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Viewing Classes
To view classes instructors must go to the View/Edit Classes section under Classes of the main menu.
Once in the class menu, click on the class to see all the settings.
After clicking on the class name, one can view the class information and the schedule.
More Actions
- View Enrollment: This option allows you to view students enrolled in this class.
- View Attendance Sheet: This option allows you to view the attendance sheet, modify attendance/roll call. (For more information Click Here)
- View Attendance Summary: This option allows you to view the attendance summary report for this class.
- View/Edit Sessions: This option allows you to add/remove sessions from a Class that have already occurred. This may be necessary if the following occurs:
- All the Classes were added to the term/semester prior dates of the term/semester being changed but had already taken place (i.e. you changed the start date of the term/semester).