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Advanced Options
This is the place where you can import your students, your classes and everything to quickly get started. To make it as simple as possible we have defined a bunch of formats to follow. By creating a file as explained in the link below, you can directly upload the file and AccuClass will recognize it as valid one, knowing completely what to do.
This is the place where you can export your students, your classes and everything to quickly get started. To export your data go to the Advanced Options section and click Export Data. You can download your data by clicking the Download link in the corresponding column for the format you want the data to be exported. You are able to download your data as CSV , HTML and Excel 2007/10 file. for more information on how to export click the link below:
This is the place where you can delete all your students, your classes and attendance quickly. To delete all your data go to the Advanced Options section and click Mass Delete. From there you have different options on how you would want to delete your data. For more information click the link below:
Note: This section will only be seen on an Institutional Account
This is where you can add, edit, and/or delete Administrators. This is also a section where you can edit the Administrators information or update their profile picture. For more information click the link below:
These are all of the Account settings used to determine the Time-zone, Branding(Logo), Attendance Settings and more available in AccuClass. Click on the link below to see how to customize settings based on your needs: