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Exporting your Data

How to Access: Administration > Advanced > Export

Purpose: To export your data as a CSV file.

The available Accudemia data exports to download:

TIP: For The Accudemia Export Sample files (that have the download link set on the image) you may need to right-click on the image and choose “Save link as…” to download the XLSX sample file. The default format exported is CSV but to show the available columns when you open the files we have saved them as XLSX files.

All Users

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all users in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: (Primary) User ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Active (Status)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the users in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed


Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all students in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: (Primary) User ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Active (Status)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the students in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.


Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all Tutors in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: (Primary) User ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Active (Status)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the tutors in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.


Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all Instructors in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: (Primary) User ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Active (Status)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the Instructors in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.


Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all Classes in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: Class ID (System Generated), CRN, Class (Name), Subject Area (Name), Other Code, Comments, Instructors (Assigned), Active, Term
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the Classes in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.
NOTE: There is no period filter on this classes report so it will be all classes ever created in Accudemia.

Subject Areas/Courses

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all Subject Areas in Accudemia.
Available Filters: None
Included fields: (Subject Area/Course) Prefix, (Subject Area/Course) Number, (System Generated - Subject Area/Course) Code, (Subject Area/Course) Name, Description, Active (Status)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the Subject Areas in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.
NOTE: There is no period filter on this Subject Area/Courses report so it will be all Subject Area/Course ever created in Accudemia.

Student Enrollment

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all Student Enrollment in Accudemia for a given period.
Available Filters: Period (Choose from a Semester or Custom Date Range)
Included fields: Semester (Name), Student (Primary) User ID, Student First Name, Student Middle Name, Student Last Name, (System-generated) Class ID, CRN, Class (Short Name), Subject Area (Name)
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all the Student Enrollment for a given period in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.

Tutor Assignments

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all tutors assigned to a Subject Area/Course with their Subject Area/Course assignments.
Available Filters: Period (Choose from a Semester or Custom Date Range)
Included fields: Semester (Name), Tutor (Primary) User ID, Tutor First Name, Tutor Middle Name, Tutor Last Name, Subject Area (Name), (System-generated) Subject Area Code
Additional Options: None
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all tutors' Subject Area/Course assignments for a given period in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.

Session Logs

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export all session logs or visits for a specified period with all the details stored in Accudemia.
Available Filters: Period (Choose from a Semester or Custom Date Range)
Included fields: (System-generated) Log Type (Student vs. Tutor), Sign In Time, Sign Out Time, Center, Services, (Primary) User ID, (Signed-in User) Alternate ID, User First Name, User Middle Name, User Last Name, Tutor (Primary) User ID, Tutor First Name, Tutor Middle Name, Tutor Last Name, Courses (Subject Area Name), Subject Area Code Prefix, Subject Area Code, Class Postfix, Class Reg Number (CRN), Class Short Name, Instructor (Primary) User ID, Instructor First Name, Instructor Middle Name, Instructor Last Name, (Session Log) Comments, (System-generated) Log ID, (System-generated) Appointment ID
Additional Options: Last 7 days, Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months, Last Year
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all session logs or visits for a specified period with all the details stored in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.

All Appointments

Report Information Sample
Purpose: Export lists of all appointments made in the past or the future for a given period in Accudemia.
Available Filters: Period (Choose from a Semester or Custom Date Range)
Included fields: Semester (Name), Center, Student (Primary) User ID, Student First Name, Student Middle Name, Student Last Name, Tutor (Primary) ID, Tutor First Name, Tutor Middle Name, Tutor Last Name, Start Time, End Time, Subject Area Code, Subject Area Name, Is No Show, Is Canceled (Note), Is Voided, Excuse, Created By, (Appointment) Notes, (System-generated) Appointment ID
Additional Options: Last 7 days
Description: This report creates a CSV file with all appointments made in the past or the future for a given period in Accudemia, this type of file can be read and enhanced in MS Excel as needed.

Automated Exports

In this section you'll learn what you need to do in order to schedule imports or exports. There are some prerequisites that we'll review as well in order to complete this process. All of these have been explained above but you can review these are the prerequisites links:

Once these are complete you should be able to schedule your export as explained below:

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