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Advanced Options

In the Advanced Options, there are many aspects of the system you can configure. These options include terminology used, how attendance is taken for events, importing data, exporting data, and more!

My Memorized Reports

Here you can view any Report you have saved to run again later or schedule to run at a specific time.

Export Data

To export your data go to the Advanced Options section and click Export. You can download your data by clicking the Download button next to the report you would like to download. You are able to download your data as .CSV, HTML, and Excel 2007/10 file types. The data you can download is:

  • Credits - All (History showing credits added and used)
  • Credits - Current
  • Classes
  • Users (Can be filtered by role)
  • Visits

Export History

You can now view a history of past exports that have been run from the system by clicking the View Past Exports button at the top of this area. This will show all the Exports ran in the last 30 days.

Import Data

This is where you can import your members, your events and everything to quickly get started. To make it as simple as possible we have defined a bunch of formats to follow. By creating a file as explained below, you can directly upload the file and AccuClub will recognize it as a valid one, knowing completely what to do.

File Format

Only comma-separated-values (CSV) files are supported. This format is broadly supported by many applications including Microsoft Excel. It can also be created using any simple text editor. In the first line of the file the headers must be included (check the list of valid headers below), then, the data must be included separating each column by a comma. In the case you need to write a comma in the data itself, you can prevent format errors by enclosing the full value in double quotes.

Time Zone

Please note that before you import any events it's important that you set the correct time zone for your account.

To set the time zone, please go to Advanced Options > Settings > General from the main menu.

Classes Import

This article explains how to build the import file for the Classes that you offer in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Term
  • Details(optional)
  • Group(optional)
  • Department(optional)
  • Schedule(optional)


The Class Code has to be unique for each term. If there are 2 (or more) classes with the same code, in the same term, they will be merged. The Name is just a friendly name that will help you visually identify the class, it's usually displayed along with the Code.

The Department is optional.

The Term column refers to the term in your account, it's mandatory and it must exist before you import the class file. The terms are not automatically created to reduce to possibility of errors.

The Schedule field is optional and if used, needs to have the following format: <days_of_week or meeting_date> <start>-<end> <location> Where: - <days_of_week> is the list of days of the week when the class is given, without spaces. For example: MWF means that the class is given every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The days must be specified using the following letters: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday. - <meeting_date> is a date in YYYYMMDD format that specifies a one-time class. For example, 20131007 specifies that the class is on October 7th, 2013. - <start> is the start time of the class, in military time. For example, 900 or 0900 refers to 9 am, and 1730 refers to 5:30 pm. - <end> is the end time of the class, in military time. Please note that it has to be separated from the start time using a hyphen. - <location> is the name of the location where it's given.

Full example (Mondays and Thursdays, from 9 am to 10:30 am in the location A-101): MR 900-1030 A-101

Full example (July 29th, 2013 from 3 pm to 5:45 pm in the location A-101): 20130729 1500-1745 A-101

You can specify multiple times or locations separating them by a slash (/), for example: MWF 900-1030 A-101 / TR 1400-1530 A-201 / 20130815 1100-1230 A-203


Code Name Details Department Term Schedule
ACCT-1100Financial Accounting ICourse detailsEconomicsSpring 2015MW 900-1040 A-101
BIOL-1111Biology ICourse detailsBiologySpring 2015TF 1500-1620 A-102
TCDW-1205Technical Drawing ICourse detailsIndustrial DesignSpring 2015WS 900-1040 A-201
TCMO-01013D ModelingCourse detailsIndustrial DesignSpring 2015R 900-1040 A-202
HISE-1212European HistoryCourse detailsHistorySpring 2015TR 1300-1400 A-101

Download the example file (.csv)

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Membership Plan Registrations Import

This article explains how to build the import file used to register Members to a Membership Plan that you offer in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • PlanName
  • UserEmail


The PlanName specifies a registered membership plan in your account.

The UserEmail specifies a valid e-mail address that uniquely identifies a registered user in your account.



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Tags Import

This article explains how to build the import file used to add Tags (used for rules and reports) in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Name
  • Description(optional)


The Name field is required. It uniquely identifies the tag and is displayed across the different screens in the system that uses tags.

