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Attendance Logs
This is a section to view the Attendance for each individual Student's attendance which includes the total minutes and percentage of time in the class. Use the search criteria below to get a quick view of the attendance.
Viewing Attendance Logs
To view attendance logs do the following:
- At the home screen go to the Attendance section and click on Logs.
- Once there you will be prompted to Filter the attendance logs into the following categories: (at least one filter must be present for the logs to work)
- Class
- Group
- Student
- Date Range
- Set your Filters and then click the View Attendance button.
At this point you will see a complete chart of the student(s) attendance data of the semester. This chart contains the following:
- Students Name and ID: Ex. Pam Beasley (ID A0000004)
- Class Name and ID: Ex. TEST-class 1
- Class Session Date: Ex. Wednesday 02/12/2020
- Class Session Time: Ex. 9:30am - 3:00pm
- Class Session Status: Ex. Present
- Class Session minutes in and percentage: Ex. 49 mins 98%
To edit the filters used to pull this attendance data, click the Change Filters button. This will reopen the Filters screen for the Attendance Logs.
To edit a specific status click on the status and this will open the View Attendance Details page for that student.
Click here for a PDF sample of this American Government Class Logs Report.