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iAccu Full Manual

Don't have time to read this document online? Then download our iAccu Full Manual. For more information, please visit our website at

Table of Contents

Signing in to your Accudemia Account

You probably already have access to your Accudemia account, but if not and you would like a demo of the software capabilities for your institution visit this link to request a free trial. Once you're logged in as an admin; look at the menu on the left and you will find a lot of options to see different aspects of your account's information. They are grouped into 3 distinct areas: Administration, Center Attendance, and Class Attendance.

Under Administration > Centers and Classrooms, is a good point to start. Click on the menu and the click the Create New button in the tool bar. There you can choose whether to create a center or a classroom, it´s important to know the difference (see notes below) and pick the right one. Creating a center, will allow tutors to create their own schedule and students to create appointments with specific tutors; also both students and tutors will be able to sign-in to the center so you can know how long they were in. Classrooms are intended for normal classes instead, where you can schedule regular courses that take place every week at a certain time and all enrolled students can sign-in when the class is taking place. Remember to hit the Save Changes button once you have entered all of the information.

The difference between a Center and a Classroom in Accudemia is when using Center Attendance the students signing in can be presented with multiple options throughout the day at no set time frame where as Classroom Attendance is using a set class following a set schedule.
All the attendance collected from iAccu using the Center Attendance is synced and merged in with the reporting data for that center. If you setup a classroom instead this data is collected separately with different kinds of reporting options such as absentees, tardies, etc. in regards to the classes schedule.

Next, click on Terms (or Semesters) under Administration on the left-side navigation panel. Create a new semester, so students can be enrolled to classes in that semester. There's information such as user accounts, centers and subject areas that do not change overtime; but there's other things such as student enrollment, tutor schedules and appointments that are defined per semester. Every time a new semester starts users will have to update such information (this can be automatically updated via automated imports in Accudemia).

Now, the only thing left is to load the Students, tutors, and classes. If you are just testing, you can go to User Accounts or Subject Areas and manually create these items (create new user or create new subject area). Otherwise, you might prefer to import the data; to do so, please review the Data Exchange - Importing and Exporting help.

Setting up an Apple Device

To start tracking attendance in your device, you need an Apple iPod, iPhone or iPad with the operating system updated to iOS 4.0 or later. Once you have your device updated to the latest version, you can download iAccu for free from the Apple Site, iTunes, or directly from the iPod. If you have the device connected on your computer, click on the following link to download it: Download iAccu

Once iAccu is installed, you can launch the application and sign-in using your Accudemia credentials. The device needs to have an Internet connection during this process. When prompted, enter your admin User ID, your password, and the domain. The domain is what you type to access Accudemia, without the part. For example, if you access Accudemia by typing, then you just need to use your school info for the “myschool” in the domain.

As it is the first time that the device connects to Accudemia, you need to login to Accudemia in your browser and activate the device. You will get the error “The device has not been activated yet!” which is normal the first time you connect it with the cloud. This is necessary though for the device to be shown in the list of available devices to activate.

Activate the Apple Device

  1. Click on Sign-In Stations » iAccu under Administration section on the left-side navigation menu.
  2. Now search for and select the device in the list of available iAccu devices by clicking it in the list.
  3. Finally you simply have to click the Activate button at the top of this page.

After it's done, go back to your iPod, tap iAccu, and tap Sync. If your not able to sync, then try signing out and signing back in. Downloading the data the first time might take a few minutes depending on the amount of data you have loaded in your account.

Inactivate an Apple Device

Once you have reached the limits of your purchased licenses Accudemia may require you to inactivate some of the old ones not being used in order to activate new devices on the account. To inactivate these old or currently unused devices do the following:

  1. Click on Sign-In Stations » iAccu under Administration section on the left-side navigation menu.
  2. Now search for and select the device in the list of available iAccu devices by clicking it in the list.
  3. Finally you simply have to click the Inactivate button at the top of this page.

Capturing attendance

After you launch the iAccu application, you can click on either Center Attendance or Class Attendance, depending on what you want to track. You will probably want to visit the next section Customizing your iAccu Device to set your preferences.

Remember that center attendance will allow tutors to create their own schedule and students to create appointments with specific tutors; also both students and tutors will be able to sign-in to the center so you can know how long they were in. Class attendance is intended for normal classes instead, where you can schedule regular courses that take place every week at a certain time and all enrolled students can sign-in when the class is taking place.

Then you have to select the center/classroom where you currently are and the other information the application might request to make sign-ins faster. Then, you can start swiping your ID cards if you have purchased a card reader, otherwise you can just type in the student IDs.