The Description field is optional. This is the place to add extra information to the tag.


tagabcThis is the tagabc and is used for users who are...
supertagUse this tag to make a special user...

Download the example file (.csv)

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Tags - Access Roles Import

This article explains how to build the import file used to let AccuClub know what Roles can “Edit” or “View” the Tags.

Valid headers:

  • Tag
  • Role
  • Access


The Tag field is required. It identifies the tag whose access roles have to be imported.

The Role field is required. It specifies the name of the role that has to be imported.

The Access field is required. It specifies if users with the specified role will have edit or view access to the tag. Supported values are 'edit' or 'view'.


tagabcAdministrator edit

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Tags - Scope Import

This article explains how to build the import file used to assign Tags to be used by a Location in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Tag
  • Location


The Tag field is required. It identifies the tag whose access roles have to be imported.

The Location field is required. It specifies the name of the location that has to be imported as the scope of the tag.


tagabcWriting Center
tagabcReading Center
supertagWriting Center

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Tags - Users Import

This article explains how to build the import file used to assign Tags to Users in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Tag
  • UserEmail


The Tag field is required. It identifies the tag whose users have to be imported.

The UserEmail field is required. It uniquely identifies a user in the system that must be assigned a particular tag.



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Members Import

This article explains how to build the import file of Users/Members that will be available in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • FirstName
  • MiddleName (optional)
  • LastName
  • Email (optional)
  • CardNumber (optional)


The OperatorId is used to uniquely identify the user, it must be unique across all the users in the system, including members, operators and administrators.

The FirstName and LastName are required. It's usually displayed in the format First Last. You can also optionally specify the MiddleName

The Email is optional, but highly recommended. It allows users to login without remembering their ID, to reset their password, to receive messages and notifications and a lot more things. The email has to be unique across all the users too.

The CardNumber is optional. It's only useful if you plan to track attendance by reading physical cards using a card reader or the mobile app for iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.



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Operators Import

This article explains how to build the import file of Operators/Staff (able to scan in members to sessions) that will be available in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • FirstName
  • MiddleName (optional)
  • LastName
  • Email (optional)
  • CardNumber (optional)


The OperatorId is used to uniquely identify the user, it must be unique across all the users in the system, including members, operators, and administrators.

The FirstName and LastName are required. It's usually displayed in the format First Last. You can also optionally specify the MiddleName

The Email is optional, but highly recommended. It allows users to log in without remembering their ID, reset their password, receive messages/notifications, and a lot more things. The email has to be unique across all the users too.

The CardNumber is optional. It's only useful if you plan to track attendance by reading physical cards using a card reader or the mobile app for iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.



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Administrators Import

This article explains how to build the import file of Administrators (that have access to all areas) who will be available in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • FirstName
  • MiddleInitial (optional)
  • LastName
  • Email
  • CardNumber
  • Active (optional)
  • Address (optional)
  • City (optional)
  • State (optional)
  • ZipCode (optional)
  • MobilePhoneNumber (optional)
  • HomePhoneNumber (optional)
  • WorkPhoneNumber (optional)


The email is used to uniquely identify the user, it must be unique across all the users in the system. It also allows users to login, to reset their password, to receive messages and notifications and a lot more things.

The FirstName and LastName are required. It's usually displayed in the format First Last. You can also optionally specify the MiddleInitial.

The CardNumber is useful if you plan to track attendance by reading physical cards using a card reader or the mobile app for iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.

The Active field is optional. Specifies whether the user is active or not. 'Yes' or 'No' values are accepted. Defaults to 'Yes'.

The Address field is optional. Specifies the user's street address.

The City field is optional. Specifies the user's city.

The State field is optional. Specifies the user's state.

The ZipCode field is optional. Specifies the user's zip code.

The MobilePhoneNumber field is optional. Specifies the user's mobile phone number.

The HomePhoneNumber field is optional. Specifies the user's home phone number.

The WorkPhoneNumber field is optional. Specifies the user's work phone number.



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Updating Users Email by Card Number

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Users “Email” by referencing the “Card Number” already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • CardNumber
  • NewEmail


The CardNumber is required. It's used to find the user and update their email address.

The NewEmail is required. This will be the new email address associated to the user.



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Updating Users Email by Old Email Address

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Users “Email” by referencing the existing “Email” already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • OldEmail
  • NewEmail


The OldEmail is required. It's used to find the user and update their email address.

