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There are several ways to record attendance:
All Session Logs
This section is where you can view/edit All Session Logs collected. As well, you can create missing logs that may have needed to been updated manually.
Create Log Manually
- From the Home screen when logged in as an Admin or Operator click the All Session Logs link under the Visits section.
- Now click the Create Log button to add a log to the Session Logs section.
- Notice you will have to select the Location, Class, Member, and set the sign-in and sign-out times. Once you do click the Save Log button.
My Logs
This section shows all logs corresponding to your Sessions.
Who's In
This section show's Who's in and what Location they are at in your club.
Computer Sign-in Station
This option allows you to turn a computer in the classroom into a sign-in station for the classroom. You can use several technologies to help enhance the sign-in process as well. We offer magnetic strip readers, barcode readers, and/or RFID readers to help record the attendance.
Create a Sign-In Station
- Click the Create New button at the top of the screen.
- Fill out the Sign-in Station information.
- Station Name: This can be whatever you want to name the Sign-In Station. you could use the room name and the number of the Sign-in Station like Auditorium-Station01, Auditorium-Station02, Auditorium-Station03, or RM101-Station01, RM101-Station02, etc.
- Title: This is the title displayed in the station.
- Instructions: This can be more detailed instructions but remember to keep it simple and short because the more information you have will make the Sign-In box appear lower on the screen.
- Sign-In/Out Mode:
- Manually Selected - This allows the users to choose if they are signing in or out by clicking the Sign-in or Sign-out tab on the screen.
- Kiosk - This allows the users to simply swipe and AccuClub will determine the best option for either a sign-in or sign-out based on the time of the event they are checking into and if the user has signed in or signed out already.
- Admin Passcode(optional): Enter an Admin Passcode to manage this Sign-in Station. If you do not want to add an Admin Passcode then you do not have to.
- Show Results For: When a person signs-in/out, a message will be shown. This setting specifies how much time that message will be shown.
- Location: Choose the location you are tracking members in.
3. Click the Save & Install Here or the Save without Installing button.
- If you want to make this PC a Sign-in Station then click Save & Install Here. Otherwise, if this is not the PC you want to make a Sign-in Station click Save without Installing.
The Sign-in Stations you've created should now appear in the list of Sign-in Stations.
Delete a Sign-in Station
- Click Delete on the end of the Sign-In Station listing.
Uninstall a Sign-In Station
- Click Uninstall button above the Sign-In Station listing.
Station Mode
When you log-out for the first time after you clicked the “Save and Install Here” option above you should now see the sign-in station mode.
Here is a sample sign-in screen:
The AccuClub App
Use your Apple device as an attendance tracking device to sign-in/sign-out students.
You must download the AccuClub App from the Apple App Store:
Using an Apple device
- Tap the AccuClub icon and then tap the Sign-in Button (left-side)
- Enter in your AccuClub account login (provided) and then tap Login button (left-side)
- Domain: This is the domain given for the AccuClub account.
- E-mail: This is your e-mail address.
- Password: This is the password either provided or you created.
- Done! The device will sync information and ask what location you want to start tracking.
Track Members with the AccuClub App
Scan Barcode or QR code
- After logging into AccuClub you will see the Sign-in/Sign-out screen. If you want to sign-in someone the arrow will be green simply tap the arrow to turn it red to sign-out someone. Next click the Scan button if you want to scan their QR codes or barcodes.
- Once you scan the barcode or QR code your Apple device will emit a short high pitched “Beep-beep!” and you will see this green “Signed In” screen briefly.
Manually Enter Member ID
- After logging into AccuClub you will see the Sign-in/Sign-out screen. If you want to sign-in someone the arrow will be green simply tap the arrow to turn it red to sign-out someone. Next click the Manual button if you want to enter the member's number manually.
- Once you tap the Members ID in your Apple device and tap OK it will emit a short high pitched “Beep-beep!” and you will see this green “Signed Out” screen briefly.
Syncing the Apple device
Once you have collected all the Member's swipes for that session you can upload/sync the data to AccuClub out on the cloud so admins can see the attendance through the website.
- First click the “Options” in the top right corner of the AccuClub app.
- Next click the “Sync” option and it should take a minute or two to complete with a confirmation.
Troubleshooting the AccuClub App
If you login to the AccuClub app and select a location but it displays “there is no event taking place right now” or it is the wrong event showing up at that location you can manually set the Apple device to record sign-ins/sign-outs for a specific event. In this example we will set it to a specific event:
- First click the “Options” in the top right corner of the AccuClub app.
- Next click the “Change Event” option and it will change to the specific event.
- Select the Event you want to scan people in/out for and it will appear on the Sign-in/Sign-out screen.
Click here to choose another method for tracking attendance with AccuClub.
Automated Attendance
Whatever method of tracking attendance you use above it is recommended that you visit the Advanced Options > Settings to configure the rules the automated devices will use to record the Attendance.
These are a list of the available reports in AccuClub with a brief description of what type of data they show in each.
- General stats: Shows an overview of the membership plans.
- Usage excess: Lists the members that have used more than their credit.
- Credits by user: Lists the users and their current number of credits.
Session Registration
- Registration and attendance: Shows the registration and the attendance for a specific session.
- Event Registration and Attendance status detailed: Shows the registration and attendance details for selected seminars.
- User List: Lists all users in the system, including name, card number and email address.
- User List with Tags: Lists all users in the system, including name, card number, email address and tags.
- Staff List: Lists all staff members in the system, including name, card number and email address.
- Permissions by User: Lists all the users in the system with their corresponding security permissions.
- Location General Stats - Headcount: Shows the general stats of a specific location counting users who are in the center at a given time.
- Location General Stats - by Sign In Times: Shows the general stats of a specific location counting users only at their sign in.
- User Attendance: Shows the attendance information of a member.
- Summary of Attendance: The report gives you a summary of the number of non-unique students seen and total time.
- Detailed Attendance: Provides detailed information about students and their attendance. The report lists each student. Under the name, it lists the classes this student attended. For each class, the report lists the attendance sessions (sign-in date and time, sign-out date and time, and time spent).
- New Visitors: This report lists each new user to a service or location.
- Session Comments: This report shows comments on sessions. Note that this report only shows sessions with comments.
- Visits Detailed by Location: Lists each user that visited the location(s) during the reporting period. For each visitor, the report shows the number of visits, the date and time of his or her first visit, the date and time of his or her last visit, and the average visit time.
- Visits Executive Summary: The report gives you an executive summary of visits to a location, including number of open days (any day with at least one sign-in is considered an open day), number of services offered, number of users served, total contact hours.
- Weekly Time: Shows the time spent per user and event in a weekly distribution.
- Weekly Visits: Shows the number of visits per user and event in a weekly distribution.
- Zero Visits: This report lists each user that didn't visit your center during the reporting period.
- Attendance Report by Topic: This report lists visits by topic during the reporting period. A Topic can be location, event, service, instructor, staff, or student.
- Attendance Summary Report by Topic: This report lists the visit distribution summary by topic during the reporting period. A Topic can be location, event, service, instructor, or staff.
Text Messages
- Text Messages Usage Detail: Lists texting messages sent in detail.
- Text Message Count by Carrier and Delivery Status: Lists texting message counts distribution by carrier sent and delivery status.
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