Sample sign in and sign out process

In this example, students will sign into Violin and Clarinet practice in the Music Room. The Subject Areas, Services, Instructors, and/or possibly Tutors the student will pick is setup in Accudemia. Using a QR code, the sign-ins and sign-outs are captured then synced with Accudemia.

Accudemia is the default software and has been pre-selected in the “Connect to” area. After verifying it is selected enter the Accudemia account credentials such as Domain, User ID, and Password. Domain is the first part of your institution's Accudemia URL. As an example if my account is then I would use “myschool” for the Domain. Now tap the Go button to open the app.

iAccu will sync with the database. The sync will ensure that the device has the latest data from the Accudemia database.

After the sync is complete, the main screen of iAccu will open. From that screen, Track Attendance is selected:

In the Track Attendance screen select Center attendance or Class Attendance.

Center Attendance is typically used but Class Attendance can be selected if tracking presence in a Classroom.

For the Tracking mode, you would either select Normal mode if you alone are collecting the swipes, or MDST mode if you are using multiple devices to collecting swipes in one center. In this example Normal is selected which is most common.

Since in this example, students will be signing into the Music Room, Music Room is pre-selected.

The Centers in iAccu correspond to the Centers you have setup in Accudemia.

Once the Center is selected, iAccu is ready for students to sign-in.

If you plan to scan a barcode to sign the student it, then tap the Scan button. However if you want to allow the student to enter his or her ID or are using a Magnetic Card then tap the Manual button. In this example, a QR barcode will be read from the device’s camera, so Scan is selected.

Once the ID is recognized, then iAccu will bring up a list of Courses that are assigned to the Music Room.

Clarinet is selected for the Subject Area. Next, a list of Tutors that are available to help the student with Clarinet are displayed. In this example, Bright, Cindy is selected.

Next, a list of Services are displayed. In this example, the student is coming in to get help with “Scales” for the Clarinet, so that is selected. Different Centers may have different Services.

Next, a list of Instructors are presented. Instructors in this case are the professors that teach Clarinet at my college. The Student would then select the Instructor who teaches his or her Clarinet class. In this case “Allen, Woody” is selected.

Now a sign in message will appear for the student, indicating that he is now signed into Clarinet.

iAccu is now ready to sign in the next Student. The process is then repeated as each Student signs-in to the Music Room. As each Student completes their lesson in the Music Room, they would then sign-out of iAccu and add any comments if you decide to collect them.

Now the Student taps the OK button and they are signed out.

Once the sign-ins and sign-outs have been collected, then you would sync the iAccu device back with Accudemia.

The final step is to Sync your device again to upload the recorded data to Accudemia. Remember iAccu works offline so you can carry it with you and track attendance everywhere you are, so you have to manually sync the device when you have Internet access.

Now you can pull Reports > Visits to see the data or check the Session Logs section under Center Attendance in Accudemia.

Tracking a Single Session using Multiple Apple Devices

(Not Typical)

When you have a large session going on that you need to use multiple iAccu Apple devices to track the attendance for you must use the MDST (Multi-Device Simultaneous Tracking) mode. First you must create this session so that all the other devices helping to sign-in and sign-out Students can join. This MDST session will allow all of the devices to “realize” whether a student has already signed-in on another device and then know to sign them out when scanned on a separate device.

Creating a New Session using MDST

To create the session:

  1. Tap Track Attendance.
  2. Next tap Multi-Device (MDST).
  3. Then tap Create a new session.
  4. Now tap Create new.
  5. From the General screen fill-out the Name, select the Center, Set the Date and Times. Then tap the Next button in the top right corner of the screen.
  6. From the Details screen fill-out the Sign-in/out Windows. Then tap Course to setup the Course associated with this session.
  7. On the Courses screen select the appropriate Course from the list of available Subject Areas/Courses for the Center.

    Note: You can select “None” in the top right corner if no Courses are associated with this Session.

    Once selected you'll be taken back to the details screen. Now tap Service to setup the Service associated with this session.

  8. On the Services screen select the appropriate Service from the list of available Services at the Center.

    Note: You can select “None” in the top right corner if no Services are associated with this Session.

    Once selected you'll be taken back to the details screen. Now tap Tutor to setup the Tutor associated with this session.

  9. On the Tutors screen select the appropriate Tutor from the list of available Tutors from the Center.

    Note: You can select “None” in the top right corner if no Tutors are associated with this Session.

    Once selected you'll be taken back to the details screen. Now tap Instructor to setup the Instructor associated with this session.