The NewEmail is required. This will be the new email address associated to the user.



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Updating Users Email by Phone Number

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Users “Email” by referencing the “Phone Number” already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • PhoneNumber
  • NewEmail


The PhoneNumber is required. It's used to find the user and update their email address.

The NewEmail is required. This will be the new email address associated to the user.



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Update Users Status

This article explains how to build the import file to inactivate/activate Users already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Email
  • Active


The Email is required. It's used to find the user via their email address.

The Active is required. This will set the user as active or inactive using “Yes” or “No” values.



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Update Users Roles

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Roles of Users already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Email
  • RemoveRole
  • DefaultRole


The Email is is used to identify the users and update their roles.

The RemoveRole is the name of the role to remove from the user.

The DefaultRole is the name of the role that will be added to the user if he has no other role assigned.


duck@institution.comTutor Student

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User Groups Import

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Groups in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Name
  • Description(optional)
  • Shared(optional)


The Name field is required. It uniquely identifies the group and is displayed across the different screens in the system that use groups.

The Description field is optional. This is the place to add extra information of the group.

The Shared field is optional. It specifies if the group is private for the person that created the group or shared with other users in the system.


Administrators groupThis is the group that gathers all administrators in the system togetheryes
Students that visited the center last nightThis is a fancy description for this groupno

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User Groups - Access Roles Import

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Groups of Users by their existing Role already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • GroupName
  • Role
  • Access


The GroupName field is required. It identifies the group whose access roles have to be imported.

The Role field is required. It specifies the name of the role that has to be imported.

The Access field is required. It specifies if users with the specified role will have edit or view access to the group. Supported values are 'edit' or 'view'.


Administrators groupAdministratoredit
Administrators groupAdministratorview
Administrators groupStudentview
Students that visited the center last nightAdministratoredit

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User Groups - Members Import

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Groups of Users by their “Email” already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • GroupName
  • UserEmail


The GroupName field is required. It identifies the group whose members have to be imported.

The UserEmail field is required. It uniquely identifies a user in the system that must be imported into a group.


Students that visited the center last

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User Groups - Scope Import

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Scope (the Location assigned) of Groups of Users already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • GroupName
  • Location


The GroupName field is required. It identifies the group whose scope has to be imported.

The Location field is required. It specifies the name of the location that has to be imported as the scope of the group.


Administrators groupWriting Center
Administrators groupReading Center
Students that visited the center last nightWriting Center

Download the example file (.csv)

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User Roles- Access to Edit Roles

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Roles of Users who can “Edit” other Roles already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Role
  • CanEditRole


The Role field must match an existing role's name in the system. This is the role whose edit access setting will be modified.

The CanEditRole field should also match an existing role's name in the system. It specifies the role that will be editable by the role in the Role field.



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User Roles- Access to View Roles

This article explains how to build the import file to update the Roles of Users who can “View” other Roles already in AccuClub.

Valid headers:

  • Role
  • CanViewRole


The Role field must match an existing role's name in the system. This is the role whose edit access setting will be modified.

The CanViewRole field should also match an existing role's name in the system. It specifies the role that will be visible by the role in the Role field.



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Import History

You can now view a history of past imports that have been ran from the system by clicking the View Past Imports button at the top of this area.

Move Data Between Users

This is the area designated to move any/all Session logs, appointments, action assignments and media check-outs from one user to another.


This is the area designated to manage all of the backend settings of the software. Items such as permissions using User Roles, changing the terminology used through Translations, and more!


General account settings, such as the time zone, license agreement, user profiles, etc.

Here you can upload a custom logo to replace the AccuClub symbol in the top left of the Page. Click the Save button to save your Changes.


To set up your Timezone go to Advanced Options and click Settings. Once there simply select your timezone from the drop-down box (default is EST).

Click the Save button to save your Changes.

License Agreement

Here you can insert your organizations' License Agreement.


Here you can toggle different options to allow users to change certain aspects of their profile.

  • All users must accept the license agreement upon the first login
  • Allow users to change their names in their profile
  • Allow users to change the e-mail address in their profile
  • Allow users to change the postal address in their profile
  • Allow users to change the phone numbers in their profile

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User Roles

Customize the user roles and their permissions.

