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Calendar Integration

How to Access: Administration > Advanced > Outlook 365 Integration
Purpose: In this screen, administrators can see how many accounts are using the integration with Outlook 365, they can also disconnect the integration in some accounts and also request changes in the integration access for the college.

Watch the Quick Intro video:

Why am I seeing Request Access?

If you have not purchased the Microsoft Outlook 365 Integration this section will have a green button to Request Access > that will connect you to a web form to complete for our sales department.

These are some of the benefits of using the calendar integration to enable 2-way sync between Accudemia appointments and your Outlook 365 account:

  • Automatically sync appointments made in Accudemia to your Outlook 365 calendar.
  • Update your availability when you add an event in Outlook 365 automatically.
  • Reschedule appointments from your Outlook 365 account (only date, time, and duration).
  • Cancel appointments from your Outlook 365 account.

Connect to Outlook 365

These are the steps necessary to connect an Admin account to your institution's Microsoft Outlook 365 account.

  1. Click on the user name at the top right corner » Connect to Outlook 365.
  2. Next, click the Connect to Outlook 365 button on the initial screen that is shown.

    Note: If an account has already been connected this screen will look different and you can skip to the next section.
  3. Now login to your Microsoft Office 365 account on the next screen and click Next.

    Note: You may be prompted for your password if you are not already logged in.
  4. At this point, we are authorizing the use of Accudemia to access your Microsoft Outlook 365 account needed for this integration. Select Accept to continue.
  5. You should get a confirmation that “You are connected” but we now need to set 2 things:
    1. The first option is what calendar you want to Send new appointments that are created in Accudemia(highlighted in yellow). This is the calendar that will sync with Accudemia appointments.
    2. The second option is to select which of your calendars created in Outlook 365 we should check to block off from your availability as a Tutor in Accudemia(highlighted in green).
  6. We are done with the configuration! You can now create an appointment in Accudemia and see how it replicates immediately to the Calendar as we show here.

Enjoy the Accudemia Outlook 365 Integration that will automatically sync appointments between the 2 systems. As you can see here the screen on the left is Accudemia with an appointment we just created while the screen on the right is Microsoft Calendar showing that same appointments:

In order to see the sessions created in O365 from Accudemia you can go to the same connection to the O365 page in your profile menu(Step 1 in this chapter)and click the option View Synced Events (red dot #1), and events will show in a pop-up screen(red dots #2 and #3 in this example)

Outlook 365 Integration Acccounts administration view

Use the Administration–>Advanced–>Outlook 365 integration menu option to see a list of accounts that have been connected to the integration:

As you can see from this example we have 1 account connected, the options in this screen include:

  • Disconnect- You can use this option to disable the integration for a particular account.
  • Update License- You can click this button to request some assistance related to this feature. This is the contact form that you would need to complete requesting information/changes about the integration.

Additional Resources from our KB