  10. On the Instructors screen select the appropriate Instructor from the list of available Instructors for the Session.

    Note: You can select “None” in the top right corner if no Instructors are associated with this Session.

    Once selected you'll be taken back to the details screen. Now tap Instructor to setup the Instructor associated with this session. Then tap the Next button in the top right corner of the screen to confirm your settings for this session.

  11. On the Confirmation double-check all of the options selected were are correct and tap the Done button in the top right corner of the screen.
  12. Finally you'll receive a popup message stating “The Session has been successfully created!”. Please click “OK” to proceed.
Joining a Session using MDST
  1. Tap Track Attendance.
  2. Next tap Multi-Device (MDST).
  3. Then tap Join a session.
  4. Tap the session you want to track in the list of Today's Sessions.
  5. Next tap either Track Attendance to start tracking or tap Details to quickly see if the session is the one you need to track.
  6. Finally you are ready to track attendance for today's already created session.
Scanning Attendance for the MDST Session
  1. Next tap Scan.
  2. Place the ID badge in front of the camera.
  3. The Apple device should Beep! loudly and show a Confirmation screen.


  1. Next tap Manual.
  2. Type the ID number or Card Number in the textfield.
  3. The Apple device should Beep! loudly and show a Confirmation screen.
Possible Errors

If ID number or Card number is not found:

Customizing your iAccu Device

iAccu Logo After you sign in to iAccu, tap Settings to customize the way the device will track attendance. There you will see several options you should explore before start recording sign-ins: iAccu Settings


  • iAccu name: Lets you set a name for the device to help identify it. The device is listed under it's device ID by default which is a long confusing serial number.
  • ID Management: Lets you choose the ID that is saved from the card. This feature is great for users using a magnetic-strip card reader.
    1. Tap Show raw swipe first so you know what is stored in the card.
    2. Then go back and change the options:
      • ID start - Sets the starting digit.
        • Example: A123456789 is read from the card and I want 123456789 so 2 is my starting digit.
      • ID length - Sets the number of digits in the ID and the rest is trimmed.
        • Example: A123456789 is read from the card and I want A123456 so my length is 7
      • Note: You can use the 2 settings above together to get 123456 from A123456789 by setting 2 as my ID Start and 6 as my ID Length.
    3. Tap the Show edited swipes and swipe a card to see how the ID will be taken from the card (it must be the same format that you have loaded in Accudemia for the Student's User ID)
    4. Optional Areas:
      • Inspect barcode - Simply lets you read what is on a barcode by scanning it.
      • Keyboard - Lets you choose the default keyboard used on this iAccu device. If your ID is only using numbers and no letters you may want to set the devices to use the number pad instead. (default is the the alpha keyboard with the ability to switch to the number pad)
  • Clear database: lets you reset the data on your device. It's usually not necessary unless you want to start from scratch and redo the initial sync from Accudemia.
  • Sync: Lets you choose to have “real-time” or live uploads into Accudemia and whether to download the profile pictures to the device so you see the photo of the user when they sign-in. (Syncs may take longer if selected)
  • Swipe live upload - Allows you to see the swiped students in “real-time” in Accudemia.
  • (Profile images) Enable Sync - Sets the number of digits in the ID and the rest is trimmed.
  • Status Simply displays the communication status to the Accudemia cloud. “Ready” status means it is connected and ready for use.


  • Enable Sounds: Enable if you want to hear a beep when someone signs-in.
  • Lock Screen: If enabled, you will be prompted for a password to get out of the sign-in station mode. This way, you can give the device to students and be sure they won't change other settings.
  • Center based: Here you will find a bunch of options regarding center attendance tracking, where you can define selection defaults, enable comments, and setup automatic sign-out.

  1. Sign-out - Allows you to set sign-out options
    • Let students sign-out by themselves
    • Sign everyone out at a specific time
    • Set fixed session period
    • Students specify their session time
  2. Allow adding comments
    • No
    • At Sign-in
    • At Sign-out
  3. Appointments
    • Allow access early by X minutes.
    • Allow access late by X minutes.
    • Must stay in for at least X minutes.
  4. Walk-ins: Lets you set a fixed selection for this session so you don't have to select them with each scan and you can also set whether you want to track the item or not.
    • Selection order
    • Centers
    • Tutors - Additionally you can set their availability.
    • Instructors - Additionally you can use registration.
    • Subject Areas - Additionally you can use enrollment.
    • Services
    • Guests - Turn on/off feature, set Guest ID, & Guest Session time.
  5. MDST (Multi-Device Session Tracking): Simply means using more than one iAccu device for the same session.
    • Session Duration - 50 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.
    • Sign-in Window - Example: 15 minutes before and 5 minutes after start time of the session.
    • Sign-out Window - Example: 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after end time of the session.
  • Class based: These options allow you to control how sign-ins to classes are recorded, and what happens when a student which is not registered signs-in.

