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Create / Edit Departments
This is an optional section to set up your Classes' Departments. This option is used primarily to group the Classes on your Exports and Reports in AccuClass.
Create New Department
To Create a New Department:
- Start by clicking the Departments button under the View/Edit Classes section from the AccuClass home screen.
- Then click Create New and fill in the following information:
- Department Name: Complete with the name of your Departments that you categorize your Classes.
- Finally, click the Save button to save your input information.
View/Edit Department
To Edit a Department:
- Click the Department button under the View/Edit Classes section from the AccuClass home screen.
- Next, you should click blue Title link.
- Once in the Departments menu you can simply edit the Department Name in the field provided.
- When finished click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Delete Department
To Delete a Department:
- If trying to Delete the department look for a “More Actions” box in the top-right corner of the page. Click the blue Delete Department link in the box.
- Finally, click the OK button to confirm the deletion request.
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