Default User Roles

There are three distinct default User Roles in AccuClub which are Administrator, Operators, and Members. These default User Roles are explained below:


Administrators have access to the whole system, can manage other users as well.

You can click on the blue highlighted title of this User Role to edit permissions for this role although it is not recommended. If you want to create a lesser Administrator role it is recommended that you follow the steps below to create a Custom User Role.
Do not delete this User Role! You are a part of this User Role so if you want to you can simply edit it by clicking the title. If there are certain areas that you think you may never use then you can remove them by editing this User Role but this is only recommended for advanced users.

Operators have access to the system using the AccuClub Apple app only for taking attendance and possibly viewing attendance.

You can click on the blue highlighted title of this User Role to edit permissions for this role.
It is recommended that to you edit this User Role rather than delete it. Simply by clicking the title you can edit this User Role. If there are certain areas that you think these users may never use then you can remove them or you can give them more access to items they need but this is only recommended for advanced users.

Members have little or no access to the system, used as the group of people you want to track.

You can click on the blue highlighted title of this User Role to edit permissions for this role.
It is recommended that to you edit this User Role rather than delete it. Simply by clicking the title you can edit this User Role. If there are certain areas that you think these users may never use then you can remove them or you can give them more access to items they need but this is only recommended for advanced users.

Custom User Roles

Custom User Roles are roles that you can make to give special permissions to a group of people that you want to make have more permissions than an Member but less than an Operator or even more permissions than an Operator but less than an Administrator. Basically you are able to set the amount or level of permissions that the Custom User Role should have.

Create a Custom User Role

Custom User Roles are a great way to define your own types of Users. They can be or do anything you define for them. If there is a default User Role such as Administrators, Operators, or Members you want to base them off of you can do this too. At the moment this is only recommended for advanced users. To get started do the following:

  1. Click the Create Role button on the User Roles screen.
  2. Fill-in the General Info:
    • Name - The name of the User Role you are creating and that you will see when assigning it to Users.
    • Description - This field helps to describe the User Role for someone not sure on if they should assign the User the Custom User Role.
  3. Now set the Define Policy by clicking either the Select from Template or Advanced Editor button:
    • Select from Template - This option allows you to start off by using one of the default User Roles and modifying it.
    • Advanced Editor - This option allows you to define a completely new policy from scratch.
  4. Finally be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

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Define the terms where the events will be available. These are simply used for reporting periods in AccuClub and can help define how long a Class will be tracked.

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Attendance tracking settings, i.e. if sign-out is required, presence % for events, etc.

These settings are across the entire AccuClub software.


  • Create a new log after X hours of inactivity - This allows you to auto-logout Members who have exceeded X minutes.
  • Default time in X mins - This allows you to set the default amount of time your typical Class last and can be set below to give an Member this time if the Member exceeds the above X minutes.
  • Logs must start and end on the same date - Check this box if you will be tracking training sessions that last longer than within the same day.
  • Require Members to sign-out - This allows you to set whether you require sign-outs for the training sessions.
  • Automatically sign Members out after the inactivity period is due using the default time in - Check this box if you prefer to give the default time set above if the Member exceeds the X hours of inactivity.
  • Prevent users from editing logs' after X hours - This option will not allow the logs' to be edited by users other than admins after X time has passed.


  • Allow Members to sign-in early by X mins - This sets the start of the time window Members can sign-in before the actual start time of the Class.
  • Allow Members to sign-out late by X mins - This sets the end of the time window Members can sign-in after the actual start time of the Class..
  • Required presence % - This is the percentage of time the Member must attend the Classes to receive credit.
  • Overwrite settings of existing courses As some attendance settings can also be defined per Class, if you check this all courses will be overwritten using these values - Use this check box if you made changes to any of the settings above and want to force them to be used across the entire AccuClub software. This will overwrite any settings set on the Class level.

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This is a really cool feature that uses a Rules engine where you can define events that can do things like sending emails and other system responses based on your requirements. This is recommended only for advanced users.