  1. Allow access early by - Set early sign-in time or disable.
  2. Unresolved Scans - Set how to handle.
    • Person not registered
      • Discard
      • Standby
      • Sign-in
      • Sign-in and auto-register
    • When there is no class
      • Discard
      • Standby
    • When multiple classes
      • Discard
      • Standby
      • Ask User
      • Sign-in based on enrollment (will sign them into the class registered for)
  • Unknown Person: Choose whether unknown users will be able to sign-in, or will be rejected.
  • Require Confirmation: If enabled, users will have to confirm before signing in. It adds a simple step at the end of the sign in procedure to prevent wrong sign-ins.
  • Confirmation Screen: Set how long to display the Sign-in Screen. 1-5 seconds

Manual Mode

  • Enter ID manually: Lets you set the device to use or not use the manual ID entry mode.

Barcode Scanning

  • Use device camera Lets you set the device to use or not use the camera for barcode scanning.
  • Camera Lets you set which camera to use on the device. Front-facing or rear-facing camera.
  • Auto-scan Default is to leave this setting on to swipe students in faster.
  • Do not sleep For use where battery power is not an issue and you need the screen to stay active such as being used like a wall-mounted time clock.

Troubleshooting iAccu

Don't have time to read this online then download the iAccu Troubleshooting Guide (PDF).

Attempt to open your Accudemia account in Safari:

  1. Tap the Safari app icon to open it.
  2. Tap the address bar and type in <myschool> (replace <myschool> with whatever your domain is) and tap go.
  3. Once the login page loads login using your administrator credentials.
  4. Done! If you can login to the Accudemia website try logging into the iAccu app again.

Kill the iAccu app and re-open it:

  1. Tap the home button on the Apple device to exit the app.
  2. Double tap the home button on the Apple device now to get this screen. (this screen may look different on iPads)
  3. Swipe the screenshot of the iAccu app upward to completely close the app.

Other possible solutions to try:

Power-cycling the Apple device:

  • Hold down the power button at the top right of the iPod touch and the home button at the center front of the device.
  • Continue holding them even after the slider to turn off the touch appears. Do not let go at this point.
  • A few seconds after this, the screen will flash and go black. At this point, the touch has been rebooted.
  • Hold down the power button at the top right until the screen lights up again and the Apple logo appears.
  • Release the button and let the iPod touch finish booting up and you’ll be ready to rock again.

Using a different Wi-Fi connection:

  • Be sure you're in range of your Wi-Fi router (access point).
  • Tap Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi off and on. If your Wi-Fi setting is dimmed, follow these steps.
  • Confirm that your Wi-Fi router and cable or DSL modem are connected to power, turned on, and connected to the Internet. If not, refer to your network administrator or Internet service provider (ISP) for assistance.
  • Tap Settings > Wi-Fi and locate the Wi-Fi network to which you're connected.
  • Tap and Forget this Network.
  • Try to connect to your desired Wi-Fi network.
You may need to enter your Wi-Fi password again if your network requires one.
  • Turn your Wi-Fi router off and on2. If your ISP also provides cable or phone service, check with them before attempting this step to avoid interruption of service.
  • Update your device to the latest version of software.
  • Update your Wi-Fi router to the latest firmware2. For AirPort Base Stations, install updates using the AirPort Utility.

More information can be found at:

Clear the local database in iAccu on your Apple Device:

You will lose any swipes collected after the last sync time so use this option as a last resort.
  1. Login to the iAccu app using your Accudemia credentials.
  2. Tap the Settings title or icon from the What do you want to do? screen.
  3. Tap Clear Database.
  4. Click the green Yes, delete all button.
  5. Click the Yes option to confirm and you’ll get the confirmation message.

Uninstalling and re-installing iAccu:

  1. Tap and hold the iAccu app icon from the home screen on the Apple device.
  2. Notice that the icons begin to wiggle and now tap the (X) symbol on the top left of the icon.
  3. Once you click delete on the next message iAccu will uninstall from the Apple device.
  4. Now tap the App Store icon and search for iAccu.
  5. Now tap the cloud icon in the top right of the search results as shown above.
  6. Let it install, click OPEN when it is ready, and login to iAccu with you Accudemia login credentials.

Contact Accudemia and iAccu Support

If all else fails please e-mail or call support directly at 407-366-7700.

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