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Welcome to AccuClass
Below you will find the first steps when setting up your Accuclass instructor account
Instructors should have been given their login information to access AccuClass by the admin. The information provided to an instructor for them to be able to Sign in into AccuClass should be:
- Domain - This is the institutions domain
- Email - your email
- Password - the password assigned by the admin (you will be able to change it once logged in)
For an instructor to sign in to the AccuClass app, the admin can have AccuClass email them their information by clicking on Send App Login Instructions on the Instructor page. A sample email of the instructions is shown below:
Once you have all of the login information you are ready to Login to AccuClass
After you have all the Login information you will be able to log into AccuClass on a computer using the normal login or on a table/phone using the login app instructions
Login Using Computer
To login to AccuClass go to and fill in all of the information needed to login:
- Domain - This is the institutions domain
- Email - your email
- Password - the password assigned by the admin (you will be able to change it once logged in)
Login Using AccuClass App
To login to AccuClass using the app you must first install the app, for instruction on how to download the AccuClass app Click Here.
Once the app is downloaded you can sign in by:
- Entering your Email
- Entering your Password
To view classes instructors must go to the View/Edit Classes section under Classes of the main menu.
Once in class menu, click on the class to see all the settings. Instructors can only view the class times and settings, only Administrators can manage enrollment or switch class settings
After clicking on the class name, one can view the class information and the schedule.
Click on an option below to choose how you would like to track attendance for your classroom!
To find out which attendance method is best for you, visit Recording Attendance
To view and edit the attendance of a class click on Sheet under Attendance section of the main menu.
Once there you will be prompted to select the class your want the Attendance Sheet to be pulled. Select the class and click the View Attendance button.
At this point you will see a complete chart of the students and the days of the semester with the attendance data.
There are multiple ways to edit attendance:
- To edit the attendance for a particular day, select the appropriate column for that day. This will open the Roll Call for that day.
- To edit the attendance for a student, select the student by clicking on their name. This will open the students Attendance Logs for every day.
- To edit the attendance for a particular Log, select the appropriate log for that day. This will open the Attendance Details for that log.
You can click the Hide Totals button if you would like to view the charted data without the text summary for each student.
Click here to go back to the Main AccuClass Documentation page.