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View/Edit Classes

There are two ways to enter your classes either manually or via import.

Import Classes

Using an Import in which you must create a .CSV file with all the classes data. Using this method it will automatically have all your classes available in the system. For more info visit the Classes Import section.

Add Classes Manually

To manually enter the Classes and their Schedule go to View/Edit Classes under the Classes Section.

To create a Class, click Create New, and then fill in the following info:

  • Semester: Fill in the name of the semester the class is occurring.
  • Unique Code: This can be anything that will uniquely ID the course. (Session MAT-101-01,CRN 0488-981,etc.)
  • Class Name: Fill in the name of the class.
  • Department(Not Required): Fill in the Department. (English, Mathematics, Science, etc.)
  • Instructors Add the Instructors who will be managing the Roll Call or Sign-ins for the class so they'll have access to it when they login to AccuClass.
  • Schedule: Select the day of the week in the drop-down box to add days that the class occurs. Adjust the times and set the classroom. (A sample will be given if none have been created.)
  • One-time Meetings: Use this section to set the schedule based on specific dates instead of recurring days of the week. You can use these in combination with the days of the week but if these date/times overlap a regularly scheduled time then the regularly scheduled class will be deleted.
  • Automatically (check sessions after saving) or Manually: Set this radio-button to Manually if will be changing the schedule manually and do not want the class sessions to be automatically updated (which is not recommended in most cases).

Click the Save button to save the data.

Modify Classes

To modify a Class go to View/Edit Classes under the Classes Section. Once there click the title of the Class in the list or search for it using the search bar at the top of the page to find the Class if you have too many to scroll through in this section.

More Actions

  • Manage Enrollment: This option allows you to enroll or drop students from this Class.
  • Attendance Sheet: This option allows you to view the Attendance Sheet for this Class. From the Attendance Sheet you can also modify session attendance or Roll Call by clicking on the dates listed at the top.
  • Attendance Summary: This option allows you to view the Attendance Summary Report for this class.
  • View/Edit Sessions: This option is explained below in greater detail but allows you to add/remove sessions from a Class that have already occurred. This may be necessary if the following occurs:
    • All the Classes were added to the term/semester prior dates of the term/semester being changed but had already taken place (i.e. you changed the start date of the term/semester).
    • There was a holiday for your school and it was not added to the holidays list prior to it occurring.
  • Customize Attendance Settings: This option allows you to create and change Attendance Statuses specifically for the class. If these settings are not changed for the class, the default Attendance Statuses will be used.
  • Customize Emails: This option allows you to personalize the Email Templates for messages going out to the Students of this Class.
  • Delete Class: This option is explained below in greater detail but allows you to remove sessions a Class that may have been a test class or was uploaded through imports incorrectly.
You will be prompted with a warning because once the Class is deleted all attendance will be deleted as well.

Delete Specific Sessions from a Class

  1. Now find and click on the title of the Class you want to edit in the list or if you have a lot of Classes use the search bar at the top of this page to find it.
  2. Once you have brought up the Class edit screen there will be a green box in the top right corner that list More actions you can perform for this Class. Click the View/Edit Sessions option.
  3. In this list of Session Dates if there are any Session Dates that should not be in here click the

    (Cancel Session) link for each of them.

    Note: If some sessions listed no longer match the Term/Semester (which may be the case for you) then they should have a checkbox that is already checked next to those dates that shows you should delete them. Make sure those remain checked or if not already checked click the (delete all) link at the top of the page.
  4. Finally click the Save button at the bottom of this screen to complete this process.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each class having this issue.


When you select to manage this option on the Class you will see a screen to add or drop students similar to this one below:

Enrollment Options:

  • Add Students - This option allows you to simply type in the name of a Student that you would like to enroll and click the Add Student button.
  • Drop Students - This option allows you to drop individual student by either selecting the minus symbol or clicking the Drop link after the Student's name.
If you made a mistake there's a circular arrow that allows you to quickly re-add the Student to the Class's roster.
  • Add/Drop Multiple Students - This option allows you to simply paste in a list of Students the you would like to enroll or remove. To do this following these steps:
    1. Click the Paste Multiple button.
    2. Now copy and paste a list of Student's IDs into the textbox.
    3. Now if you want to enroll them all into the Class then click the Add Students button, but if you want to drop them all from the Class then click the Remove Students button. The Cancel button just takes you back to the previous enrollment screen.

