might use could display the opening times, the upcoming events, or even the online links that students can use for their virtual walk-ins. (All of this is designed/configured by the administrator in the Control Panel.)

To create your College/Center News, do the following:

  1. Go to Administration > Control Panel > Announcements.
  2. Select the Center or College-level scope to view the newsfeed you want to manage in the pop-up window that appears.
  3. Write your news in the textbox. This section can include HTML source code or be edited via the built-in WYSIWYG* editor.
  4. Users now have the option to share Google Calendar's notifications as well, just by inputting the calendar ID in the provided space.

5. Click the Save Changes button to see the news displayed on the My Homepage section.

WYSIWYG is a tool where you can build content in a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product

College News and Center News

This widget allows users to see the College News on the left side and Center News on the right. Some examples of relevant announcements that a College/Center might use could display the opening times, the upcoming events, or even the online links that students can use for their virtual walk-ins. (All of this is designed/configured by the administrator in the Control Panel > Announcements)

To create your College/Center News, do the following:

  1. Go to Administration > Control Panel > Announcements.
  2. Select the Center or College scope to view the newsfeed you want to manage in the pop-up window that appears.
  3. Write your news in the textbox. This section can include HTML source code or be edited via the built-in WYSIWYG* editor.
  4. Users now have the option to share Google Calendar's notifications as well, just by inputting the calendar ID in the provided space.

5. Click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to see the News displayed on the My Homepage section.

WYSIWYG is a tool where you can build content in a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product

Across Semester Comparison

This widget allows selecting 2 terms in order to compare them in regards to Attendance and Appointments in an easy-to-read bar chart or data table.

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