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View All (Appointment) Buttons
This is where users view all the various appointments scheduled around campus. A new appointment can also be created from this screen as well.
- Create New - This option allows you to select Service or Location to create an appointment.
- Show list options- Please select from a list of options:
- Show All- This option lists all appointments regardless of their Dates.
- Show today's only- This option lists Appointments for today only (Current Date only).
- Show happening right now only- This option lists Appointments that are happening right now.
- Show future only- This option skips past Appointments and shows only Appointments with a Start Date equals to the current Date and onwards.
- Show past only- This option skips Future Appointments and shows only Appointments with a Date equals to the current Date and before.
- Show in custom date range- This option allows you to pick a range, please type a Start-Date and Time AND an End-date and Time, to list the appointments within that range.
- View Magnifying glass icon Option - This option lets you view the appointments listed based on some options(see details below):
Appointments List Options
- Cancel- use this option to cancel the appointment. A confirmation option will show, see sample below:
- Edit- Use this option to make changes to the appointment.
- Restore- Use this option to restore an appointment that was deleted. See sample below:
- Virtual Sign-in - For online appointments only, this option allows you to sign-in to the appointment.
Filter Options (View Magnifying glass icon Option)
- Search - This option allows us to search some known text in the system.
- Search in - This option allows you to filter the above mention search to a particular category.
Refine your search
- Status - Please select a Status to filter with.
- Student First Name- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Student Last Name- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Attendee - Card #- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Staff Member First Name- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Staff Member Last Name- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Staff Member Card #- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Location- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Date Start- Please type in a Date Start to search in the referenced field.
- Date End- Please type in a Date End to search in the referenced field.
- Course- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Services- Please type in some text to search in the referenced field.
- Apply Filters - Use this option to filter the list using all filters selected above.
Appointments-Create Manually
Click in the “Create Manually” button to avoid the Appointment Wizard and select all the parameters on the same screen.
- Location- Use this option to select the appointment Location.
- Semester- Use this option to select the Semester information.
- Date- Use this option to select the appointment Date.
- Duration- Use this option to select the appointment Duration.
- Schedule As- Use this option to select the role of who is creating the appointment.
- Student- Use this option to select the Attendee.
- Staff Member- Use this option to select who will be meeting with the Attendee.
- Service- Select the Service associated with this appointment.
- Course- Select the Course associated with this appointment.
- Notes- Add Notes as needed in this appointment.
- SAVE- Select this option to try to save the appointment with the current parameters.
- Search Available Slots- Use this option to search available slots using all filters set above.
- Cancel- Use this option to cancel and rollback without saving.
This is an example of an exception that could show if some rules are broken, in this case, the problem is that the staff is not registered in the selected service(s), so in order to fix this then a link must be set between this service with this staff and then try again.
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