Delete Class

Click the Delete link on the far right of the Class you want to delete.

Be sure that you want to permanently delete the Class as you will be prompted to confirm the deletion and that all attendance data collected will be removed form AccuClass for this class.


This is an optional section to set up your Classes' Departments. This option is used primarily to group the Classes on your Exports and Reports in AccuClass.

Create Department

  1. Start by clicking the Departments button under the View/Edit Classes section from the AccuClass home screen.
  2. Then click Create New and fill in the following information:
    • Department Name: Complete with the name of your Departments that you categorize your Classes.
  3. Finally, click the Save button to save your input information.

View/Edit/Delete Department

  1. To View/Edit/Delete a Department click the Departments button under the View/Edit Classes section from the AccuClass home screen.
  2. Then click blue Title link.
  • To View/Edit:
    1. Now simply edit the Department Name in the field.
    2. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
  • To Delete:
    1. If trying to Delete the department look for a green box in the top-right corner of the page. Click the blue Delete Department link in the box.
    2. Finally, click the OK button to confirm the deletion request.
You can also click the blue Delete link and confirm the pop-up message directly from the list of Departments on the Department screen.


To set up your Semester go to Semesters under the View/Edit Classes section from the AccuClass home screen, click Create New, and fill in the following information:

  • Semester Name: Complete with the name of your semester.
  • Start Date: Complete with a reference date for the conference.
  • End Date: Set up the dates that the conference is going to take place.

Click Save button to save your input information.

Holidays/Days Off

To add holidays that you will not be taking class attendance for all your classes click the View/Edit Classes > Semesters section from the AccuClass home screen. Next click Days off link on the Semester listed that you want to add holidays. Once there you can either click on the holidays listed in the top right box to add them automatically or click the Add New button to fill in a custom holiday.

Be sure to click the Save button to ensure the holidays are added to your semester.

Delete Semester

Click the Delete link on the far right of the Semester you want to delete.

Be sure that you want to permanently delete the semester as you will only have one more click to confirm the deletion.


This is where you can add, edit, and/or delete Instructors. This is also a section where you can set the Instructors Schedule or Import Profile Pictures.

Create New Instructor

Use this button to create a Instructor account that will be assigned to class(es). These instructors will be able to manage the class attendance, student registration, and roll call they are assigned.

This section will only be seen on an Institutional Account

Assign Instructor to Class

You can do this by simply going to View/Edit Classes under the Classes section, searching for the Class they teach in the list of Classes, and finally typing their name in the Instructors section of the specific Class selected. Of course, be sure to save your work by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

If you do not assign Instructors to their Classes as an admin they will not see any when they login to AccuClass.

Weekly Schedules

This is where you can view the weekly schedule for the following:

  • Instructor's Schedule
  • Student's schedule
  • Classroom's schedule.

When you get here simply type the name of the Instructor, Student, or Classroom you would like to view the schedule for in AccuClass. This area can help tremendously when determining Class times that were imported , to view/print a weekly schedule for a Student or Instructor, and troubleshooting why a Student's Sign-in was not tabulated correctly on their Attendance. Typically if an issue arises where you have a lot of unresolved swipes this area can help figure out the scheduling issue.


This function allows you to send a notification to every student using the AccuClass mobile app. If push notifications are enabled on their devices, it will appear as one.

Creating a Notification

You can send an notification immediately or schedule notifications to be sent automatically at certain times. Follow these steps to create a notification:

  1. Enter the title of the notification. This is the message that will be displayed when the student first sees the notification.
  2. Optionally, you can enter additional text to the notification. The student will be able to read this additional text if they open the notification on their app.
  3. Choose who will receive this notification. The default setting is to send the notification to every student. However, you can choose to send the notification to a specific student, as well as to the students of a specific class.
  4. Choose when to send the notification. If you have the setting set to Now, simply finish the notification by clicking on the Send Now button. If you choose to schedule a date and time, you must select a day and time to send the notification on. Click on Schedule to finish scheduling your notification. Conference Tracker will automatically send out the notification at the appointed time.
If you schedule an notification, make sure that it is exactly how you want it. You can not make changes to an notification once you've scheduled it.

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