Create New Rule

Following these steps will create a new rule:

  1. Click the Create New button to get started.
  1. Fill-out the info:
General Info
  • Name - A simple name so you know what rule it is.
  • Description - A brief description to further explain the rules function.
When does it occurs?
  • Execute on event - Set this option so the Rule knows when to run.
  • Conditions - Set this option from a list of conditions.
What does it do?
  • Actions - Add an action to be done once the triggered event occurs.
  • Example:

Modify a Rule

Simply click the name of the Rule in the list of Rules on the Rules Screen

Delete a Rule

Simply click the Delete link on the far right-side of the Rule in the list of Rules in the Rules Screen.

Be careful not to accidentally delete the rules since they are complex to setup. That is why it is recommended you make sure that this is something you are sure of wanting.

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Notifications engine, define notification topics, configure notifications via e-mail, text message and/or screen.

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Session Registration

Set room capacity, trainer information, and enable session registration. Session options can be defined at multiple levels: specific Class session, Class itself, a Location or as a Global Settings. The most specific settings defined are used.

  1. Global Settings - Use this field to set settings for registration across the account.
  2. Location-specific Settings
    • Location - Use this field to set registration settings based on the chosen Location.
  3. Event-specific Settings
    • Class - Use this field to set registration settings for a specific Class.
  4. Session-specific Settings
    • Select Course - Use this field to set registration settings for a specific Class AND
    • Session Date (optional) - Use this field to set registration settings for a specific Class session.

If you choose any of the above options except the last one you will have to define the Capacity, Class, and enable/disable Session Registration similar to the following screenshot:

If you choose the last option you will have to define the Capacity, Class, and enable/disable Session Registration just for that particular session similar to the following screenshot:

You can also register Members from this screen as well since you are defining the parameters for a specific session of the Class.

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Membership Plans

Define the plans available to purchase by members.

Here are the steps to create Membership Plans:

  1. Click the Create Plan button in the top left.
  2. Enter the following information about the Membership Plan:
    • Name: A name for the Membership Plan.
    • Description: Brief Description of the plan.
    • Sales Notes: A note that appears when salespersons attempt to assign the plan for a member.
    • Credits (Can be set to Unlimited): How many credits this Membership plan is worth.
    • Plan Cost: The cost in dollars of the Membership Plan
    • Valid for: The expiration in X hours, days, weeks, months, or years for the plan.
    • Discount Method: This is stating how the credits will be used under this Membership plan whether using visits or time. I using time choose your rounding options.
      • One credit per visit - This means no matter the length of time they stay there will only be 1 credit per sign-in and sign-out taken.
      • Credit per hour and fractions - This option will deduct their exact time spent (hours and minutes) in decimal form from the credits they have. As an example, 1 hour and 30 minutes would equate to 1.5 credits used. In another case, 2 hours and 2 minutes would be equal to 2.03 credits used.
      • One Credit per hour (partial hour = 1) - This option removes credits based on a partial hour equal to rounding up to the next hour in credits. As an example, 1 hour and 30 minutes would be 2 credits used. In another case, 2 hours and 2 minutes would be equal to 3 credits used.
      • One Credit per hour (partial hour = zero, less than 1 hour = one) - This option removes credits based on a partial hour equal to rounding down to the next hour in credits. As an example, 1 hour and 30 minutes would be 1 credit used. In another case, 2 hours and 2 minutes would be equal to 2 credits used.
    • Credit Restrictions: (Credit will be used at any time until it expires is the default.)
      • Credit Available Only If X IS/NOT Y AND/OR…
        • X: This is the basis for the statement and can be set to:
          • Location
          • Event
          • Remaining Credits
          • Day of Week
          • Month name
          • Time
        • IS/NOT This sets the statement to either question true or false criteria.
        • Y: This is the criteria for the statement and can be completely customized.
        • AND/OR: This can be used to set multiple connected(AND) or separate(OR) condition statements.

Google Tag Manager

Here you can set up the container ID for Google Tag Manager.

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Create, update and delete the tags in your account.

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Translate or change the terminology used in the system. This area is recommended for only advanced users.

Choose from a list of hundreds of Terminology you can translate to your terms that your institution uses.

When you make a change to a certain keyword it will change this throughout the account.

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View Audits

View the actions performed by the users.

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Login Appearance

Select options related to the appearance of the login screen.

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Select what links the users will see in the navigation bar.

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Single Sign-On

Manage single sign-on settings.

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